How'd it go today?

Whatever, people. All I know is the proof is in the pudding, for me. And in case anyone thinks I like a brace, they're mistaken. I hate the damn things! They restrict your movement and are hot! However, I hate an aching back even more, so it's a trade off.

Thanks but I'll pass. ;)

Yea, don't even give it a shot or nothing. Even if you back goes completely out, just refer back to my post and LYAO as you swallow vitamin I day and night.
Three not so fun packed days of beating the crap out of trees and vice versa. One back leaning somewhat large oak over a small pond with big Carp in it was an interesting kill. Working by myself and I got a chance to use my two ton puller again from Baileys...cut and crank three times over then crash. Got a standing ovation from the home owner when it went over....I mean it would have been of he wasn't standing already. Scored mucho firewood from the work.
Butch, I ALWAYS use a back brace when falling.
I don't tighten it, though, but simply use it to keep my lower back warm.
Bending over to make the low falling cuts required here will make your jacket/sweater/whatever rise up and allow cold air to chill the lower back. Not good, so I use the brace to avoid that.
The best thing IMO is to build your own brace, by strengthening the core muscles that keep your back in place.
Ever since I fell out of a tree in -83, I've been very conscious about keeping those in good shape.

Unfortunately a lot of people who do hard physical labor are prone to hitting the couch after work, thinking that working will keep them in shape.

Not so.
It is important to do some exercise besides working to keep your body in balance. Some type of eercise to loosen up the body after a hard day at work is very beneficial, too. Something along the line of aerobics, dancing or martial arts.
Well all I can say is palm trees suck! Trimed two tall and two short today. Took about four hours of strait work to climb and clean up by myself. The customer was very happy, but I realized I should of bid just alittle higher about half way through. O well win some lose some. Hopefully I will get some more work off the job.

Wow, 4 hours, 4 palms? I can't imagine any palm taking an hour to clean. What kind were they? Have any pictures? About the only palm tree I can imagine taking that long is a Washingtonia 30' tall skirted to the ground and you removed the skirt?
Unfortunately a lot of people who do hard physical labor are prone to hitting the couch after work, thinking that working will keep them in shape.

Umm, guilty here.

Not so.
It is important to do some exercise besides working to keep your body in balance. Some type of eercise to loosen up the body after a hard day at work is very beneficial, too. Something along the line of aerobics, dancing or martial arts.

How do you work your core, Stig?
I do a shit load of different types of back bends, sit-ups, leg lifts etc.
I have simply incorporated it into my normal warm-up exrcises for karate.
A strong core is important to withstand punches and kicks to the body and to deliver them as well.
Wow, 4 hours, 4 palms? I can't imagine any palm taking an hour to clean. What kind were they? Have any pictures? About the only palm tree I can imagine taking that long is a Washingtonia 30' tall skirted to the ground and you removed the skirt?
yes full skirt to the ground on the tall ones. It was the kind of palms that have the grabers(thorns) on the sides all the way. The short ones were easy. the clean up took a little time.
Unfortunately a lot of people who do hard physical labor are prone to hitting the couch after work, thinking that working will keep them in shape.
Not so.
It is important to do some exercise besides working to keep your body in balance. Some type of eercise to loosen up the body after a hard day at work is very beneficial, too. Something along the line of aerobics, dancing or martial arts.

I have a program after work.....

Called... K I D S

Sometimes I get asked by beginning students what the most important thing to do is, when one wants to get really good at karate.
I always tell them: "Get a vasectomy"!;)
I have a program after work.....

Called... K I D S


indeed, pickemup, putemdown, pickemup, putemdown, toys, toys toys, chase!
haha, the daddy workout.
I was more surprised to hear Skwerl say that he had a fridge full of food, I thought he was Captain Takeout? :)
Sometimes I get asked by beginning students what the most important thing to do is, when one wants to get really good at karate.
I always tell them: "Get a vasectomy"!;)

How does getting your tubes snipped make you a good MA? And the answer to your student's question is "Practice, practice practice!"
Butch, his reply goes a little bit deeper than that. If a student ends up having kids, then his focus is divided between studies and supporting his family. A distracted student isn't able to devote his full attention to learning his craft.
Butch, if you had read stephen's post that I referred to, it would have been obvious what I meant.

I've seen many promising, particularly female-, martial arts students get kids and start loosing their focus on the art.
Ahhh, I see it now. Sometimes I can be dense. I know that's hard to believe, but yes... once in a blue moon something will slip by me...
Yup. Kids take hella time and focus.. And we home school... So more time and focus. Hard to fully focus on the disciplines of martial arts. We may be doing a family deal next year on Karate. :D
Day panned out pretty good. Seth had his pizza party with his soccer team today. Then we dropped off some stuff at the thrift store.
Insurance agent sent me an e mail for a client in need of our services, so I made arrangements to be there this afternoon. Nice family property, insurance co wants more clearance on. One of the owners is dying of lung cancer. Wants it all done before he passes so his wife won't have to deal with it after the fact. Landed the job... Small, but finished my bookings for January :D

Met Katy at Rite Aid after the estimate and took advantage of her 30% off thing this weekend. :D Stuffed toys are 2 for 1 also. Lilly was going ape shat! "Pillow... Pillow.... Pillow!!!!!!!!" :lol:
Kids are finally in bed. Finish some stuff on my puter and I think I will be joining her :)
Can't let Mrs. Claus get cold or lonely ;)