How'd it go today?

I got to trim a big ass live oak for a doctor that was into that ham radio shit. I don't get it. Didn't the WWW outdate that technology? I wish he woulda been home so I coulda axed him about it. He had several serious looking antenna's standing tall.
ex-IBM'er...surfs a lot. Still likes the old school radio thing though. It is kinda cool to know morse code.
Pruned about 50 f@#$ing crabapples today in 2 app. complexes. Pruned the rest of the trees this summer and had to wait for the fall to do the fruit trees. Glad they're done! 3 guys, 1 day, 50 prunes, = real good $!!!! And I'm not kidding, however, if I see another fruit tree in the near future I'm gonna growl.
Oh yes today,retrieved Mrs Smith 's auto from the mechanic which would be me.Tweeked ,twittered and fiddled around with 11 saws to go to a GTG.Also split about a face cord of wood.Not too bad for an old fart,eh:D
Impressive Al. Branch Doc on my apple orchard I had 2,132 apples to prune. Looked at nothing else for about 2 months. I only worked about a hour today and made $350.
Picked up some legal work standing expert witness in a branch failure case. Nice hourly rate. Not so nice for the poor kid that got his head stoved in by the falling branch though, poor lad has been in a coma since it happened in August. I'm now on retainer so can't say any more.
taking today and tomorrow off, like actually not working at all. well, ok, one estimate I have to type and fax. Wife and I are headed in to the big smoke (Vancouver) to traipse around for no good reason. :D
I'm starting to bounce off the walls. Third day of rain... for which I'm thankful, but I've been in a tree every day but one since early September and I don't have any jobs lined that are suitable to do in the rain. I figured I'd be happy for the time off, and I was the first day... but now all I'm doing is hurting and eating and cleaning... I wanna climb something!
Im sittin here at work thinkin I should start " The official I'm sicker than a Dog thread " cuz I am sicker than a dog. side note: I never, never miss work because Im sick, however I will miss work in order to do so.
I did a "height reduction" on a bunch of orange trees today. The homeowner says that he can't see raising fruit that he can't pick. I also removed a fan palm tree in the back yard of the same house. The wood really compressed, I couldn't cut through it with the 200T, it would just bind up, used the 046. My stepdaughter just moved back here from Tennessee and she is helping me. I had to cut the pieces way smaller than I would have for the guys.
I thought I was going to be packing the office up today... wrong!

I get ready to head to lunch and my radio goes off. It's a machine down and I have to bring him a $30k part to swap it out with, over a $2 gear, all because it's so new, no spare parts exist in the system. We think we're done, nope! Because of the rain, a different module shorts out and dies. We swap it with the last spare, and that's a bad one as well, so in total, we work in the rain to give our customer, half a machine, for the night.
A base machine on average is about $50k, if I remember correctly. But there are variants, so the prices vary depending on the type of machine.

They are like cars, the more gizmos, the more you pay.