How'd it go today?

I hate ropes that are even numbered lengths, I usually nip the end to make the length more pleasing to my sensibilities.
I usually get about 3'-6' off the end of a spliced rope. And used arbo rope is all but impossible to splice again, so it might as well be cut in the middle.

Darin, I have a few extra ropes of odd numbered lengths...
played catch up today after being gone half of last week. the phone went nuts! got a climber on the line that wants 25 per hour, im going to meet him but i also got a buddy thats climbed in the woods and wants to come on and learn so ill probably go with him for now
Finished the big poplars today. Too late for pics...I'm bushed! Crane time was close to 6 hours, I'd stupidly guessed 3......and 4 grapple truck loads at 40 yards a load....had to buck the big wood to 3-5 foot lengths for the tub grinder, and just to pick them up. Had to rip the bottom 15 feet of the larger tree, just to be able to crane some of it and dismantle the rest with the small excavator. I'm gonna guess at the total weight at 180,000 pounds, given about 42 yards of chips and 20 tons per truck load.

And that's leaving the stumps up 2.5 to 3 feet, as it will be easier for my sub with his large tow behind Vermeer to grind them, rather than fighting with a nearly 30 foot circumference butt on the larger tree.

Ran into something in one stump, took 30 minutes to file the nearly ruined left side cutters-42 inch bar. Had just put it back on, after cutting one stump with the 60 inch bar, then letting a worker use it to buck the log while the trash truck kind of rolled it for him...not enough as he rocked it out---that chain was nearly pristine and had only been used a few times--I've had it and the bar for 10 years.

Made a potentially disastrous mistake on a 16 or so foot section, maybe 6000 pounds, didn't get it choked high enough and it did an endo...luckily the crane held it, and it never came near me. But it scared the daylight out of me, and pissed me the hell off for being so stupid.
I admire your desire to do big uglies like that RB. I find I am missing west side trees less and less. Glad it went OK though.
I did in fact. I think the ground guys enjoyed it the most. There's something about brush that flies out of the tree and lays down butt first in front of the chipper, that makes them happy.
I did in fact. I think the ground guys enjoyed it the most. There's something about brush that flies out of the tree and lays down butt first in front of the chipper, that makes them happy.

I remember seeing that for the first time, it was awsome.

RB, glad things went good for you. Be safe my friend.
First time I've used this crane company. That's a sweet 38 ton truck mount, with about 125 feet of main boom!

Dang, it was sure hard to get the chokers around the tree, and then to maneuver into cutting position with either a 36 inch bar 660 or 42 on the 3120. Had to get long lanyards or lifeline around the tree for positioning.....I don't have a flip line over 12 feet.

So, that's only half of the tree at this point, as you can see from the rip cut....


We'd been in a pickle without the builder's excavator on site for two days.


May not look humongous, but this stump was over 22 feet around at 4.5 feet....we'd trimmed it down.

Hey Rog, This is the best way to treat Lombardy pops ;)
You shoulda called Wiley P :D
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Impressive RBtree. Nice clam claw for the brush as well a one humongous crane.
Larger than my biggest stump in my whole life by 1/2foot.

Did a 15 inch hickory removal had to rope out 3 limbs then pic axed in a wagon wheel design around one oak thats displaying dieback post construction. Pic axed and heaved the ground and then stuck a water hose on high pressure in the hole to try and decrease compaction. Stuck about 100 little orange flags in the ground where we pick axed and then watered and then removed flags. Sorry no pics.
I went today and did some cleaning up on a job we did on Friday...Gotta go tomorrow and do a big pine removal
three estimates, two consults that turned into arborist reports. burger fries lunch. booked a couple jobs for the next couple days. four day weekend coming up. :) things are well.