How'd it go today?

That can be a powerful emblem though, when it bestows the signature on a power of attorney. Many have suffered as a result.
That's insane Jay! My wife used to be a notary, Koch paid for it all, it cost like $50 back then to get it. Small background check, mainly arrest record and no wants or warrants then two weeks later she had a stamp.
It was sure handy back when you had to have car titles notarized!
There are notaries here that I can take a document to and say "Jay sent this to me and forgot to have it notarized". They will pull out their stamp and take care of it.

I haven't had anything notarized in 20 years. No longer required for vehicle title transfers, and I'm assuming the title company handled it for me at my house closing.
I haven't had anything notarized in 20 years. No longer required for vehicle title transfers, and I'm assuming the title company handled it for me at my house closing.

I've got a 15 page job application on my desk that needs two separate notary signatures/stamps, and about $25.00 in background check fee's...

It's an application to be a computer nerd at a daycare facility
Another day today at the plant freaks house. Oak prune, and an Ash take down. Lift was perfectly fine for the Oak prune, then decide it didn't want to level the basket on the way up to do the Ash. On the phone with Tuepen guys, as usual they have no idea. We got it to go up after manually adjusting the basket with the emergency controls, then it'd work, then stop, then work, then stop. Can't catch a break with that thing, I swear it's a lemon or something.

We got the tree down without any mishaps, everything survived/unbroken.
removed and ground a Brazilian pepper. only 20ft tall but about 32" dia. smells nice and makes pink chips. then pruned 2 European birch. easy day, no rain. jury summons for tomorrow. i hope it rains:P
Rough night, cold sweats and off and on fever. Hurt like hell, my pain level was around a 9 all night, felt about like it did two weeks after my accident. I got to bed at 2am, didn't sleep that well and was up at 7. Sore as hell this morning, but as I moved around it loosened up, I've had four Advil all day and my pain level is around a 4.
It's feeling better, hope tomorrow is a better day and the next injection goes better yet!
Sounds like you got the young un's bug Andy.. Hope you feel better.

Lifted a real nice cedar off a house today. Was a nice climb and I even got some limb walks. Not something I get to do on most cedars I play in. Then resumed the road front clearing on the property we were on.. Asplundh had made a serious mess were we needed to clear so we spent a long time fixing that mess. Trees felled on trees felled on trees. Then I uncovered one marked for removal in between two cedars. I knew they would kill all three of them. So I took the liberty to fell the pondo in between that was marked. Broke my friggen wedge off in the back cut.:X I had cut low also as the tree had a real small DBH, 8 inch maybe. So I had to move up the tree and make another cut. Ended up pinching my saw :roll: So I took the pole saw and lopped about 30 feet of top :lol: Then pushed the SOB over and out of the cedars. :P Tree won a battle but I won the war. And I did not have to hike back out to the truck... :lol: I can laugh about it now... My language left a little to be desired at the time :lol: Nobody was around :lol: Should have that job wrapped up tomorrow. Couple more climbs to do on some cedars. HO e mailed me saying she would be coming up tomorrow. Maybe I will get paid too :D Three days pay would be nice to put in the bank :) Really anxious to see how she likes the work too.
I'm stoked. Had a good couple of days. Working at almost full strength, equipment wise and employee wise. Everything works, but I need to get some new, shorter belts for my grinder and a new set of blades installed in my chipper.

New guy Erik is good. He's eager to learn about a different way of doing tree work from the Ohio scene where he's from. Low impact climbing, throwlines, block and POW, MA lifting, SRT, WRAPTOR.

