How'd it go today?

Do you disk it down to reduce the fire hazard? Or is just to make it look better?

Thanks, Wally

With these guys it's fire hazard. They didn't do anything until they got a notice from the city that if they didn't disk it then the city would do it and send them the bill.
Steve, we have one of those on our vineyard. Old technology, a pain the the arse to operate, but reliable. Poor guy will learn to hate that tractor. :) At least the ground there is flat.

Yeah we are about as flat as you get here.
Started my lot clearing job today fell a whole shwack of trees, probably finish up the cutting tomorrow and then start loading the wood out. I've got access to a bobcat with just a smooth edge bucket so chains will be in order for loading logs.
Today hasn't happened for us yet. We have some good friends who are moving away coming over for a barbecue this afternoon. I have work I could do today, a tree that fell over in a backyard. I told the customer I could do it Labor Day or the next opening was Friday. He said I shouldn't work Labor Day so I am taking him up on it. The customer is always right.

Yesterday, the whole family, my wife, daughter, mother in law and myself rafted down the Boise river. There are some rapids but is a mellow affair. Everyone had a great time, especially my mother in law, who hasn't done anything like this in ages. We stopped out on a sandy beach and Haley and floated down a stretch of the river in our life jackets. I wanted her to get the hang of being in the river, out of the boat, if she should ever fall in. I think she is going to be a big white water enthusiast growing up here.
The river here is choked up with weekend warriors. We have been hanging out at an absentee clients pool (with permisson).
Our river isn't too crowded. They have really cracked down on drinking alcohol on and around the river and fostered a real family friendly environment.
It took us half the time I alloted for finishing those white pines over in Greenville..I'm not sure what to do with myself now.It's too late to move in on another job.My wife's leaving in about 20 minutes for work so me and the kids have the house to ourselves..:)...Tomorrow night the party's over though...She'll be home til' Thursday evening.
Let's see... I've done the following:

-been to the grocery store, picked up some odds and ends.
-picked up a 6 pack of Bud Light.
-ran by the auto parts store, and got some butt connectors and teflon tape.
-fixed the shower head
-swapped the cb out in my truck with another one from around the house.
-tore the old one apart to see what is wrong with it. I'll take it to my Electronics Teacher, and let his students have fun with it.

Now, I'm gonna get ready to cook some fish. :D
They sell beer in six packs? I never knew.

Drove 70 miles round trip to do a quickie job this morning, "3 limbs over a pool screen, as small as your wrist". The tree was completely covered in vines, I had to set up in a swampy muddy area, and I had to pull out the 372 to make the last 6-8 cuts. I got stuck trying to pull out and spent 30 minutes using the outriggers to jack up the truck, put cribbing under the tires, pull up the outriggers, and spin off the cribbing. Rinse and repeat 4 times before I finally got out.

Then to top it off, the guy poormouthed me and shorted me $50 (with prerequisite promises of making it up to me). :roll: Just the crap we gotta go through in order to find and build new clientel. Maybe the next one won't waste my time so badly.
They sell beer in six packs? I never knew.


That's funny! I was the same way with Marlboros. I hadn't bought a single pack of smokes since I was 13. Ha! As an adult my parents would get my smokes on the AF base. I would always buy the max number of cartons allowed. It always amazes me when people buy just 1 or 2 packs at a time.
I better get my fat ass on the treadmill and knock out my 3.25 miles... :|:

See ya'll in an hour! :)
I had a combination pruning / clean-up job today and I hauled three loads in my dump trailer to the recycling place. About 4 years worth of lawn clippings, and brush. About a dozen dead fruit trees. I got all the stumps out with my tractor so I didn't have to go home and get the stump grinder and I loaded up about 4 tons +- of ivy trimmings.
Blah! Warm beer sucks! :big-mad2:

So, I've had a sneaking suspicion that I have some main bearings going... knocking at higher RPM's, and dropping oil pressure as the engine runs. I just added another piece of evidence to my case.... metal in the oil. :pissed:

I need this job, soon.
Laboring away on such a day , Steve ?!?

Yeah, I have been sitting around enough though. Going to a funeral this morning and my neighbor just called and had a limb break on an olive tree and I have two bids this afternoon so far. So things finally started picking up.
I went and cut a couple of stumps down for a guy this morning,then bid jobs...Since I worked yesterday,I decided to lay low today.