Dormant hero!!
You can see the sunscald we get on the S.W, exposure on some of those
Set out for the big city to remove a large concolor fir from a small garden. Ended up turning back because of the snow, so Now I'm just doing a bit of woodturning.
id love to see pics of your shop. i have a little woodturning addiction and looking at tsome of the bowls you have shown here i could learn a lot.
My lathe is set up in a little enclosure to avoid covering the whole place in shavings.
So I cannot get enough distance to it to really take good pictures.
You might want to buy some of Richard Raffans books on woodturning, they are the best there are IMO.
Yeah, has to be finished by years end and theres alotta work to be done still. They don't care when I work, I just can't do anything later in the day. Was there by 7 I think after fueling the boxer, hooking up the trailer, going to the yard to get saw gas etc. Big contracts are nice but man they can be demanding!