How'd it go today?

A locust branch smacked my knee yesterday. I didn't register the hit so much as the thorn it embedded in my knee cap. The pain didn't hit me until the wee hours of morning and today I was grounded. My guy Preston worked as a one man band today. He paid for himself three times over and I did bids and a little bit of shopping at the Vermeer/Sherrill shop.

I feel like I am getting hurt a lot. I hope to change that.
Congrats Jason!
I went fishing today. I caught somewhere between 1.5 and 2 gazillion trout.( I lost count).Trees are starting to turn above 10k feet.
went to run errands today, drove past the scandinavian community hall and there was a big poster on the fence that said "Polish beer festival". couldnt help myself and I turned in to have a look. had a great kielbasa sammich with onions, a couple good polish brews and watched some folks dance around in frilly outfits. I dont think I heard anyone there speak ANY english except the olf Finnish dude that sat at my table in the beer garden for a few minutes.
all in all a good day so far. :)
I pruned a Jap. Maple, a Dogwood & a Crabapple... plus planted 23 shrubs in what I can only describe as a psychotic landscape. $230. Beautiful. Have a great weekend.
Okay, big day here. Our daughter (25 on Tuesday) has been living with us for the past year....has been moving into her own place today!! Our other daughter moved back to town today!!
Lauri, the one that just moved back, met our lead Arborist, Jeff a year ago July 4th. She brought a friend down to visit with us and Jeff hosted a BBQ so they met. Before the weekend was over, Jeff asked to talk to us...said he would like to be able to get to know Lauri. Jeff, to us, was already like family so we were good with it and impressed that he asked.
After a year of her traveling here and he traveling to North Carolina, she decided to take a job with our accountants office as their Auditor. The negotiations for the job seemed to take months. She is here and plans to turn the man cave he lives in a little more girl friendly!!!
Sounds great, Gigi! Well, except for the part about her trying to change the guy part...

-happily single and not wanting to be changed,
Sounds great, Gigi! Well, except for the part about her trying to change the guy part...

-happily single and not wanting to be changed,


Seriously, he is welcoming the change. He even hired a maid to clean before she got there. How sweet is that? Some parts can not be changed, like the 5 foot safe that houses his guns!!! Trust me, he is enough of a man not to be run over.
I was working on pulling the loose seed pods from a couple of very tall palm trees and I pulled a muscle in my shoulder. The pain goes all the way up my neck behind my ear.
Okay, big day here. Our daughter (25 on Tuesday) has been living with us for the past year....has been moving into her own place today!! Our other daughter moved back to town today!!
Lauri, the one that just moved back, met our lead Arborist, Jeff a year ago July 4th. She brought a friend down to visit with us and Jeff hosted a BBQ so they met. Before the weekend was over, Jeff asked to talk to us...said he would like to be able to get to know Lauri. Jeff, to us, was already like family so we were good with it and impressed that he asked.
After a year of her traveling here and he traveling to North Carolina, she decided to take a job with our accountants office as their Auditor. The negotiations for the job seemed to take months. She is here and plans to turn the man cave he lives in a little more girl friendly!!!

That's pretty old school that he asked. Impressive! My man cave of about 24 years ago needed a couple of gallons of lysol to get the man cave smell out of it.
no bumper sticker but I did buy the wife a tee shirt that says "Polish girls do it better" :D

its bright red with big white letters. (polish flag is red and white FWIW)
I was working on pulling the loose seed pods from a couple of very tall palm trees and I pulled a muscle in my shoulder. The pain goes all the way up my neck behind my ear.

I keep hurting myself doing things like putting my arms above my head. I liked it better when my injuries came with more dramatic stories. I hope you heal up Steve.
Hi all! We had to evict our tenants and they trashed the place when they left, so we've been having lots of fun fixing the suite. *eyeroll*

Cleaning, painting and laying laminate was a lot easier before my monkey came along. He's been super sweet though just hanging out in his swing while we work.

On a work note, got a call from our new guy today. He starts Tuesday. Woo hoo! Now that we have two guys Tree Guy can start to focus on building the business.
We got stuck with the tenants when we bought our house. Couldn't evict them with the purchase. Really we're glad they are gone. With the upgrades we are doing we can get $150 more a month for the suite and we get to choose who we get. We're going to be picky about it. We're fortunate in that we don't rely on the suite income to pay the mortgage. We're trying to apply the extra to it so we can be mortgage free ASAP.
congrats jason!
pretty good day today, didnt see anything to shoot but did find some fir trees whose first limbs were 54 yards up! nearly 100 feet of crown above that!
HA! talked the wife into going BACK to the polish beer festival, well, I am going back, she is going for the first time. lock up your daughters! :D