How'd it go today?

Is the saw stock? What sprocket? I'm running a 20" with an 8 pin on a 394XP.:/:
My 372 only has a mild muffler mod but is well broke in, non rev limit module, carb limiters cut off. 8 pin 3/8.
My 395Xp came from the factory with a 7 pin 3/8. It runs the 32" better with the 8 pin.
I have a 10 pin you should try on that 394.

I've been wanting to try a 9 or 10. Last week I had to do a little clearing work last week, mixed species, pine, red and white oak, cherry and soft maple. I was filed for pine, was a bit grabby in oak.:lol:
I've been wanting to try a 9 or 10. Last week I had to do a little clearing work last week, mixed species, pine, red and white oak, cherry and soft maple. I was filed for pine, was a bit grabby in oak.:lol:
A 10 pin would be a little too much for a 394/395. On my 372 8 is the limit but I'm cutting small softwood at the moment.

People laugh at the small logs we cut here in our Manitoba / Saskatchewan speed cutting competitons,
This 10" log I'm cutting here is frozen solid and is a 8 ft long stump end log off a 100 year old jack pine grown in a rock crack in the pre-cambrian shield. Very tight ring spacing [need a magnifing glass] and very tough to cut.
I have cut 18" cottonwoods in PNW competitons that were alot easier to cut then this little guy.


Well i spent all weekend scraping, sanding, and painting my dump trailer. I painted it with a roll on bed liner. When i first put it on i didnt really like it but now i dont think it looks too bad. It also took for ever to dry because it was so cold. Also when i was putting the lights back in, a few of them cracked because they were old so i just went ahead and replaced them with all LED (it was $215 for 9 lights!). Here are some pictures.

We also had some snow yesterday so i plowed a few driveways with the mini, I LOVE IT!!


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Now you just need to do the rims and the tailgate!

I damn near got myself stuck today with the dump trailer on my '03 gasser 1 ton. Took a bit of life off of that thing as I spent probably close to five minutes with it pinned in 4 high to crawl up a sheet of ice road that I had already slid backwards into the stop sign on. Burned my way through the ice in order to get traction and once I was moving I didn't want to let up until I reached the top of the hill. Oh well no damage and no tow bill.
Yea i forgot to do the tailgate... I'm going to have to wait till it is warmer to finish it up. I have to put some sides on it because i have to use it for a few jobs this week.

Yea i cant wait to make some attachments for it.
It was more like snow here but quite wet. Was interesting sliding backwards down the hill with no traction whatsoever trying to keep the dump trailer from jack knifing and frigging up my truck.
Looking good Nick! Glad you like the mini, not that there was any doubt :lol:

I messed up pretty good today, decided to split up some wood as it was nice day. I was climbing through the wood pile moving stuff to get to the seasoned wood and got hung up. Lost my footing and fell over backwards twisting my back as I went over, the wood I had lifted fell on my calf and ankle pinning me. I couldn't pick it up and had to call my dad. Thankfully he was home and got here quickly to get me out.
Not a good deal, and now I hurt like hell.
I know, I'm an idiot.
Jeez, Andy do you think,,,, Just maybe it's time for a desk job.:lol::lol::lol::lol:
hope you are not in too much pain.
Yes, I was thinking it's Christmas, people are offering stupid money for wood and I'd really like to do something nice for my wife.
Failed again.
You just need to be a tad bit more nimble and fleet of foot.

I stripped a 600' pine tree, got it down to a crane managable height.

Actually, it was six different pines, around a hunnert feet per. ;^)
Remember, I was working with a cold natured logger that didn't wanna start until 10 am, lordy.

We go at 8 in the morrow, about 20 left on this job and another 1/2 dozen on another job... which I don't think we're gonna get to this week.

Sweet. :drink: