How'd it go today?

I went fishing yesterday, it was cool!!! Me and two neihbor kids loaded up and headed down the road. Stopped about 7 miles from home to get gas. Got gas then the Bronco wouldn't start. It would fire up and die, fire up and die. Pushed it out of the way and called for help. Changed the fuel pump out, pulled the carb off and cleaned it twice. Still no run. Pulled out the points, filed cleaned and reset, nope! Called m dad, we drug it home with a chian. I foun a hole for the EGR valve that had been plugged and the epoxy had come loose. OK, tore it apart and resealed it. Nope, fire up and die. I discovered if I kept the key i the start position it would stay running. Needs and ignition switch.
Been raining all day so I am not hip on riding my bike the 7 miles to get the part. Been a good weekend!
Took down 2 maples and loaded the crappy wood and dumpped at the dump spot. Then went back and loaded the goos wood and dumped it at my house.
A lady called the other day for an estimate. As she described the location and the job, I started getting deja vu. Turns out I pruned all her trees for my old company. Looking around from her place I realized I pruned almost all the trees on that block for my old company. The lady who called me was very unhappy with my old company because the quality of the work had gone down since I left. I pruned her trees today. She had me give bids to two other neighbors and took a stack of my business cards.

Did I mention she makes cookies for you if you do work at her house?

In the afternoon we did one medium sized honey locust trim. My phone rang and Avery/Happy Tree (here at the TH) called me up to say that a big dust storm just hit the town where he lives and was headed my way. I quickly finished my climb and rappelled out of the tree. The wind hit a minute or two after his call. Should be quite the mess to clean up tomorrow. I should go sleep.
Great to hear that Darin! :thumb:

Today, I worked on the final stripping of paint off of the bathroom door. I got that done, and did the final filling and sanding of the holes and dents.

All I have to do is the final sanding on the other side, mask off, and paint.

I just had a hot, refreshing shower, and now I'm getting ready for dinner.
Put some peanuts on to boil- putting the seasoning in and had a lady drive up requesting I take a look at her house where a "small sweet gum" had fallen on it. It tore the service from the house. Finished that in an hour and a half. While there, I picked up three more jobs to work on Friday- plus 3 more to bid on.:D
Bean working excavation for my friend who had passed away, father. Pretty dirty job. Its like playing needle in a haystack watching to make sure the excavator doesn't rip open a propane line, 5 irrigation hoses, 3 pool hoses, and some wires. Fun, Fun. We nonchalantly (sp) told the builder how I own a tree care company, hopefully I can get myself in there and take care of the $40,000 ( I saw the check) worth of new plantings. All that money paid to a "profesional" nursery company, and the burlap sacks are extending 6" up all the trunks, just plopped in the ground in severly compact soil. It amazes me.
I jave climbeed and humped over 2 tonns and my wife is more that that by far is it back to mssion mipossible. Her suspence is killing me the heart is a globe there is no road but out of luck
It went purdy gud today..I had to go freeclimd dis chesnut oak with meh rope and meh saw and chunk dat sucker down.
A thunderstorm added to the fun today. We had to descend from the trees for a bit. We started chipping instead and then it started raining buckets. We jumped in the cab of the truck and watched it pour for a bit, decided to just go get lunch. After lunch I did a bid, returned to the job site to find that the chippers shoot was jammed and spent way too long cleaning out the jam. It was the first time it clogged. Wet elm branches did it in.
Before during and after I should hope.

I was slated to slay an innocent Silver Maple today to make way for the new entrance at a church building remodel/addition. Alas , ere I arrived the project manager was informed that the City was inserting the church for another round in their wheel. It seems that bureaucrats love to turn the screws on Church projects because they are dealing with people who try to comply. Developers nod their heads, do what they wanted to do and then say "oops". Churches submit to every indignity. So the water tap that has served so well for the past decades is deemed inadequate for the enlarged seating area in the new building so the Church is compelled to run some 400 feet of new water and sewer lines to tap in at the termination around the corner instead of the current one in front of their building -This they knew to begin with-However, when the various city folk signed off on all the orders, mandates and plans noone noted the large Cottonwood tree growing directly over the end of the water line in the middle of the designated ROW. The excavators showed up and said "Uhhhh...... the blue line is painted through the tree........" So, the church is being stuck with cutting down the City tree to extend the City waterline due to a City mandate. They were over a barrel but even when the project manager said..."It doesn't matter what it costs we gotta do it and we'd like for you to switch over and get it first if you can." I couldn't gouge. I left in the afternoon to grab some food give a bid and submit a bill on another job and when I got back and started backing into the cul-de-sac I saw 3 little boys trucking down the middle of the street. I got backed up to the chipper and they were standing beside the pavement. Polite as could be one asked "Sir can you tell us why you cut down the tree". I explained. Then one said "We wondered 'cause it was our clubhouse..." I said, "I'm sorry" and the third said "You're just doing your job." Aargh, I felt especially rotten because of all those evil thoughts about little boys ,hammers and nails that I had when I dulled a chain on the first cut and again immediatley after resharpening for the third cut.
Our office manager comes back to work today after spending a week in Chicago! She always brings a toy for Palmer when she goes away...the pup is spoiled by everyone.
Our office manager comes back to work today after spending a week in Chicago! She always brings a toy for Palmer when she goes away...the pup is spoiled by everyone.

Is that your dog in your avatar pic?...I grew up with a golden retriever,besides the German Shepherd I have now,he was the best dog I ever had.I had him from the time I was 5 until I was 12,then while I was gone to the beach with a friend one summer my dad just gave him away.I still haven't forgiven him for that.
Is that your dog in your avatar pic?...I grew up with a golden retriever,besides the German Shepherd I have now,he was the best dog I ever had.I had him from the time I was 5 until I was 12,then while I was gone to the beach with a friend one summer my dad just gave him away.I still haven't forgiven him for that.

Yes, that is my pup in my avatar. I just love him. Sorry to hear about your dad giving your pup away. My mom did the same thing to me, gave my English Setter back to my Aunt one summer. :X :evil:
I just bid a small job for a HOA. I specifically put in 2 hours for removing all the straps and bracing on all the trees that were planted 2 years ago. All that crap has been on there long enough that it's beginning to girdle the trees.