Yesterday, I used Paul's Demo Wraptor (THANKS PAUL!) on 4 Dougfir canopy cleanings in the 60-100' range. 5 rides so far, and aiming for a second maple ascent tomorrow to set the rigging block. Erik and I did two removals and 5 canopy cleans, with firewood and full clean-up in two days, with a long drive each way. We definitely would not have been able to do it without the Wraptor, as we finished packing the truck by headlamp. I definitely wouldn't have been able to do all the work with as much energy to spare.:)

Rocked out on removing a row of trees between two houses, overhanging my auto mechanic's house. The largest of the group right over the house was a split bigleaf maple, which we didn't know going into it. A bunch of rigging work, which I really enjoy. A good drop zone for some of the brush.
Built a Lincoln Log style crash pad for spars, which worked, except an impacted LL piece broke free and was flung up on the the tile shed roof, then bouncing to the far side, breaking a tile on each side. Freak-ish accident. Homeowner wasn't bothered, said Things Happen, and that he'd just replace them, no big deal. I think he was worried about the whole operation as it overhangs his skylights and windows, but was reassured when he watched us work. He's not one to sweat the small stuff, and might even enjoy the project. Of course, I initially offered to take care of it, and we tarped the roof for the night.

A good upswing going into the holidays.:D
Pretty dang amazing machine. I had the same experience with those black oaks I pruned out here using it for ascent. That 80-85 footer with a large spread and no central leader was the test. Three ascents and never broke a sweat ;)
Last week I packed away my tree service for the winter. But then this morning I started a land clearing contract I just got from Manitoba Hydro. Plus bidded on a larger one which I'll probably get when I finish this one.
It is -30C windchill out in the open and I haven't winter logged for years. I have to widen a 1000 foot long transmission line corridor through a local indian reserve a extra 15 feet ,roughly 1 acre. 6"- 12" dbh spruce and poplar cut and piled into 2-4 ft. All undergrowth and limbs cut small , no cleanup. Linemen had to block the line for a couple of big poplars that were closer then 5 ft to the line.
Since switching to Husqvarna a couple of years ago this is the first steady 8hr cutting for them. The 346XP with 16" b/c was like a laser through the small stuff, really impressed me with its speed and handling until it developed a lean condition from a leak at the primer bulb. So I finished the other half of the day with the 576 AutoTune. it never missed a beat in the small and big stuff.
I only stopped once all day for a 1/2 hr lunch and loaded up on carbs, [lots of protein for breakfast] and hot water and honey. Sure brings back memories from my old logging days. But only one drawback, there is junk scattered everywhere something I didn't have to deal with when logging. Today I was cutting into old mattress springs, tin cans, wire, even a old kettle. Just a quick touch up with the file and I'm back in business. And for a matter of interest I'm running Oregon .325 and 3/8 chisel, no stretch or holding an edge problems when not hitting the occasional metal.

Sounds a lot of like what I do Willard.. Yup, having to clean up the carnage sux... :lol:
346 should be an awesome felling saw for up to about 16 inch. High speed, good torque, light weight. Primer bulb sux. I keep spares as they are a quick fix. I just hesitate taking a saw up a tree that has a primer bulb.. On the ground it is not to much of an issue unless you hike in quite a distance.
Sounds a lot of like what I do Willard.. Yup, having to clean up the carnage sux... :lol:
346 should be an awesome felling saw for up to about 16 inch. High speed, good torque, light weight. Primer bulb sux. I keep spares as they are a quick fix. I just hesitate taking a saw up a tree that has a primer bulb.. On the ground it is not to much of an issue unless you hike in quite a distance.
Tonite I bypassed the primer bulb on the 346 by joining the 2 lines with a solid fitting, will see how it goes tomorrow. I don't want to buy another 346 for a spare when that new 550 or 560XP is almost due to be out soon. Sounds like a pretty impressive saw.
Piling this wood by hand is a b!tch seeing my pickaroon won't even stick in the frozen poplar, had to use the tongs all day.

Got a call a couple hours ago, not one but two jobs for tomorrow. About a half day I imagine. I'll have a leisurely lunch afterward and mosey home after that.
That's awesome Brian! Well fellas I am wrapping up my light job and going right back to cutting. I have enough work for the rest of the week, and the boss finally touched base with me last night after not hearing a word for about two weeks. I guess that's fine ill take whatever I can get.......baa humbug and all.