How'd it go today?

Wrecked a big tree, came home, changed a diaper, fed babies, when I was de-messifying faces, they both stick their tounges out to lick the wash cloths, cracks me up:D
HAHAHA precious moments Willie :)

That is a really cool gig Stig. Truly a beautiful place to work also. Nice to be able to work for a place that takes pride in its trees/forest :)

Just got home from ski class myself. Had all little girls today... I am whooped. You teach for about an hour and then it is a social event of princesses for the next 4 :P
Going to change the class routine next week and see how that flies. :/:
8" of new fluff on the slopes this morning made it nice though :) We were almost down to tee shirts. Looking out at 8000 feet to the top of cloud cover below us. Came home to more business calls. One of my larger mulberry customers is due for a prune :D This tree has been an ongoing shaping as it was let go and had storm damage in the top when I took it over. Be nice to see how the shaping is coming this year :)
Got all the parts ordered for the top end of the 044.. Gonna be like my birthday here in a few days between Ebay and Baileys :lol:
Whew about froze my butt off but I got the driveway plowed off ,all 550 feet of it .Bless their hearts it looks like the county has an apprentice plow truck driver because he got a whole row of mailboxes and mine one of them .That kinda sucks .:what:
Got a nice surprise today.
Richard sent me a couple of blocks of Ancient Kauri wood from New Zealand.
Both have wonderful figuring.
Be fun to get those on the lathe:D

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I've been climbing for a new (too me) company the last few weeks. Owner is a nice guy and his full-time staff are top guys. He has this little machine which comes in rather handy:D 23m (75' ish) and folds up to 1m (3'3") wide on a custom trailor.



Kinda slow, but they are super handy for tight access stuff. Brett has one, and so does Koa Man (I wonder why he quit coming here?). Dave out in Kansas had one but sold it when he got out of the business.
I didn't think it was that slow really. Once it was up in the canopy it didn't make a differance as it's only small movements really.
I was telling the guy operating it about your material handler Brian. He liked the sound of it big time:)
a cool pic of the storm pounding the US east coast etc..

Sorry for the super high rez format. Imagine if it was just the first nations folks out there in their tee pees? That would suck.
Y'all see that little green wang looking thing sticking out the bottom right? Yup, that's Florida, suckers. Notice how there's clear skies over it? Yup, it was 79 degrees today. You Yankees and Canucks enjoy your snow and ice! My ice is in a glass with tea poured over it. :dance:
79? That's a little too hot for me. I can assure you I did not sweat for a second in my nice, 60 F, 6,000 square foot workshop in which I can drive a 3 yd. payloader around in circles..:/:
EEsh. Scrambled to catch my 6:30am flight from Providence, RI to Chicago, IL this morning after re booking my canceled 2:30pm.. JUST made it ahead of all the worst of the weather. Blowing like mad here in Rockford, IL. Holy schnikees!
Did some thinning and limb ups in a customers back yard today. She tipped us and scheduled another day for some work on the driveway. Her and her husband have us out a couple times a year to just tidy up little areas. Sits right on a creek where a lot of mining went down back when. I pruned a nice little western juniper (Juniperus occidentalis) and she was thrilled :) I guess there is a real old one on the property somewhere near a mine or something. She will show me next time I am over there. I guess I better bring a camera. :D
Here is one off the interwebz for those not familiar...

The neighbor came over and scheduled a day of trail cutting.
This all made for a good day as I feel like crap with this cold. Light work when I am all worn out like this :)
HO made fresh coffee all day for us too :)
Came home and made Tacos for the famdamnly. I think I will retire early as soon as I get some paperwork done :P
We call those "Cedar" out here and cut every one of the damn things we can down! Invasive as a wild fire in KS right now!
Just giving you a hard time, they are use for ornamentals around here as well, usually top out around 40ft if the bag worms don't get them first!
In Eastern Oregon the State puts out contracts to fall and lop them. And like Stephen, its Juniper