How'd it go today?

Hi all! We had to evict our tenants and they trashed the place when they left, so we've been having lots of fun fixing the suite. *eyeroll*

Cleaning, painting and laying laminate was a lot easier before my monkey came along. He's been super sweet though just hanging out in his swing while we work.

On a work note, got a call from our new guy today. He starts Tuesday. Woo hoo! Now that we have two guys Tree Guy can start to focus on building the business.

I made a decent living where I used to live in Akron ohio repair houses that evicted tenants trashed.One house the took every inch of wire and copper pipe.
Things have been slow as hell for me. I've never seen it like this before, in the summer.
three alders to TD, trying to line up a climber for next saturday, I might go thin em out and limb them up as best I can tomorrow. Tuesday is a small removal then a site visit for a report. wed and thursday are a tradeshow and seminars then friday is day one of a two day install if I get the landscape plan I drew yesterday approved. today I cleaned up the office and went to the dump to empty the truck. steady as she goes I guess you could say. currently I am on the ISA website doing a few CEU quizzes, I need 7 more CEU's between now and June 2009, ;) I like to be a little bit proactive.
Things have been slow as hell for me. I've never seen it like this before, in the summer.

I hear you Butch. I just got a phone call 2 minutes ago for a little bit of trimming, which I'll go do tomorrow. I've got nothing else lined up this week, with a $675 insurance payment plus quarterly taxes due by the end of the week. :(
sorry guys, wish i could sub you some work. ive got calls to respond to from last thursday that i wont get to till tommorrow afternoon
Yesterday I pruned 9 olive trees and pulled the loose seedpods off of the two palm trees. Dang Olives, a bunch of them broke all their limbs about 10 years and had grown back real thick and had mucho dead wood underneith.
All I have planned for the week is to run errands and get ready for next week, and to do some odds and ends as far as wrapping up some projects around here before I start working.
Today I took the kid to one of our fine riverside parks for an arts and crafts show. It was nice. We met friends of ours there and passed a good time.
Did some clearing today. Cleared a 15'x100' run for an access way to a new septic installation I also cleared for, about 25'x55'. They kept adding work so I also had to clear a line of trees for underground power. Called him with the price at the end of the day for the extra work and he is trying to wheel and deal me. "Sir, I need to get what I asked you for"....He's sending a check :D . I think because I'm young they think they can pull a fast one on me.

I flopped the mini on its side for the first time today. Almost wet my pants. Come-a-long'd her over and let it sit for a while, let out enough smoke to kill all the mosquito's within 10 mile radius. Woops :( .

Heres a crappy pic.
running good now?

The mini? Like a champ. I had let it sit a while to let some of the oil drain back down. After about 5 minutes of extreme smoke it cleared right up and chugged along the rest of the day. Luckily it didn't flop on the air filter/exhaust side, I think it would have made more of a mess.
Glad your mini is ok Brandon. Ask John (Bivyless) about flipping minis, I hear he has some experience with that! :lol:

Today was great for me. I finally got out to do a little job, first work I've done in almost a week. My back is feeling much better and I ended up picking up two other small jobs. It turned out to be a productive day and I'm off to go look at another one in a few minutes. Boy, it sure doesn't take long to lose your acclimation to the heat. I think I lost about 8 lbs in sweat today!
Glad your mini is ok Brandon. Ask John (Bivyless) about flipping minis, I hear he has some experience with that! :lol:

Today was great for me. I finally got out to do a little job, first work I've done in almost a week. My back is feeling much better and I ended up picking up two other small jobs. It turned out to be a productive day and I'm off to go look at another one in a few minutes. Boy, it sure doesn't take long to lose your acclimation to the heat. I think I lost about 8 lbs in sweat today!

Jus once...........probably again soon:lol:
I got to clear power lines today. I almost had a flashback!!!

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