How'd it go today?

I just finished up a $4,500. job that took me 2 weeks to complete & I am broke as a joke & $850 out on loans, less payroll & expenses.
Let's hear how y'all are rollin' in it ?!?
It was an estate, Brendon. A new owner, at that. So, the first thing outta their mouth is, "Why did the last owner pay $6,500 a year for this ???"
Michigan's economy SUX, and so I came way down on my price. I regret that !!!
It was an estate, Brendon. A new owner, at that. So, the first thing outta their mouth is, "Why did the last owner pay $6,500 a year for this ???"
Michigan's economy SUX, and so I came way down on my price. I regret that !!!

Sorry T, that hurts!! Been hearing about the economy up there, it's gettingscary from what I've heard!!!
I'm broke as a joke, gave up all of the clients I did have so I could go work fulltime, just to loose that job. Starting from scratch again. Not much, but I hope it makes you feel a little better?
Well I haven't been feeling well all week and I am glad to have a three day weekend. Tomorrow I have some bids to do. We had a wind storm today so I may to work but hope not to.

I stopped by the local REI (outdoor sports store) to look for a saddle for my kid. While I was there I bumped into Avery/Happy Tree and we chatted a bit. We then bumped into James from Countrywide Tree Care. James and I did a job together a while ago and whenever we bump into each other he tells me how much more money he is making than me. I love it. I am not super competitive most of the time, with James I make an exception.

James is all about sales and making money. I like money but I want to make folks happy about their trees and establish a good name for myself. I work too cheaply a lot of times, I know it. James confirms it. James is booked up a month out. I am booked up one week out. James says he brings in $1500 a day for two guys, while I am shooting for $700.

James must be defeated.
James is all about sales and making money. I like money but I want to make folks happy about their trees and establish a good name for myself. I work too cheaply a lot of times, I know it. James confirms it. James is booked up a month out. I am booked up one week out. James says he brings in $1500 a day for two guys, while I am shooting for $700.

James must be defeated.

I have a friend in the tree business who sounds exactly what you described.He's got 15 employees and runs three different crews.He only got there because his father owns probably the biggest logging outfit in this state.All he talks about is how covered up he is and he's always got some new peice of equipment he's telling me about when I see him.It drives me crazy...There is another guy I know who has a much bigger outfit,and you are lucky if he even takes the time to tell you hello.He's overly cocky,and he's always putting down the small guys like us saying that we make the industry as a whole look bad....I found out not long ago that he had to get rid of most of his equipment and lay off all but three of his guys,and he's still selling off stuff...I don't wish bad on anyone,but after all the cracks he's made and things he's said about other people behind their backs it serves him right.
Are you going to weld him to death?

Flash burns to the cornea do almost make you wish you were dead, Devon

TNT, High Voltage, Concrete Shoes?

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap!

I can work under my muslim terrorist name... Fugly Al Mullet, the hairorist.

With a swift and might leaf blower, Ia messa his hair up so bad they no recogniza him. :D
YEA MAN!!! Cuz we hard like dat!! An if dat don't get em down like the little beooootch he be, wez gunna whip hiz azz wit da line fro the weedeater! YO!!
kinda crummy today, got to a job i bumped somebody else to do cause the owner needed part of the job done for his construction crew. i get there and am setting up(almost no parking) and the construction guys start showing up and saying we need to park there, you park in the shared driveway and move when someone needs by! cant you drag your brush all the way over there? yeah right! we just did the immediate work and will have to go back later fo the rest of the job:eyeroll:
kinda crummy today, got to a job i bumped somebody else to do cause the owner needed part of the job done for his construction crew. i get there and am setting up(almost no parking) and the construction guys start showing up and saying we need to park there, you park in the shared driveway and move when someone needs by! cant you drag your brush all the way over there? yeah right! we just did the immediate work and will have to go back later fo the rest of the job:eyeroll:

I had a builder that I do work for call me late one evening to tell me he needed a tree removed the next morning...NP..I didn't have alot going on anyway so I showed up there at 8AM the next morning to meet him...It was a water oak nearly five feet in diameter and no doubt needed a crane.He asked if I could have it done by 3PM.I laughed at him,but did manage to get a crane out within an hour...While waiting on the crane,20 other different workers showed up..carpenters,plumbers,the whole nine yards including roofers.The tree was directly over where those guys were working on the roof,one of the big leads on the tree was less than ten feet above the roof.The roofers elected to come back another time,but I had to wrestle everyone on the job site for the entire day,and seemingly every fifteen minutes someone else would show up and park directly in the way of what was going on....You gotta love it...:X
This was on Monday actually, but I'm just getting it off the camera. Big white fir in my boss's yard, 15' from his house. He needed it out to make room for his kid's swing set.

Good tree. My tree partner Pat and I did it. He likes to climb, and he likes to rig, so he climbed it, rigged it with a pull rope just in case of some unforseen crazieness and to keep it out of the neighbor's yard and the street. I'm a timber guy, so I like to fall them as a whole, which I did. Came down with a rush and a thud. No pulling, just wedge, thick holding wood, and a big open face for the downhill lay to keep it on the stump as long as possible. Again, good tree.

In the words of John Hanibal, "I love it when a plan comes together."
I spent this morning with this bird, at the Nassau Zoo. Not sure what kind it is, they told us but.... Cool as all get out though. The featured bird at the zoo were the Flamingos and they were cool as well, put on a show that we enjoyed.
I have turned over my discing accounts to my son so he can make some money. Here is his first day at the UPS facility in Ceres.
Was the tree sick? It looks kind of sparse.

I'm not sure. The stump and holding wood was viable, but the limbs on the way up were dead as hell. I don't know if they were just shedding as fir do to their lower, non-viable limbs. It'd been topped by wind and it looked kinda screwy.

Let's just say I made a thorough vertical bore cut before I made my face and back cut, and had two guys watching out for widowmakers.
Steve, we have one of those on our vineyard. Old technology, a pain the the arse to operate, but reliable. Poor guy will learn to hate that tractor. :) At least the ground there is flat.
Prettly relaxed today, just got stoked because I seen 4 hawks at about 200 feet decend close to my back yard. I absolutly could not belive it I have never seen 4 in a group 1 trailed off south but three headed my way. I couldnt belive it ive never seen it. Incrediable. it was like they had a gathering at 300 feet screaching and then dispersed. I thought they were solidary creatures but it seems knot.
Layin' around on my ass all day long!!...My wife wants me to wash the Trail Blazer....Ha!!!!.....It ain't happnin'....I'm watching movies on cable.