How'd it go today?

You just need to be a tad bit more nimble and fleet of foot.

I stripped a 600' pine tree, got it down to a crane managable height.

Actually, it was six different pines, around a hunnert feet per. ;^)

Over achiever :P

We had come home yesterday with both a truck and trailer load of pine poles from our job up in Mariposa Pines. Asplundh had left a mess of down trees where we were clearing. We asked the HO if she would like to donate them to the town bon fire for next year. We had to run them down to the road one way or the other so we had them all lined up and ready to go. Sooooooo... Being I was pretty tired and had to feed the kids, they got unloaded first thing this AM. Then off we went to try and get some work done before the rain set in. So today we slashed and burned, cleaned up some storm damage, dropped a small blue oak, cleaned out some hangers in a decent size live oak and cut some trails. Hippy dude HO likes to play and get high in the woods nekked. So he marks his trails and leaves enough to keep up privacy screens. We got the trail he marked done. He was happy and so were we to get out of the pouring rain. Good thing the place is only a couple blocks up the street :)
More trails to cut next month :)
Aren't they always? It's a doc's backyard deep in the sticks, trees everywhere. He only wants the hardwoods, undamaged. That's why he involved me. He just tosses the suckers. He'll toss a bunch tomorrow - I don't have to climb them ALL down, thank deelord!

sawinredneck said:
Were they close to something Butch?
Nah, when you've a buncha cool hardwoods, who needs needle drooping storm falling pines on their property?
I had a good productive day.......but I was angry and sad. As I posted before-I dismissed my helper. Had a new guy lined up for yesterday. Husband of the cute little hardworking hostess at Village Inn. No show yesterday. I called. No answer. I called her at work to see what was up.-No idea. She called him (no answer) and the baby sitter. Nothing but confusion. She apologized to me for his not being where he was supposed to be and I to her for worrying her. This morning I went to V.I. for breakfast. She apologized again . It seems he doesn't WANT a job. She broke down and cried. Doesn't know what to do. She has a 4 month old baby, a deadbeat guy and no other family. What is broken in a man that he will father a child and do nothing to support it and its beautiful mother? Makes me wanna cry with her and kick him in the 'nads.
Damn Justin, nothing right about that. He's to busy partying with his buds living the high life to realize, or care what he's messing up. It seems to be a common theme anymore, all the way up to about 35 unfortunately.
I hope she can find the sense to kick him to the curb and not support him as well!
I know you feel like crap, but there is only so much you can do my friend. Tip her well and hope she's smart enough to figure it out, he sure wont.
Damn Justin, nothing right about that. He's to busy partying with his buds living the high life to realize, or care what he's messing up. It seems to be a common theme anymore, all the way up to about 35 unfortunately.
I hope she can find the sense to kick him to the curb and not support him as well!
I know you feel like crap, but there is only so much you can do my friend. Tip her well and hope she's smart enough to figure it out, he sure wont.

how true
That rush will last for maybe 3 days in pulp. then you'll wonder why you wanted to go back to doing that again.

Trust me, I've been there!
Very true Stig. The forest cutting sure is a nice change from cutting in town doing removals. But as I thinks about those days of pulpcutting the memories of my foremen giving me hell for leaving limbs , not cutting enough smaller trees etc. gets very frustrating real fast.
I have some pictures of the job to post here but gotta run to meet a crew of hydro linesmen to drop a big spruce for them.

Knocked out a good sized Oak over a house, wires, and boats on the water with a 28 ton crane today. Damn that thing was to short, but the operator was confident and made it work. Had to climb out of the bucket to set a couple chokers, but was pretty straight forwards. Nice straight trunk wood was all sent to the mill for a timber framer.
Very true Stig. The forest cutting sure is a nice change from cutting in town doing removals. But as I thinks about those days of pulpcutting the memories of my foremen giving me hell for leaving limbs , not cutting enough smaller trees etc. gets very frustrating real fast.
I have some pictures of the job to post here but gotta run to meet a crew of hydro linesmen to drop a big spruce for them.


