How'd it go today?

We value the social interactions of school and my wife, will be working at some point.

Montessori schools are not all the same and not all kids to do well in them but I highly recommend folks check them out if they can afford them.
Yeah, I was wondering if friction played a role there. Makes sense, B, thanks. I've never tried it, is there a big noticable diff?
Cory have you ever held your saw WOT without a b/c ? Same extra rpm situation with a shorter bar/ chain. I ran a 22" on my 372 before I put the 14" Windsor speed tip on, and I had to richen the H-speed with the 14" installed especially when limbing with this setup.
Here are a few pics of the landclearing job I finished yesterday, 32 hrs to cut and pile 1,000ft X 15 ft all by myself.
Last 3 pics are of 4 -100ft spruce I removed today for Manitoba Hydro.



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Darin, sorry to hear that Haley might be forced in to regression learning, she has sounded like a bright star from your description of her exploits, find a way man, sounds like she deserves it. If not, get her in to the best public situation you can and bridge the gap on your own somehow.

Its getting hard for me to work for peanuts. I was a glorified ground guy yesterday. WTF? Whatever I guess.....Didnt have anything else going for two days anyhow. Hey there Willard that looks like a good gig you got there.
Since those rotten so and so's got us on such a screwed up work schedule my sleeping habits are really askew .Go to bed a 8:30 and wake up at three . Thank you very much Alan Mullally ,the person who lied to Boeing .More thanks to the UAW ,the people that got us the 8 hour work day---my ass .:X
Thanks Paul, we're getting her tested by the school to see if she could go into the third grade. She's a November birthday so by public school figuring she'd be in the first grade this year. We bumper her up once because everyone agreed it was for the best. I am worried about bumping her up again, I don't think it would be good to be graduating high school at 16. If she does bump up another grade we may try to take her out of school for a year when she is 13 or so and work and live abroad to broaden her horizons beyond Boise, Idaho.
Yeah, I was wondering if friction played a role there. Makes sense, B, thanks. I've never tried it, is there a big noticable diff?

I wouldn't know...I don't mess with those stubby little things. :lol:

In theory, it does...but that theory goes to hell when you have to face and back a big tree growing on a 100+% slope ;).


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That sounds like an awesome idea Darin, hopefully you will have some employees that can keep you clients happy by then
Thanks Paul, we're getting her tested by the school to see if she could go into the third grade. She's a November birthday so by public school figuring she'd be in the first grade this year. We bumper her up once because everyone agreed it was for the best. I am worried about bumping her up again, I don't think it would be good to be graduating high school at 16. If she does bump up another grade we may try to take her out of school for a year when she is 13 or so and work and live abroad to broaden her horizons beyond Boise, Idaho.

Darin, are there any scholarships available? Grants?
No idea what to tell you Darin, public schools are nothing more than a joke right now for sure!

I'm tired! Went this am and helped a guy insulate the walls in a bedroom, living room and kitchen. Not bad, only ten bags of cellulose insulation, 85% recycled carpet padding, paper and what ever else the could find. They sent him out with a full pallet and told him to bring back what he didn't use.
Oddly enough the wife had been complaining wanting me to do the attic again. Well, had the machine ($200 deposit and $200 rental if you don't get enough insulation, a pallet qualified!) So the attic got insulated this afternoon as well. That sucked! No itchies, but couldn't see squat, covered head to toe in that crap and in there for two hours. I figured ten bags would do it alright, I figured wrong!
I put if down pretty heavy though, I only wanted to do this once mind you! It's over 12" thick above the bedrooms and 7-8" thick every where else. I used up 28 bags, and by God my electric bill better go down even more now!
Brian, I s your attic vented? If so, is it vented by eve and roof vents or just gable vents? If you have eve vents I hope you kept them clear. Also I find that blown in insulation will compress quite a bit if there is not a good vapor barrier between the insulation and the warm space.
No eve vents, just roof vents. No vapor barrier, this house was built in the '70's, way before all of that. The insulation was settled down below the 2x4"s. Yes, I expect it to settle, that's why I went so thick over the bedrooms, I figure it will settle a good 2".
Well actually eave vents were the norm in the 70's around here at least . Rancho El cost-a -plenty was built in '73 and has them .12 plus inches of blown fiberglass and bats in ye olde attic .Bulkheads and diverters out to the eaves .
No worries Mike, I wasn't mad, and I've sure had plenty of brain farts of late that I'm not going to say anything to anyone!
I do have sofit's, I might add vents later, I might not. I'm not completely sold on the effects of them yet. I think if I put a vent anywhere I want a fresh air intake in front of my fireplace that I can shut off completely when I don't have a fire. Other than that I'm liking air tight as best as I can get it.
If you don't have an ample air flow thoughout the attic space you can get all kinds of problems .One reason I don't care for cathedral ceilings . "tight " is good for some things ,not so good in others .
With the 1300sqf, I have six 6x6" roof vents and a 14" roof fan that doesn't work anymore sucking in air all the time. The attic breathes!
Now I need to insulate the floor joists, I think that's coming up on the list soon. Mama doesn't like the cold kitchen floor much right now. I don't care for it much myself!
Back in the saddle today! Climbed a little 70' tall maple and then a big arse cottonwood, tied in at 110' whoooo! It was a city job, and I'm not used to the scope they ask for. In Calgary, we would have picked out every piece of dead and knocked out every stub...the city folks here just asked us to knock out the hangers and deadwood we could hit with our 75' bucket. I spent an hour in the poplar than I felt I should have spent at least 3.5-4 hrs. Oh well, low standards down here.
I run into that sometimes bidding city or school board work or strata's too it seems. I'm not competitive at dropping the bar.

Good to hear you're back in climbing shape though.