How'd it go today?

I have yet to have a Workman's comp claim denied on drug test issues, but on whether or not we had them classified right, that is another thing. John once got hurt doing something he was not "classified to do" but in the end they covered him.

Lack of drug testing on their part is not a reason for me to worry, I know my people.
They are, but down here...down in the tropics, there are not that many places that drug test. So, a guy that had an accident in Key West may have to go to Key Largo to get a test. That is at least a 2 hour drive. I am not going to send a guy, I know is drug free, 2 hours to get a test. I don't believe legally I have to within 24 hours. It would be up to the leasing company to provide that.

I noticed you said up to the leasing company, Is this how you are covering your wc insurance? I have been looking into this method, if you have any suggestions please enlighten me.
killed a small hemlock and a large photinia, clipped some hedgie things. three trips to the dump. took some phone calls, booked some more work. got some sun.
home to a cold brew and more phone messages. thinking this is a good night to get it all under control before supper and spend the evening in the living room with the wife unit. :)
had surgery to have a mass removed from inside my nose. had to go yesterday for the prep work - 4 hours. had to go in 2 hours beforehand today to do all this anesthesia crap. surgery itself took 5 minutes!

wife stopped at the loo on the way back to the waiting room and the attendant was already waiting for her to return to tell her I was already out of surgery.
I noticed you said up to the leasing company, Is this how you are covering your wc insurance? I have been looking into this method, if you have any suggestions please enlighten me.

arborworks1, we use the leasing company for our payroll and it also covers workman's comp. We use First Financial, and the service is great. If you are thinking of doing it, shop it , then go back to the company you like the best and ask them to match the price or better yet ask them to beat it. ( I know, we hate it when they do that to us!)
arborworks1, we use the leasing company for our payroll and it also covers workman's comp. We use First Financial, and the service is great. If you are thinking of doing it, shop it , then go back to the company you like the best and ask them to match the price or better yet ask them to beat it. ( I know, we hate it when they do that to us!)
Well V,it looks like you have a paper work empire .The way business tax structures are set up these days, a wise way to go.

I know of several contractors that have leasing type companys.It boggles my little pea mind the way accounting practices are these days.Once again proving that two and two does not really add up to four.
It's my anniversary today!:surprise: Four years of marital bliss will be celebrated over the course of the day, and evening :/: .

Congrats.My wife and I just celebrated our 5th....I worked up in the mountains again today falling trees for a grader.Walking around on that hillside was sheer hell.
Last weekend of the summer and Burnham is not the only one headed for an adventure. We are off this morning to another place, another island!!
Yep Aug 30th me and the better half have been married 22 years. So far so good. :)

Late congrats to you as well Dave! 22 years awesome!

Had a lovely evening at the local steakhouse and after that y'all don't want to know, except maybe for Jonseredbred :P .
Congrats Dave and Justin, best wishes for both of you and your families.

I'm finally coming out of the fog I've been in for most of the day. Took a double dose of numbing stuff at the dentist this morning because I went without eating breakfast. It was 2:30 before my jaw was thawed enough to eat lunch.

On the plus side, I sold another small job for next week and have two more to look at this afternoon. I'll be heading out as soon as traffic dies down a bit (between 6:30 and dark is my favorite time for running bids).
I took down eight white pines today,I've got five more to go back and get on Monday..I hate white pines,but it was much better than working on that damned hillside up in the mountains.