How'd it go today?

Well we finished a three day job in two. The weather was beautiful and it was an enjoyable day. My Bulgarian firewood/stumpgrinder guy Chris/Hristo shot a bottle rocket up at me to get my attention. He fled communism was captured and imprisoned, conscripted into the military and then escaped again. You'd think he would have grown up after everything he's been through but fortunately he hasn't.

Haley was tested today and it seems that she could jump up to the third grade. The only problem is there is no room in the 3rd grade class. The principal of the school seemed more willing to help us today, to make sure Haley gets material that is challenging to her.
That's interesting from what you've said, November babies wouldn't start kindergarten until they were five ready to turn six? Up here the cut-off is sometime mid to late December near the christmas break. Julia is a November babe same as me and started kindergarten at 4 as I did. I gradded at 17 and was thankful for going through so young. I'd push to skip her a grade up if you can. Imo brainiacs grow weary of school quickly if not challenged.
Brushed out a property line with a home owner and surveying crew. Freeman and Seaman.. Name kinda makes me laugh. The surveying crew ran off to find a different corner on the neighbors lot to check and verify the corner we were working... They were gone for hours. Next thing I knew.. they were moving the corner 20 feet from where we started. Mind you we had sighted in a line by their guidance and had cut a few hundred feet by 20-40 wide depending... Now we were shy of the line..:what: Then they sent Rob up the hill to get me to fell some trees.. I wondered "why in the hell are we cutting down trees on an adjoining property line?". Too much canopy to get a GPS reading. But it is still a tree on an adjoining property line people!
So Rob went down to the truck for the felling wedges and axe. Came back with out them. WTF?:?
Soooooo I ask which tree needed to be where?? This one leaning with all the weight down hill needs to come up hill (live oak). He obviously thought very highly of my felling skills because a) he thought with 4 wedges in the truck I should be able to push it over (ummmmm no) and b) he plain just did not bring them back up the hill. What I really needed was our rope and come along or just remove the whole damn set of trees that were in the way of a clean fall. Fuggit... Tree is still standing. The crew and HO had already hiked it down the hill 1000 feet. So back up the hill I went to clean up the mess the crew made with a hand saw setting the new corner and work my way back down the hill again... Then they came and got me again to help with another corner. Finally! A tree I can fall and they listened to me. "Instead of taking the whole stand.. why don't I take this leader, and then this one and see progressively if you get signal... " Well what do ya know... It worked.... :roll: I only had to take two leaners out with an open area to fell them into instead of a stand of 8. Seems like everyone was walking around brain dead today and when I tried to manage them, I was looked at like I was being an ass or I got the deer in the headlights look. SOOOOOO that was my rant for this week.... :lol:

They booked more work.. The survey crew are going to be scheduled to come back after we clear a line of sight with their new stakes. HO is happy he will eventually get a marker every 75-100 feet. I got paid. Hardly any gas used as the site is close to home (20 min walk). And everyone loved my fajitas I cooked tonight.
I need the end of a fishing rod to keep people from staying stupid all day.. :lol:
Today I stained about 100 feet of baseboard trim and made and stained about 50 feet of white ash trim .All camoflaged with red mahogony stain to look like oak .Actually because the ash is quarter sawn it's kind of tough to tell it from oak .That's it on the trim .

A few cabinets and some window valances and name the baby done ---good ---
Brutal though.. You need an auger mang.

Stoopid thing is, we kept puttin off getting one for a while until we were going to make a long run.. Saved... Purchased. Now the dang thing has pretty much paid for itself by renting it to customers or them hiring us to put in deer fencing and such.. Yup felt pretty stoopid waiting so long.. :lol:
Surveyors aren't nearly as smart as they think they are, huh? Some of their work around here I have seen makes me wonder if they are to be trusted at all. It is farm country around here, and they generally just put the mark on the fence lines that have been up for 50 years or more.

I saw one corner marked that was 20 off to my favor. I knew it was wrong, so I didn't try taking the extra.

Had a new landowner that borders me pull the little bit of fence line that was left (under thorn trees no less) out-for what reason? Trying to get over is all I can figure. I think he had his eye on the big old black walnut that has been growing on the property line for 150 years. I had a forester check it out and he wasn't enthused. Everybody thinks all black walnut is big money. I bet it would make some nice gun stocks though. Not a real clear log.
Yeah, property disputes abound here. Usually turns into a square foot forced sale.. :lol:
I know one builder that actually screwed up and built a house 1/2 way over a property line.. That was some seriously expensive floor space :lol:
We actually lost a large walnut here on our corner before we built. During a thunderstorm, someone came with trucks and equipment onto our corner where the miners shack sits. Quite a ways from the existing house at the time. They proceeded to fell the walnut and steal the root ball for the burl. Left the rest of the tree and a big hole. Pretty nuts.
Oh my property line disputes can cause range wars .The problem most likely could be the fact the early surveyers might have not been real accurate with their lines of declination and shot everything in line of sight .

My dad had a problem and as stubborn as he was he got the US Department of coast and geodedic survey called in .He obviously won .His oldest son ,me being equally as bull headed spent 1500 bucks just to prove a point on my wifes property in town .Shot with global positioning .;)

Another point to keep in mind is that surveyers are somewhat polititions in that they cover up chit for their buddies ,about like lawyers .You won't get one local one to dispute anothers ,they "confer ":roll:
I have this neighbor who is into his home sound system in a big way. He brought in these special speaker stands for me to retrofit to accommodate the granite slabs that they sit on, and to make new holes to attach to the speakers through. Drilling in them was some funny metal, I later learned some special magnesium alloy material, and the columns between the plates was filled with some unusual sand of a fine texture and color that I have never seen before. It was really cold to the touch, which seemed odd. There was a receipt in the box, and I see he payed seven bills for the stands, about a foot tall.

When he dropped them off, we got to talking about how bottomless the audio hobby can be. He said that his one meter long speaker wires cost him four grand each, but there are ones out there for ten grand. I'm being extra careful where I drill the holes.
They may have been fero fluidics(sp) take a magnet to the sand. Like magnets that oppose,they float keeps things cooler.
Got the valve body back in and together on the skid steer, right before rain so I have it loaded with chips and am watching for bleed out.

Be on the list if I find one (auger) wish I had my Jiffy ice auger down here that would do it!
Going to work a price match guarantee today between two retailers, on a new TV, ours is an old 27" CRT, aka the dinosaur. The one dealer is having a 6pm - midnight sale, the other, we have a credit card with and I wont have to fight anyone in line ;)
Just had Citibank get hold of me because of suspected fraud activity on my credit card. Thankfully it was on the card I use for work so there hasn't been a lot of activity on it, but somebody was charging a bunch of crap in Illinois as well as some overseas Skype phone calls. I've only used that card at three gas stations in the last couple months so I bet somebody stuck a card reader on one of the pump scanners. But the lady was super nice and the card will be replaced immediately with a new card coming overnight as well as all charges removed along with any interest charges resulting from those fraudulent charges.

Just a reminder to keep tabs on your credit cards. Even if you're careful the numbers can be swiped so easily these days. I try to check my card activity online at least once or twice per week.