Well, that was a lie, had sex with the wife last night, really sounded like a good idea, it wasn't! Hurt like hell afterwards, idiot!
Woke up this morning and felt like hell, cold or flue moving in I guess? Hurt to even open my eyes, couldn't get the shower water hot enough, Bleh! I was afraid of this, when I went to the doc for a follow up yesterday the place was packed full of kids coughing and hacking away. I overheard the doc saying he was in the midst of a strep outbreak! Great!
My crazy neighbor just left, he came over with a care package for clearing his driveway, and an attempt to bribe me to do it when it snows Sunday and Tuesday

Three 1.75l's of whiskey, he knows how to bribe me

I guess he's going to try to work things out with his ex, again. She's started reading some of the books I gave her, going to two Counselors, one for mental, one for substance abuse, is joining AA, and has put in her two weeks at the bar she worked at. She is also giving him full custody of his daughter.
I hope things go well for both of them, but I'm leary and cautious about being optimistic.