How'd it go today?

5.5? cool.
heck, as long as Boston Legal is still on we should be good to go. Hope all is well in your burg Stephen.
Yeah, we are a long ways from it. I emailed my daughter in SF and she said it shook the house but not too bad. Couldn't get through on the phones. Everything still functional here. Didn't even slosh water from the pool.

Wow, Missed it, idn't even notice.
That's really not that far away either.
I guess that's a good thing when you own your house and earthquake insurance is high dollar.
I was talking to a friend in SF when it hit, indeed it was a 5.5. He said the walls creaked a bit, but the power didn't flicker or go out. All is well it seems.
We ordered a tower to replace our existing desktop, should ship next wed. I got my class schedule done for next semester, taking 21 hours in 2 days and one extra night class. That means I'll have 4 day weekends, and Tuesdays off aside from a first intensive (15 nights of class) night class. Mon and Wed classes start at 11 (I think) and run fairly till 8:45.

Over 18 hours require permission from the Dean. With my present GPA, he said no with a healthy laugh. A minute and a half later I was headed back to turn in the form with his signature of approval.

The plan is I'll take a suimmer class (or two) online and be able to transfer to State next fall to work on my Criminal Justice certificate (Sociology major) which I hope to get in 2 years.
I'm leaving the new office here in about 5 minutes... another long day, and the rest of the week doesn't look any shorter. :lol:

For the pay, I don't mind though. :D
Just finished the rear brake job on my 1 ton. I am embarressed and scared that I was driving it how it was. The pads fell off in peices in my hands. I knew I needed 'em and kept putting them off. Glad it's done now. It's nice finally having an e-brake.
We need something to scare open some wallets. Budget Tree and Sun State Tree both laid off a bunch of guys last week, none of my guys have anything going on and I've worked 3 days in the last 2 weeks. With the economy tanking, everybody has put all optional spending on hold and are hanging on to their money.
I trimmed a chinese pistachio, a "strawberry" tree and a bunch of shrubs. Oh and I got a new exhaust system on my PU this morning.
brendon, i just did the same on my dodge. what a pain to have to shut the truck off every time you get out! a good 10 hours in today, also got my replacement engine so hopefully it will be up and running soon
I worked with my buddy Dan today. He is finally back from fighting wildfires on his Alaska Hot Shot Crew. We had a good day today exchanging fire tales. I could have never managed to fight fires on the the crew he was on. The stinky bastards never shower when they are away from base. I have gone for a week, maybe longer without showering but if showers were made available, I used them. Dan's crew also had a rule against shaving or trimming your beard. He looked like the wildman of Borneo when he first got into town. Those Alaska crews are vile.
When bathing is not possible it is one thing but even a spit bath should be possible at some point and choosing not to bathe is just nasty and extraordinarily stupid. Was the crew French?
When bathing is not possible it is one thing but even a spit bath should be possible at some point and choosing not to bathe is just nasty and extraordinarily stupid. Was the crew French?

Yeah, I mean you have some water with you right?
I can't sleep with that grungy feeling after 3 days of not bathing (or a few hours on the beach, salt spray feels just as gross). I'm no clean freak but I'd be looking for a water hose and a rag after 2-3 days.
dropped 5 bills on the truck this am after going in for an oil change, three estimate in the afternoon, tomorrow is an office day for one report and the previously mentioned estimates, oh and one design sketch for some landscape beds. and maybe lunch with an old friend.
and maybe talking to Squisher about his reports, if he calls.
and clicking some google ads here :shifty:
and the wife is working late tomorrow so I needs to make my own eats, but thats the norm here anyways, I do most of the meal prep.
and I need to wash the truck.
and I need to hook the airhorns back up to the new battery.
and I need to schedule a day to get the upper and lower ball joints in the truck replaced, apparently they are toast.