How'd it go today?

Brian, that only works for windows. pics are in iphoto on my mac. I just forgot how I got them to size down. I should be able to figure it out again eventually.
The battery in the mini was getting weak and the one in the generator was flat dead so I pulled them out last night. The mini isn't bas as long as you can get it running, the genset, is a total pain in the ass! You have to take off the entire back panel to get it in or our and it's sitting in a wagon so I can move it. That means it has to come up to get the back off.
$140 later, damn batteries are terrible expensive, got them in and my back hurt. Then I drank too much. Bleah!
Hanging with Bubba not doing a damn thing today!
Built a hay wagon for the farm this afternoon. They've been buying TT loads of big squares to make up for the feed that didn't grow last year. All red oak from the farm, we only have one small white oak, and it wouldn't have made more than a 6x6. Made sure to get the Dodge in the pic for Brendon.:P

Used the 660 again today, cutting up wood for about an hour and a half. Good times. I'd like to get the 044's we have up and running again, so I can put some hours on those. I love our old 044's. They are the bomb!
nice hay wagon, Ineed to fix something like that up for a 500 gallon water tank.... Nice dodge too, to fancy for moi, I would slide it down a tree first day I had it:|:
Haha. I don't mind looking at them, but I'd never buy one. I actually like the styling. 8)

I do charitable things for an older lady in my neighborhood. Today I shoveled two feet of wet snow off her roof. Took almost three hours with one drink/ coffee cake stop. Also moved some snow in her driveway with the mini. On the way there my other neighbor was struggling shoveling out her mail box, helped her out on the way. :)

Then helped my brother tarp his roof, then filled socks will salt to lay on my gutters and create a passage for the water to escape easier.
Brendon, let me guess. The best way to shovel a roof would be to get on a ladder and poke at the snow along the bottom edge of the roof with a shovel, right? :|:
I used to have to clear greenhouses of snow. We had double poly, inflated hoops, I think 30' wide and 100' long, we had a 36" push broom inserted into a 15' aluminium pole for pulling the snow off. that sucked.
Butch, It is actually 7/8 size. I paid enough for the instrument itself and getting it set up to be in trouble with the war department for going on three months now......and I will probably never sell it (currently under threat of painful death by earlier mentioned Dept. of War)
This is the first day I've felt even close to well enough to do anything but curl up in a fetal position under the covers...flu with all the bells and whistles.

I managed, somehow, to drive myself the three hours home from that workshop...I barely remember the trip, undoubtedly not the smartest move I've ever made, but just about the only choice I had.

I'll poke around for a few more minutes, bet by then it'll be back to bed.
Hope you feel better soon ,Burnham.

Today was a walk in the park, literally.

Ledreborg castle hosts big outdoor concerts during the summer with around 10000 visitors every time.
Last year they had a chestnut tree disintegrate right where all the scene riggers and roadies had been eating lunch 30 minutes before.

Bad scare.

So I went through the whole park picking out hazard trees to be removed.
2 über large beech with concers and about 10 dying ashtrees, also large.
And the linden alley leading up to the castle needs deadwooding.

Should keep us busy for some time.

Neat looking place Stig!
Get some rest Burnham, the boy had that crap all weekend, finally started feeling better after he threw up.
I've already told the story of how I landed that place ( biggest estate in Denmark, with the longest linden lined alley in Europe) as a client.
But here it is again.

I got a call from the owner, countess Sylvia, that her sisters cat was sitting in the top of a large doug fir, could I please help.

So I did my first and only cat resque. Sylvia came out to the tree and acted as ground person and we got to talking.
She is a very nice lady, a little older than me and we hit it off real well.

She told me that they had called the local rescue service and they wanted $800 to get the cat down.
So once the cat was on the ground, I billed her for 1 hour of climbing, just for fun.

a few days later she called me and asked if I wanted to be the arborist/logger for the estate.

They have some 4000 acres of prime hardwood forest, so that worked out fine for me.

If all cat rescues were like that, I'd love to do more.
Only in the sense of being a silver tounged devil.

No, she was just one of those persons who get really hooked by the whole tree climbing thing.

You must have run into those as well. People who have never seen a SRT ascent before and just think it is the coolest thing.

The whole big shot & SRT thing sure impresses the hell out of Danish folks:D