How'd it go today?

hoping so. I figure when its done there will be a bunch of units for sale. then after they are sold it will quiet down and then we will look in to it. we want to get farther out to the valley (like Langley) in the long run anyways.
hoping so. I figure when its done there will be a bunch of units for sale. then after they are sold it will quiet down and then we will look in to it. we want to get farther out to the valley (like Langley) in the long run anyways.

Dang man you should move right out of that city and up into the valley, okanagan valley. Can't be beat!:thumbup:
Was going great until we blew out a hydro line on the grab truck. :X Thankfully it was on the last load from that job. So we had to quit early today. O well got some bids to do. Will get a new line made tomorrow.
Dang man you should move right out of that city and up into the valley, okanagan valley. Can't be beat!:thumbup:

wifey wants to stay near to her family. in time perhaps we can venture fourth. I like th OK valley, and I hear the tree care company competition there is a cakewalk! :P ha!
Dang Dave!! No rest for the wicked!!!!

I spent an hour on the phone with my dad about what I should do. Did two loads of laundry, mowed the yard, started cleaning the garage and spent some time with the boy.
Exciting times I tell ya!!!
Carried some trash to the dump, did more paperwork for the background check people.... I'm surprised they haven't asked for the most intimate of details... yet :dur:, got the scanner working somewhat. ran errands for mom, and came to the conclusion that I don't think the starter is going bad in my truck. It's either a fuel pump or something related to that ever-cr@ptastic Ford DuraSpark ignition. :pissed: I know it's a heat related issue though... happens when the truck is warmed up here in the summer heat, or has been run for a while.
Ah yeah, they always seem to be just around the corner don't they Dave?

Jay: Those modules are a POS and a PITA to diagnose!!! Check the wires in the distributor for cracks etc., the best way to test the outer module is to take it off a working vehicle and try it. If it's toast, it may be cheaper to cal Jeggs or Summit and get a stand alone unit, as in it's all in the distributor with a power in and a trigger out. But I haven' priced the units in a while. The only thing I have like that is dads Bronco, and it's points now:X
I'm just gonna keep 'er going... for now.

I'm looking at some used SUV's and compact pickups. I am at the point of selling it and cutting my losses. I already know the tranny has lost OD, and first is failing.
Today went good! Started off in the morning with three dead pines straight fells clean up limbs and buck firewood. Then cleaned a Siberian Elm off of two trailers and the service drops first job for a big old trailer park (read lots O trees)that another local company used to do work for:/: . Made good money for an honest days work and got to fell, climb, and fly the bucket. Oh yah and chip, rake and clean-up, but that's all good.
tday went wel we finnished an all day job by 10:30 bammmm
did 2 other bs jobs and home by 2:30 nice
I spent the day bidding jobs...If I was getting half of the jobs that I have been bidding on,I'd be in good shape
Well spent the morning getting hydro lines made. Got the grab truck back in business, and went and did a removal/stump grind this afternoon.
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Sold two jobs today and got an emergency call.
Popin my head in, to say hi. Finished a very boring season of wildlife work, back to the log house, another carport, and some other gigs. Millin a lot of cedar again this year. 'Nother long day with a ms200, and a hole hawg.:)
Ahhh nothing says unemployed like showering at 1:00 in the afternoon.

...that and I needed to wash off 50 or so years of paint dust. Knowing my luck it was possibly lead based. Oh well, that's why I wore a respirator, and used a hepa filtered vac to clean up with.
worked 4 hours at the garden store today, knocked off at noon, home to shower up and get some lunch, then off to get my hair did. should be back home by 2:15 ready to chill a couple beers for later. Wife is working late so I am takin her easy till she gets back home. :D
I climbed five different hardwoods today..The shortest climb I made was 70 feet...Taking out deadwood and a few limbs here and there...I'm tired,but very glad I got that job out of my hair...Phone wouldn't stop ringing either...Before I even started working today I scored three different jobs.:D ...And I'm glad,I was really getting worried
At times it feast or famine in this business.

So then it's not just me?:/: ...For the last five years I could have easily put on another crew...But this year I've had to let people go.Slowest year I've ever seen.
Into the wood again today. I just don't do as much in the trees as before. I have been turning jobs away, because i can't commit to them.

Anyways... dropped daughter off at High School soccer practice at 0800... work site was 2 blocks from the school. 2 Alders and a Hemlock. All on the ground and cleaned up before the kid got done with practice at 1030. Took her back to her mom's place... got cleaned up and met the new g/f for lunch!:)

Now here i am at my real job... what a day!