OK, I don't get it. How will using a short bar on that saw instead of the usual longer bar make the saw cut faster (I think thats what y'all said, and I've heard similar from other folks). You still have the same amount of teeth passing a given spot in a given time regardless of bar length. Or are you just thinking it'll handle nicer in the small pulp wood?
There is significant friction just in the bar to chain contact...more bar and chain means more friction, hence more hp bled off to overcome said friction. Also, more chain is more weight for the saw to accelerate, so you lose some throttle response.
Small Cherry, climb, top and fell. Trailer buddys jeep to a shop and spool valve out of skidsteer to redo seals. All good till I'm finding plugs in valve body will not let loose. Any tricks any of you might have? I Tried an impact driver, heat I'm thinking is a last resort. sprayed with Pb blaster and wait for antother trick!
Had a very boring day in school for the most part. We've started finals, since this is our last week until winter break, and I'm exempt from all of them, so I have nothing to do but sit there and read or sleep or whatever.

Hoping for a snow day tomorrow. We're supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow, with 1/4 to 1/2 inch of ice on top of that, so it could get nasty here in the next day. Hopefully we get some storm damage stuff from this, because we could use the work. If it snows/ices enough, I'll be up at 5 in the morning to go and shovel snow, and maybe run a skid steer to move snow around.
There is significant friction just in the bar to chain contact...more bar and chain means more friction, hence more hp bled off to overcome said friction. Also, more chain is more weight for the saw to accelerate, so you lose some throttle response.

Yeah, I was wondering if friction played a role there. Makes sense, B, thanks. I've never tried it, is there a big noticable diff?
Finished that little insurance inspection ladder fuel reduction job today. We went on Monday and the burn day got shut down... So today we burned and did one more swath of 30 feet up the back side of the property. We have already been payed on 3/4 of the job.. so final billing time :)
Was drizzling all day and kept getting colder up there. Might snow tonight so we may have finished it just in time :)
Looked like PNWet drizzle and rain to me. Cut out in 4 hours after we had enough of feeling damp and cold. :P
Cooking dinner now and looking forward to just settling down next to the fire :)
OK, I don't get it. How will using a short bar on that saw instead of the usual longer bar make the saw cut faster (I think thats what y'all said, and I've heard similar from other folks). You still have the same amount of teeth passing a given spot in a given time regardless of bar length. Or are you just thinking it'll handle nicer in the small pulp wood?

Also with a shorter bar you can use a larger sprocket, what they are referring to with "pins". A normal saw uses a 7 "pin", the more pins the faster the chain goes around. I've got an 8 pin for my 046, it pulls the 32" like a mother, but the oiler wont keep up, with the 25" on it it screams! Bigger the saw, the more power, the faster you can pull the chain. Racers will even modify the bar to clear bigger sprockets.

I almost broke even today, planned on putting the wood I needed to load on pallets then moving the loaded pallets with the mini. I dug the pallets out and set them in the front yard, gassed up the mini and fired it up. Wouldn't move, then started smoking. I shut it off, then the oil began to run all over the floor.
Both of the steel lines for the bulkhead fittings on the constant flow aux. gave up the ghost and split from being bent so many times. Got it apart in time for the guy to show, so I loaded by hand.
I got the parts, got everything sealed up and washed, but it's not back together yet.
Oh well.
Only 500ft? How tall are your "biggish" pines?

Work was good today. It was the first day of a multi day job, the sun shone down, SimplyPete was there to help out and we kicked butt.

On other fronts... My wife's work is grant funded and the grant will be expiring this spring. We will no longer be able to afford Haley's private school. My wife and daughter sat in on a public charter school in our area and either that class is behind where they should be or Haley is way ahead. It was so bad my wife was crying. She worries, and I do too, that Haley will be bored in public school. The Montessori classroom that Haley is in now meets kids where they are at and helps them move forward. Today Haley was introduced to the evils of sitting down in your assigned desk, being quiet, listening as the teacher tells you what you should know. The kids were sight reading words like "through" and "ahead." Meanwhile back at the Montessori the kids are taking spelling tests with words like "chlorophyl." My wife's work involves educational research and we've seen a lot of video of "exemplary" classrooms here in Boise. I could not stay in the same room as her when she was watching those videos as the teaching was so bad.