How'd it go today?

Another glorious day. Sun shining, got out early and had brush running through the chipper at about 7:00. Finished up the job I started yesterday afternoon, a few more Cherrys came down then she added a lower branch that was "Going to fall and hit me while I'm in the garden". OK miss. She handed me a wad of cash, with a large tip. That sent me smiling to the next job. Dropped a Hickory, chipped, raked and staged the logs for after work tomorrow. Home by 1:00.

Fixing the bike up then headed to the track.
Fixing the bike up then headed to the track.
Boy I miss those days! Although I saw very little motocross, I used to spend one to three hours screaming through the woods everyday.:\: Now it is family time. Soon though I will be back in the saddle again. For now it is back in the other saddle again and up that tree.
Big old fat oak removal today at a private school. The entire area was paved with concrete except for a square about 6'x6' around the stump. We were under strict orders not to break any concrete. Luckily I've had a little roping experience with the guy I was working for so I decided we would use the little bit of brush to make a crash pad around the base of the tree and then rope down whatever I couldn't chunk down. We roped down all the bigger leads (about 12-14 of them) until we had it down to about a 30' spar. By that time we had a nice crash pad and I wasn't too keen on roping down 30"-36" wood off itself so I started slabbing it off and pushing the chunks onto the pile. Almost ran out of mix gas and had to drain all my saws into one tank to make the stump cut. Had it done by 1:30 and hopefully I'll have some pictures tonight or tomorrow.
Removed a bakers dozen today. Oaks, Riverbirch, pines, maples and a hickory. What a nice mix. Crane and the gehl make quick work!! Calling for a deluge tomorrow. Good raingear hopefully will not make tomorrow suck.
Today I lasted a couple hours until my shoulder said stop. I guess I'll give it another shot next week. Crap.
Got a chance to do a little climbing today. Removing a couple of large cottonwoods, along city street, over houses and fenced in yards. Had a couple that were out beyond the reach of the big bucket truck, so I went out and took the ends off of them. It was a balmy 35F, so I shed the jacket and coveralls. Hands got a little chilly messing with the snow covered rope, but other than that everything went fine. Groundy took some pictures, but I left the camera in the bucket. Will try to remember it tomorrow and post a couple, but I am at that point in life when I can learn the same thing 3 times in one day and it is new and exciting each time!!!
Did some volunteer work today at the Ashland Estate. Only took me about an hour after school, fixing up some storm damage trees in a big clump, nothing too big. Had a good time.

Have to sharpen up the saws this week in preparation for a big removal Saturday, and then I have Spring Break next week, which is going to be great!!! Looking forward to getting a full week of work in.
Did some weed control today and pruned a really nice Japanese maple. I hope the HO sends me some pics of it as I did not have a camera. Finished the job sooner than expected and ran up the hill again for more storm clean up. Sliced and diced 3 18" DBH live oaks and burned the slash. Then got a TD of 28" DBH live oak (the other 1/2 of one of the trees that fell) over a propane tank. I could probably fell it with a pull line, but I don't like the balance on the tree (full of mistletoe too) and probably hollow. So I'll piece the one side out (bomb fest :D ) and then drop the other side.
Got a bunch done today so I feel good :)
Now about dinner :/:
sugar prune, Super sketchy linden prune, Bur oak prune and some brush dragging to boot. a little sore not that thats unusual, booze time bed time ready to roll the dice again tomorrow.
I'm on google places!

I'm hitting up some local papers here to start. My sammich board got another small job today for a neighbor. I leave it at the end of my driveway alot.
We need to dispatch a ninja sammich board thief to interior BC to see what can be found in the dark of the not afraid of horse-sized dogs.

Then we can hold it for ransom, Squish has to show up at an up-coming gathering to secure it's safe return.
Had a good day. Worked the PT gig. Grabbed a load of wood with the trailer from one of my jobs my on the way home. Brought the chips and logs to my house, noticed the running lights aren't working. They worked this morning, not sure what happened. I pulled the loom out of the channel and there was sparkage. Logs of electrical tape, and a big mess. Re-wire in order, sooner than later. Gotta order up that steel too so I can redo the outer channel. Otherwise a lovely day, and my boss offered me his Log Rite arch for $500. They are like $1500 new, so not sure if I want to grab it to haul big logs out of the backyards with the mini.
We need to dispatch a ninja sammich board thief to interior BC to see what can be found in the dark of the not afraid of horse-sized dogs.

Then we can hold it for ransom, Squish has to show up at an up-coming gathering to secure it's safe return.

Who's buying the plane ticket,or driving me there?
I like the idea of the arch for retrieving good logs that could be building material candidates.

I've been cutting some locust at work. That isn't too exciting, but one of them was growing on top of an 18th century slag pile. Tons of this stuff:


We'll have to see your resume and completed application, along with a list of qualifying certifications showing issuing body and dates of issuance, Bill. This ain't gonna be no off the cuff job, this is serious business :).