How'd it go today?

Enjoy the new gig SST
"Should be interesting to see what dead or rotten things they have lined up, and if it will be felling, bucket, or climbing."
That is the part I dislike working for others= never knowing what it is I'll be doing!
Thanks, Joel.

That unknown aspect is definitely a change of pace for me. On the plus side, I won't lose any sleep wondering what is on the docket for the next park.
Nice old oak mang :thumbup:

Been a day for sure.
Finally checking in here. Worked late on a steep slope over a creek bed brushing out the scrub oaks and limbing up the trees. Sorting through ceanothus and little trees to space them out and such. Then chuck all the stuff 75 plus feet down the hill and then over a creek to the chipper. Fun Fun Fun.. Then take the stuff close to the top of the hill and work it out to the street above the place to chip. HO kept the chips and off we went.
Last night we got a call from an elderly couple that had their phone line hit by a weed eater. No was not us.. but since they are a dear customer, Rob volunteered to splice it and fix it for them on the way home from work. I dropped him off and hit the bank... Hit the market and headed home to sharpen chipper blades and saws for tomorrow. Blades took a beating today. I thought I heard a rock hit the blades today and I will know more tomorrow. I have 3 sets, so I will change them out in the AM with one I sharpened.
Dummy me forgot the bag with all the sharpening gear in it this AM :|:
Thus the saw sharpening-a-thon.
We kept touching up by hand in the field and grabbing another saw if the chains got rocked to bad. Creek bed remember :|:
Caught up on phone calls and books.
Busy busy busy....
Man, I'm hating this new dead TreeHouse. Hours go by and not a single post? Crikey. Perhaps it just the good fortune of everyone out working, and that's good too. Still, I don't like this laconic shit.

Somebuddy say something!
Not much happening here in the office today. Yesterday, I was busy busy busy. Tomorrow is payroll day so it will be busy in the morning!
Ok day today. Spent about 6 hours cutting honey suckle and stacking it. It really sucks, because I have to pull it off the plank fence and out of other trees and crap. Tiring work, but the pay is good. Tomorrow I'm back to working for Dad planting a large tree he picked up today. Thursday hopefully has climbing involved in some shape or form.
Took down a dead Siberian Elm, a split green ash, 3 Canada red cherries, pruned dead from boxelder over street and sidewalk and started a big cottonwood removal, chipped the whole works. Will probably finish the cottonwood tomorrow as it is on a city lot with very little to hit, so mostly just dropping big chunks. They will be replacing the storm sewer, street and curbing under it so it doesn't matter what I hit. A fun job.
saturday i went nuts at the nursery:D now i have most of my veggie garden planted. grow, i say, grow dammit. had a bbq and last-of-the-season crab feed at my house. i thought chanterelles were done for the season, but then i found this beauty right next to my garden;). found another today. yum. picked some nettles down the road. its pasta, nettles, chanterelle, and crab for dinner tonight!
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Another day in at the PT job today. Supposed to get rained out but we got it in. Picked up a contract after work, a nice foot in on this property, and he also has a landscape company to the south he needs a tree guy for.

Started welding up a yard sign frame. I had these nice graphics printed for some aluminum sheet I had, but never put them on the truck. So I'm making a foldable frame to throw out on the front yards while I'm working. Instead of those dinky flap in the wind plastic ones. I have a few of those I'll leave somewhere if I know I'm driving back in a week. Don't care if those get trashed though.

Buddy stopped over and I put a new tube in his dirt bike tire and flipped it over for him.

I've got a nice bowl of ice cream waiting here for me. Yum.
A sammich board. Ingenius.:drink:

Mine has gotten me atleast a half a dozen confirmed calls in the last couple of weeks. Single best piece of marketing I've done yet. My name/logo, number, and 'call for a free estimate'. Cha-ching!
New tube and flipped it lol! Busy day here oak of a house cleaned up a failure on a bike path and got ok for removal while there as it was trashed by the failure. Booked for the next week solid with storm damage one more to take off a house in the am. Have yet to see the one on the house but the size of it says better bring the big saw and bar and got a ton of palms to do with the bucket truck as well as a large bat house to put up for the association president where we did the oak today. Whipped in a good way!
Nice job, Scott. Even better posting work pictures in this thread :lol:

The only storm work I picked up from this was where we took down that red oak on Bluecut. The lead broke out on the oak behind the one we removed; she wants this one for firewood. :roll:
Nice job, Scott. Even better posting work pictures in this thread :lol:

Hadn't even thought about it....but thanks for pointing out my absent-mindedness. :lol:

I was just going to tell how the day went, then remembered the camera, and so started posting pics. My bad. I would delete and move them, but I'm too tired.....Maybe Butch will if he'd rather they not be here.