How'd it go today?

Ford = fix or repair daily.

:) ha. its not so bad, I have been ignoring the hard pull to the right for months watching the tire erode. The tie rod end and sleeve was needing replacement immediately, the tech said my ball joints needed attention soon.

go ahead, the door is wide open now Darin...
The midnight Suns?

They came to a fire on the Plumas, and they were stinky for sure,
We spotted one eating pizza in a booth in the corner, kinda cowered over his food.

I guess some overhead at camp were offended by their odor.

WoW Paul your truck tales made me think of what could go south on me.
Hope it all clears well.:)
Deva, its the I-beam axle on the front end. either regular maintenance or once in a while big bills. I chose the once in a while route.
I had to look really close to see what i had wrong, on a 3" screen that "i" flat disappears.

I once went 13 days without a shower while backpacking in New Mexico, no provisions for one. It was sure nice to get back to base camp where the hot water flowed.

I'm proud to report my ball joints are in good repair. I'd hate for a joint to let go, I'm dredfully attached them and of course it would leave me at the worse moment. Right in front of some pretty girls no doubt.

I lit a burn pile about 40 minutes ago, going back to bed now :)

Mornin Tree House.
Mornin' to you too! :P

I get the pleasure of dealing with 'Base traffic on my way to today's project...

a machine upgrade. Strip most of the guts out, replace some stuff, reinstall said guts that go back, make sure it all works, cuss when it doesn't, and work late as usual.
FORD. F##ker Only Runs Downhill.

Next step is rear tires. Probably drop around 6 bills on those. Noticed a broken leaf while I was under there also. Shocks, framepaint. Ahh never ends.
I lit a burn pile about 40 minutes ago, going back to bed now :)

Mornin Tree House.

No sir. You keep your lazy butt up and monitor that burn. The only time stuff like that gets away is when you quit watching it ....and that could ruin your life.
It was done that way because whatever (the whole top) landed in the brush could stay, no clean up. The tree was a mile high!
Fence shots are ezpz. If you miss, it's only $40 for a new section of fence. Good place to practice tight lays.

And nice work on avoiding the cleanup! Sometimes customers will offer something like that, not realizing just how much brush you will put in that overgrown area. :thumbup:
Not bad, bid three jobs, got'em all.. one's 5 big pines and some pruning around a house for $4500... speed line city. The debris is all gonna be handled by another outfit, all I have to do is climb and rig.
Started setting up a high line for a really icky dead tree removal late this afternoon, everything's staged now... gonna be a fun technical project. The high line might be overkill but I don't wanna get killed and I've got the time to do it... pics tomorrow I hope.
Finished making my new 7/16" neopro lanyard this AM... life is good. If only I had a girlfriend it would be perfect.
I went and got a truck that a high school friend of mine gave me and we took the bed off, towed the cab and chassis over to my cousin's shop (if the CHP would have caught us I might be in jail as we speak) we then pulled the cab off of it and that's about as far as we got today. It is a replacement for the motor in my forestry truck. We are planning on getting the motor running in the truck that is in now before making the switch over to the forestry truck.
Oh man that dude wearing the tophat running the forklift is a classic man lmfao. Heh wait that's not you is it?:D
Oh man that dude wearing the tophat running the forklift is a classic man lmfao. Heh wait that's not you is it?:D

It's not a top hat and it's not me. It's kind of a fedora made from leather and it is oil soaked and embeded with dirt if it wasn't already cool enough. That's my cousin. He gets mistaken for a Dunkard all the time. He handed "the hat" to me to put in the back of the pickup today and I felt obligated to oblidge him as he is helping me out on the engine deal. I guess I've touched a lot worse things. The cab of his PU is just as bad. Every nook and cranny has some sort of debris, dirt, oil, grease and/or a random tractor part in it. He is fastidious when cleaning parts for assembly but in the rest of his life. I'll see if I can get a picture of it tomorrow. It's very impressive.
gon an underbid and an over bid job done today, and got the main and rod bearings changed out in my 350
Steve no offense was meant to you or your cousin. Just brought back some memories of alot of good times hanging out at my buddies auto-wreckers as a kid. Cherry wreckers in Cherryville, B.C. quite the crew.:thumbup: