How'd it go today?

Heavy day today, deadwooded 10 medium sized monkey pods and pruned 4 shower trees. I'm wiped, but headed to a show in a bit... sleeping late tomorrow :)

Today we took Haley to the Fair. We ate unhealthy food, went on rides and saw some cool livestock (the alpacas were my favorite). Came home took naps and then went down to the river this evening and played in the water. It was a good day. The kid was a real joy today.

Devon, your posts about Haley make me look forward to my dad times. :)
Everyone I've met so far has been aces.

Today we took Haley to the Fair. We ate unhealthy food, went on rides and saw some cool livestock (the alpacas were my favorite). Came home took naps and then went down to the river this evening and played in the water. It was a good day. The kid was a real joy today.

Okay, no, you can not tell us about this glorious day without pictures.
I forgot my camera. Sorry.

This morning she threw a tantrum because I was in laying in bed next to mommy.

"THAT'S MY SPOT! Daddy get out of the bed, I want to be next to mommy!"

Remember that the highs and the lows come in close proximity Paul and parenthood will be a blast.
I got the chance to meet Andy, Dave & his family today.
What wonderfull folks we have here at the T House.
Andy even stayed a bit to watch me stumble about in a tree.

Andy & Dave I was very glad to have met the both of you & THANX A LOT FOR YOUR ALLS HELP:big-dance2:

I was good meeting you Jeff, sorry we couldn't stay longer. We had a couple bids scheduled. And it takes a little effort sometimes to get the carivan of trucks going.:D
But it was a good afternoon. Good company, took Jeff and Jim up in the Spider Lift. Didn't take Andy up tho. I had a hell of a time straightening out the bars on the basket last time he went up....:P
I spent the entire day on the side of a really steep ass hill felling big hardwood trees for this friend of mine in the grading business...It was a pain in the ass..Walking up that hill was more of a workout than climbing trees.
Seen THE ad today, "Machinist wanted, 3-5axis experiance, all shifts, apply in person at ..............."
Drove 45 min., got there, "We are just taking aplications right now, if we see somebody we like we will call them back." Says the receptionists. Then got to drive home Crap, I could have done this a home in my underwear if you had given me an e-mail addy!!!!!!!!!! And not burnt a quarter tank of gas to boot!!!!
I forgot my camera. Sorry.

This morning she threw a tantrum because I was in laying in bed next to mommy.

"THAT'S MY SPOT! Daddy get out of the bed, I want to be next to mommy!"

Remember that the highs and the lows come in close proximity Paul and parenthood will be a blast.

Or just wait....once they're big enough to push you around they just 'cannon ball' right in between you. :roll: :P (I'm not complaining, really I'm not)

I've spent the day trying to keep the cattle watered......broke the third Rubbermaid water tank shut off float valve thing in as many years. None available locally, had to drive 45 miles to get one. I got ticked and called Rubbermaid Commercial Products. Long story short: They're sending me four new ones!!

I broke my fairly new clothes basket about 16 years ago....called them to complain, and they sent me three brand new fancy ones.

They're a good company to deal with, IMHO. :thumbup:

Back out to find/feed the calves.

Oh........Good luck, Cyber.....hope you got it!
Boy does it!!!!

I hope this goes wel for you Jay, I still have not heard back from my sis or BIL, not sure whats up with that?

Not having OD makes the gas mileage suck worse than normally...

Even if I get the Diebold Job... I also have a long term back up interview scheduled... a December 14th interview with the Northrup Grumman Apprentice School. :lol:

We went over a lot today, though... stuff a person just off of the street normally shouldn't know. Stuff like machine design, component design, hardware, software, when and where I would possibly go to the training(Northeastern Ohio in October ). The guy that interviewed me, was also born and raised here in the county.
This is my sixth day of no work. I got a call today from a client whom I had bid her tree about 6 months ago a dead, oak tree and the line clearance guys cut their part of it down and I rebid it and came home and got my camera, went back and took a picture of it and emailed her the tree removal permit and the picture to submit to Oakdale city public works. That's how desparate I am.
Slow or no work sucks more than anything. My fingers are crossed for you Steve.

Today was my big speedlining job. The job went sweet. The speedline made all the difference. We would not have finished in a day otherwise. My biggest mistake was not calling my pro photographer friend to take picts. I was going to but forgot until way too late. Oh well. I just don't do interesting work very often in Boise.

Me and the kid floated down the Boise river yesterday. Haley enjoyed the "rabbits" and even rode the bow through a few of them. She loves playing in the river and we have been taking her down to the shore three or four night a week. This was her first rafting experience. Next week mommy will join us for the full family fun experience.
In the interest of honesty, my new half inch lowering line is a couple of feet shorter now. I managed a "Well shoot!" as I cut through it. There were seniors and kids watching.