How'd it go today?

I'll be up there to collect my nickel Butch. Lol. Nope it sprinkled I'm the morning, but it sure got chilly In the afternoon.
Dave and I just knocked some more work out. Took out the dead tops in a declining Norway Maple this morning, then knocked out the other half of that storm damaged tree from last weekend.
We were falling some biggish doug fir today. uphill and against the wind. I must have spent some 3 hrs beating on wedges.
Around noon it started snowing so bad that when we'd finished the stand, we went home.

Then I screwed up and went to pick my chipper up from the chipper-doctor. With the heavy snowfall it took me almost 3½ hrs to drive the 12 miles home from Roskilde.

Danes are too stoopid/cheap to put snowtires on their cars, so in snow like this there'll be the inevitable old duffer rolling along on a set of bald summer tires, doing 10 mph and refusing to pull over.
That is where all my former zen-training comes in good!
Tree killing for me today. 5.9 when I got up this morning, high of 20 and plenty of wind. I'm supposed to be a timber framer, dangit!:lol: Oh well, a couple small pines and a big three-leader, cracked at the base red oak in the morning and we're done with that.
Decided to start putting together the Cover-It for my Ford this afternoon. I've got the whole frame up. I knew my truck wasn't going to fit, so I was going to put it up on stumps. There is three poles bolted together to get the height, so I decided to order the longer of the three, and just replace the shorter one. That'll give me plently of room, without having it completely jerry rigged on stumps and such. The cover will be short, but I'll line the bottom with plywood to make up for it.

Happy I got it almost done, surely thought it'd be a PITA with all the parts, and I hate following directions. Went pretty easy though.
My day had it's ups and downs.... I went up a 100 foot cedar, lowered limbs from over a roof,. Pruned back from roof..... Dead wooded it to 50 feet then cleaned up ugly cuts from the last guy... Came down... Went back up another 100 foot cedar. No lowering this time, just cut and toss.... Over same roof... Dead wood.. Fix old cuts... Came down... Went back up another 100 foot cedar over the same roof...... Repeat procedure to the same down cycle. SRT up all three.. Ddrt one & two and worked #3 staying SRT. Dang things were kinda slickery in the rain :P
After about 3.5 hours of that fun... I drove down to a contractor that gives a lot of referral work and took down a sizable hanger (12") that was straddling an equal sized branch at about 35 feet up. SRT up.. Work it SRT and rap down.... 30 minutes and gave him a break on the cost.. 50% off our show up minimum. Almost no travel time as it was on our way home..
Stopped and looked at that big prune job I did over time this year and his oaks held up pretty dang good compared to everyone's else out here from that storm. Signed me for 5 pondos to be removed :D Fix any broken oaks after the wet weather.

I am pretty dang tired.. But it was an awesome day :D
Just got back from Bubba's Christmas program at the church, talk about a train wreck! Thirty kids on the stage from 3 to 8 years old, you get the idea I'm sure! :lol:
Just got back from Bubba's Christmas program at the church, talk about a train wreck! Thirty kids on the stage from 3 to 8 years old, you get the idea I'm sure! :lol:

I can sure relate to that. This afternoon at 4 PM my cell phone rings while I'm limbing some spruce at my land clearing job, its my wife who is sick in bed and tells me she can't make it to our 3 yr old twin's christmas party at their daycare. I'm told I have to go immediately to celebrate with them and then bring them home.
Not to break their little hearts I go straight there with stinky dirty work clothes and all. In a small downstairs daycare with not much elbow room alot of poor young moms had to avoid me the best they could. My kids didn't mind though.

Now, add skis, snow, wax, and no fear... Some down hill... Yup... Sorta like a kids play gone wild.. Same age group I will be instructing on the slopes starting January.. :lol:
Didn't get pics, but the oak is on the ground. Each leader, or which there were three, was about 24". My boss mashed the worst leader off with the excavator, (try that with a skid steer and a rope) leaving just the two remaining ones leaning in the same direction. Still dicey with the base of the tree almost gone, but I bored the back cut and tripped it from the outside and over it went. Sorry, no videos of the mashing.:P
Went back and cut a slab off the Zelcova stump for the day before's customer, only charged them a hundred bucks because I was going to be in the area anyway. Worked out ok, but I also got the, "Oh, will you cut this too", on a few other projects that they had in mind. When I pulled out I noticed that pops was standing back and admiring the bonsai stand that I had made for him out of the tree crotch, giving it the discerning look, and already had an old miniature tree on it. Wherever I go I leave such works of art. :roll:
Was working around the house got a call from a buddy could you help get one on the ground the homeowner had his saw stuck in! Throw bag to the rescue to set a pull rope. That done could ya get this branch all fine except notice my climing saw oiler is not working. So I'll be posting elsewhere for the breakdown and repair of that!
Joel, have you thoroughly cleaned out the saw (including scraping out the bar groove and oil passage) since trimming those palms the other day? It could be just plugged up from palm debris.
Day went slick considering we were working with another crew. Poor Rob had two alpha's (climbers) to contend with :lol:
It was a lot of fun actually. We helped them rig a nice sized branch of a really steep roof, they went and did an estimate near our next job; then joined up with us down the street from where they were at on a quick storm clean up and two limb removal over a car port. We just traded time for time and took them out to lunch. Paula (the wife and also a bucket operator) took pics so I will post some in the Work Pic thread. :D
Came home to a couple small job checks.. Sweet :)
Did my first spiderlegging today. Was over a residential (to the house from the transformer) power line. 2 maple limbs, 30' long each. Put onto a controlled speedline to clear the tile shed roof. Was fun. Good training for the new guy, too.
Pruned an ash and a maple, ground 2 stumps from yesterdays removals...........and dismissed the helper. That wasn't much fun but unfortunately this kid has just been a dud-not too bright, slow, apathetic, unsocialable and resistant to instruction.
Today was different. I slept in(almost never happens) and then went and painted and restrung a flagpole. I didn't charge enough but it was a fun diversion from the norm.