How'd it go today?

That's premium price,and at that price it can't be smaller than 16 inches at the small end.It goes down from there.
No problemo I got some stuff that is 72" on the small end:lol:

We used to get 400 to 500/1000 here for pallet, but that is long gone.
That's premium price,and at that price it can't be smaller than 16 inches at the small end.It goes down from there.

flyboy, that is yellow poplar, right? Totally different animal, genus liriodendron....
Had a small job this morning. Trimmed 4 palm trees and took down two dead pine trees. Started at 8:15 and was done by 9:30. If I could have jobs like this every day I'd be a happy man.
I got you beat at a good $25-30k the last few years....wish I took better care of my teeth.......A triple bridge and two implants under, that was about $9000, 2 more implants this year---$8k.......

Heck, all I really wanted was one more strategically place implant where it would do me some good.....heh.
Tough old call.I was born the victum of bad gums,geneticaly inherited from my fathers side of the family .

By the time I realised there was a problem it was basically too late to reverse or alter the ultimate deteriation of same.I did manage to keep the set of teeth I was born with though for about 15 years longer than any dentist thought possible.

The removable store bought chompers are better that teeth that migrate all around your mouth but not nearly as good as the original equipment.

Oh,the "water pic" does work very well.It gets all the crud you seem to miss with a tooth brush and stimulates the gums as well.Another thing that may be benificial is a sonic tooth brush.
I can't believe how much I've spent on dental procedures in the past few years....I have one molar that's had a crown $$$, a complicated root canal (done by a specialist with a microscope) $$$, and crown lengthening (the tooth is uncovered by trimming the gum tissue) $$$. THEN, they decided there's not enough healthy tooth left to do another I have the choice of a bridge or an implant. BOTH are very expensive. I told them to yank the sucker was getting too expensive. But, I've got both the oral surgeon and my dentist offering to cut out alot of the cost if I'll do the bridge or implant. They both feel bad about the essentially needless procedures I've gone through and paid for. This happens to be a tooth where I'm wired wrong and it's hard if not impossible to numb me up totally.

The oral surgeon extracted it for me, did a bone graft, AND put me OUT during the

Brian, that mouth rinse stuff is available in a generic form now....I think. I'm on my second bottle, they seem to be exactly the same but the generic is ALOT cheaper.
Just got back from a couple of days walking and camping in the Derbyshire Peak district. Very relaxing and some great views.
Tomorrow I'm heading north to the Yorkshire Dales, more camping and plenty of climbing I hope
Just got back from a couple of days walking and camping in the Derbyshire Peak district. Very relaxing and some great views.
Tomorrow I'm heading north to the Yorkshire Dales, more camping and plenty of climbing I hope

Wheres the pics?
I've been layin' on my ass all day...It's been nice..I'm getting ready to go light up the grill and cook some ribs
Today was hot and humid, a just dandy day for moving. Had to help move my girlfriend into college. Between all the driving and the heat and humidity, I beat!
I got the chance to meet Andy, Dave & his family today.
What wonderfull folks we have here at the T House.
Andy even stayed a bit to watch me stumble about in a tree.

Andy & Dave I was very glad to have met the both of you & THANX A LOT FOR YOUR ALLS HELP:big-dance2:
Everyone I've met so far has been aces.

Today we took Haley to the Fair. We ate unhealthy food, went on rides and saw some cool livestock (the alpacas were my favorite). Came home took naps and then went down to the river this evening and played in the water. It was a good day. The kid was a real joy today.
Had a GREAT time Jeff, really!!! I have learned that any time spent with Dave and family, is time well spent!!
And I learned a lot watching you climb, which is what I was after!! I seriously doubt I will EVER have you're upper boddy strength, but I did figure some things out just watching!