How'd it go today?

I've been in and out. Did a 10 mile bike ride, drove out to my big 30 pine tree removal job and flopped two spars I had left ropes in, cut them into 14' lengths to fit the dump trailer and then rolled them into a neat stack. Looks like I'll have three more pines to remove for a couple neighbors as well. I think this job will definitely pay for the dump trailer. 8)

Did some yard work this afternoon and now have the sprinklers running. We haven't had any rain in weeks and the trees need water with all the new growth coming out.
Went to the track this afternoon. Soil conditions were perfect, track was groomed nicely, had a hell of a time. A bit chilly though, but nothing thermals couldn't fix. Washed the bike when I got home, and loaded up the mini for tomorrow and Tuesdays jobs. Stopped at my house and grabbed my orchard ladder, currently lounging.
I take it the big pine job is going easy-peasey Brian?

So far so good; I got the biggest, worst ones down Friday. There's more trees on the other side but only about 4-5 of any size at all. I'm thinking two more days including the extras for the neighbors, and my customer already told me he's paying me more than my original bid.
I chipped a tooth on this little fella at dinner tonight. I was eating goose kabobs.
Did some yard work this afternoon and now have the sprinklers running. We haven't had any rain in weeks and the trees need water with all the new growth coming out.

I need to cut my grass, but the freaking rain won't hold off long enough to let the yard dry out, let alone rebuild the carb on frankenmower(the beater mower I use for rough cutting). To make matters worse, they are calling for snow/sleet overnight into tomorrow morning. :roll:

I miss the nice 60's and 70's of the week before.
Once you get there with saw in hand, it will be obvious which way to do it. :)

Chris, sorry about the tooth. Good luck at the dentist office tomorrow.
Yeah, about 10" below your notch.

If you use a rope, don't use that high-falootin' tree rope, neither... clothesline works just as good, and it's cheap!

To add to the rope advice....there's no damned need to go puttin a rope high in the tree neither. Them know it alls like to do that crap but many trees on the farm were pulled over simply by tying the rope only as high as your arms can reach. Pullin is pullin, no need to get fancy.
Had one of those funky days that turned into at least something...
Left the house a tad late because the kids sitter was late. Get on the road and head up a hill to snag some breakfast before we hit the job site and they were closed. With all the power outages up here, people are just getting back on track. Heck its been more than a week for me too. So back towards town, snag breakfast and head up the hill. Then it hits me. I have a 10:00 estimate 15 miles south I forgot. I was supposed to take wyatt to work, then hit the estimate and get on with the day. Wyatt got another ride to work and it just did not click where I was supposed to be. Got there just a tad late. Walked all over the property and got some mistletoe, trims, removals and some brushing. About that time a customer pulls in the driveway that had called last night while I was out and we went to go see him and his wife. Reschedule while HO is on the phone with a neighbor and ended up with another estimate on removals and limb removals. On that estimate it turned into a consult on a valley oak right next to a house with some damage to the trunk. Wish I had a camera. So we devise a plan of action for the tree. I am still trying to figure out what the heck happened to the trunk. Has good CODIT but uggggggly. Looks like dozer blight. Start digging into the soft decayed wood and see what looks like acorns put in the tree by peckers... Well what do ya know... A zillion FMJ 45(?)s shot into the tree. The pic is a 45/70 JHP with the rounds I brought home... Never had a target tree that I know of yet. Guess I do now :lol:
So with the day shot (no pun intended) we decided to just hit a client that had a tree go down and just wanted it turned into firewood and off his carport. 1/2 hour job. Gray pine right next to the car port/wood shed and in reach of a shop is going to be lucky to live a couple more years. Point it out to the HO and land another removal ... :D
So .... what started out as a clusterfug day with me being brainless... turned quite profitable even though we have not see the money yet :lol:
Seth and Levi are digging on the bullets and got invited to go fishing out at the pond they own 8)


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How goes the job search, Jason?

It's going, boss. I pick up some odd jobs here and there, but still looking for something permanent.

I'm taking this week off, short of job hunting to avoid anything that could hurt, maim, or kill me, considering the track record for the past 2 years.

This means no cleaning the guns, juggling chainsaws, extreme ironing, gurning, playing with explosives or flammables, tattooing, curb crawling, pub crawling, iron work, fabrication, car repairs, Japanese/hibachi-style cooking, consuming rare and medium cooked meats, hunting, fishing, extended deep sea skin diving, electrical repairs, plumbing repairs, woodworking, going on blind dates, or doing anything ludicrous, recockulous, ridiculous, superfluous, or dangerous in nature.
Where is everybody today? I just got back from picking up my truck from the mechanic's and there are NO new posts in the last hour and a half. :( I can't remember the last time I've seen that during the day.

The rain has settled in, a steady soaking rain since first thing this morning. It's so dark out that it feels like 8pm (dusk) instead of 4:30. Supposed to be the same tomorrow but I have a big removal that needs to get done.