How'd it go today?

Pluggin in again. My left eye is all fu**ed up-I know better. A few days off of work. But cant sit around for shit. Started diggin on my pool by the sauna. You southern folks might not get it, but imagine 2' of snow... a wood fired cedar box at about 180 degrees. Sit inside and sweat like mad. Back into the snow. Dive thru ice into freezing water (ya cant feel it). Back to 180. Good beer follows, then an awsome dinner, and more good beer.:D
When I finish the hole I'll put in a pond liner,and a deck around it with that cedar I've been milling. Maybe some fish. Koi are to spendy, carp and a couple a bluegills would be cool.
I'm dumpin about 25gpm (24/7) out of my hydro to fill it with, fish should do OK with that I would think.
Its raining here today and I've got a storm blowed over booby trap job on hold. One tree is laying on a multi-stem pressurizing it and leaning it . I've already had to postpone the job 3 days because I cant get to it. I need that break-away safety lanyard again and have thought about using my saw lanyard or a short section (8 ft) of rope to hold onto for balance and prevent the tarzan swing back into the tree I'm tied into incase the pressurized trees below me dont act right. Its fun thou reading the trees predicting what will happen. I better suit up and fly thru the sky screw a bunch of rain it wont stop my chainsaw.!
Rb can we get a better picture of the grapple truck in the background of the crane pic. Nice job by the way

Here ya go:


At ground level on the larger stump, the tape measurement was 26 feet and change.
I did a dumb thing yesterday and should have known better.

My wifes cousin called in a panic that a large walnut uprooted accross a camp grounds where he worked at part time.He was in dire straights to get it moved.Not a big deal,I sliced it into logs and such that he couldn't cut up.My intentions were to haul the logs off,free gratus.They had about maybe 500 bdf of number one lumber.

As it turns out the tight wad owner said this morning he thought they should be paid for.Live and learn,never again,no more freebies.That cheapskate will soon figure out that no mill will give him a dime for them but he done shat in his mess kit with me.:what:
2 hours later I'm 600 richer. Hey Scott you got a pic of that air spade.?

Roger I'm guessing your ground help went to lunch for the whole day on that job. ha.
Landed a good job today felling about 30 doug fir and keeping the wood. Now to line up a buyer. I'd give 'em to you Al for free but I'm guessing the trucking would kill ya! Hopefully I'll get a full truckload with a self-loader, might be a little short though :( .
2 hours later I'm 600 richer. Hey Scott you got a pic of that air spade.?

Roger I'm guessing your ground help went to lunch for the whole day on that job. ha.

Ya shur, Robert. That was the cottonwood that totalled the house in last December storm..and pinned a lady in her bed. She survived.
I did a dumb thing yesterday and should have known better.

My wifes cousin called in a panic that a large walnut uprooted accross a camp grounds where he worked at part time.He was in dire straights to get it moved.Not a big deal,I sliced it into logs and such that he couldn't cut up.My intentions were to haul the logs off,free gratus.They had about maybe 500 bdf of number one lumber.

As it turns out the tight wad owner said this morning he thought they should be paid for.Live and learn,never again,no more freebies.That cheapskate will soon figure out that no mill will give him a dime for them but he done shat in his mess kit with me.:what:

I feel for you Al!! Had a guy call last night "I hear you can take down trees', right?" "Well I got this big pine, can you come look at it?"
I go look, one branch is hanging over the house, it's been dead two years, no needles even left on it and two new Pine trees planted in front. No real good drop zone. So I said it looks like I can do it, but it's going to be a bit of a pain. Then he pops off "Well cool, you can have the wood and we'll call it even then!"
I turned and walked to the truck, didn't even respond!!!
Oh it wasn't a big deal,it was just a favor for my wifes cousin any way.I had less than 20 minutes slicing and dicing,not even a tank full on an 038 Stihl.I had dealt with that tight wadded old SOB that owns that camp ground before,should have known better.It just amazes me why in the world people think a lone cherry or walnut is worth a kings ransom.In rethinking the scale of those logs they where only about 300 bdf anyway,bfd.
I am supposed to be working right now,but my helper laid out on me today and there was only so much I could do.I spent the morning bidding jobs,and I scored every job I looked at..Now I'm seriously covered up.Tomorrow I gotta quit screwin' around and get to work.
And sometimes when there is nothing on the list, you gotta bid low to get something on the list.
Good deal, flyboy. I got the oil changed in the big truck and also lined up a small $400 job for tomorrow. I'm at the dentist Friday morning and have an all day job on Saturday so that finishes out my week already.
One of our guys ended up in the emergency room, with a nice cut to his forehead. Not chainsaw related, as he is on the lawn maintenance crew, basically he slipped and a tree slapped him on his nugan. He is not out yet, so I am not sure how many stiches. He should be ready for pick up in about 30 minutes, after being there for 4 hours.
Will he be drug tested?

Nah, I don't believe it was drug related. I am going with my gut. He got 12 stiches on the inside and 12 on the outside. He is such a sensitive fellow, he wanted to know how he could pay us back for the hospital visit. I had to explain how workmans comp works, no need to worry about paying us back, that is why we have insurance. He will be fine.
That's just it, it doesn't have to be drug related. It just has to show up in his piss. So WC cases aren't automatically screened, regardless of your actions?
2 removals and 6 stumps finished early for once, now just kick back the rest of the evening....:D
They are, but down here...down in the tropics, there are not that many places that drug test. So, a guy that had an accident in Key West may have to go to Key Largo to get a test. That is at least a 2 hour drive. I am not going to send a guy, I know is drug free, 2 hours to get a test. I don't believe legally I have to within 24 hours. It would be up to the leasing company to provide that.