How'd it go today?

Good deal. :thumbup:

Just be careful. The scary part about subcontracting is that you are responsible for your actions (and damages). A good part of the higher pay is for the higher level of responsibility you're carrying. As an employee I tried not to break stuff but if I did then the boss paid for it. But now I am responsible for pretty much any damage I cause on a jobsite. If I spear a log and hit a water line, then I'm the one running to Home Depot and buying the parts to fix it. I've fixed fences, roofs, rain gutters, irrigation, concrete and sod. And probably a bunch of other stuff I've forgotten about. All part of the joy and responsibility of doing my own thing.
Naw Butch I'm not....Just had a good day.
I here ya Brian. I just do my thing. I had to tell my client a few times that he had to slow his roll because I was not going to mess something up.
I don't mean to come off like a cocky little prick man. That really isn't my style. So sorry if I did.
Been banging away on mama Dar's 'puter ,mine is on the fritz . Hers' was disconnected for about two months during the remodeling and she got into something on mine on the net that made it ill .I'll get the guru out in a week or so to sort it out .
More storm clean up today.... There are just trees broken everywhere. All ground clean up today.. I have some calls to make to set up the climbing to take down hangers and such... Some fodder of what we walked into... Most the snow has melted so that helps. IMG_5663.jpg IMG_5664.jpg IMG_5665.jpg IMG_5666.jpg IMG_5667.jpg IMG_5669.jpg IMG_5668.jpg IMG_5670.jpg IMG_5672.jpg
This guy with the beige house was dang lucky. I had removed 3 trees prior that were more of a threat. I cautioned him that he should remove more as they are all pretty much arched towards the house. Minimal damage considering. Did not hit the service either.


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Nice thing is I get to TD this mostly dead cedar because of our visit today. Probably before April :)
Sorry no pics of the dead horse pasture oak felling first thing this am... Nasty.


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I walked around Point Reyes National Park today. Saw some Tule Elk.

Used to live in Point Reyes Station, right off the main street. I hear that it has become quite trendy and all the street people are gone? Was it windy out in the Park? It often is.

Elephant Mountain is one of my favorite places.
Well that same SOB that screwed with Rotex Roberts Is screwing with Al .That Mallaley or however you spell his name forced those folks to go to 12 hour days with no overtime pay and damned if he didn't get it done again in the auto industry . Good Gawd I'll bet Honda has better working conditions now .Piss,moan ,groan ,cuss ,kick the cat ,yell at the old woman ,mumble, grumble .:(
Yep I way surpassed what I had in it a few months back--finally .You have to have the nerve to wait it out I guess . Some of it was 60 bucks a pop but that 2 dollar stuff caught it up rather quickly as far as the average .

Now if A T and T makes a come back I'll be one happy camper .
a couple estimates today and Job interview for the mrs. working with snakes pythons, boas and such. She will fall in love with the mice and the snakes will starve:lol:
Used to live in Point Reyes Station, right off the main street. I hear that it has become quite trendy and all the street people are gone? Was it windy out in the Park? It often is.

Elephant Mountain is one of my favorite places.

No street people in sight. It was not windy or foggy which I'm told is quite unusual. It was overcast and in the 60's I'm guessing. The surf wasn't very big at North Beach. There were some fishing boats out there and there was a notice that there was a great white shark baiting, for the purpose of tagging them, operation going on. Also saw the Elephant Seals at their place. Freaking massive. My daughter got some pictures, I'll get them up later.
Also saw the Elephant Seals at their place. Freaking massive. My daughter got some pictures, I'll get them up later.
My goodness the size of those males as compaired to the females remind me of my old Tom cat ,George the lion .George was 22 pounds of badass .Those 6 pound females,just like the female seals really don't have much choice in the matter or so it seems without going into details .
Yeah, they looked to be maybe quadruple the size of the females. We got some pictures of them but I think it was too far away to show much on a picture.
That's a great area. A lot of bobcats, there.

I've done some winter backpacking at Pt. Reyes, a few times; rained a bunch and was super windy.

Some of the best times and we had the whole park to ourselves.
Today went great.

Dave and I started one of my jobs, thought it was going to take two days. We'll finish in half that. Five Birch tree's got dropped and left into the woods, climbed and topped two to not hit a shed. Took down an Ash I thought I was going to climb, winched it over through a skinny strip of grass perfect, what a time saver. Even cut up all the wood for the lady, as it was going to be left log length to save $. Got home at 1:00. We headed to his house and finished ply wooding the roof on his barn, tomorrow we've got two small Beeches to take down, should be home before 11:00.
Yeah, the Great Whites are known to breed off of Point Reyes.

One day a friend invited me to go looking for arrow heads with him out in the park. We concentrated our efforts in ravines, figuring that the water could wash the arrowheads down into the gullies. Damn if my friend didn't find a beautiful one, really well crafted.

I think it was the Miwok tribe who lived in that area, or at least hunted out there....? One can only imagine that the California coast must have been a paradise in those days, with game a plenty. I have a book of old photos of Indians, one pic is titled 'Halibut 'fisherman. It shows the Indians with their catch, barn doors scattered all across the beach. Abalone too must have been beyond just plentiful.
Another good day.

Dave and I knocked out two Beech trees. I did some climbing (20 mins worth), Dave ran the saw on the ground mostly.

I've got a video going, nothing crazy. My full time camera operator didn't show up for work, so I had to compromise to a tripod. Nothing like a Murphy production, but something good for the website.

Just razzing ya Dan, I enjoy some of your vids.:P
The 'puter guru just left and now my machine is back at 'em .

Mrs Smith bless her heart thought she was doing good when she downloaded "spy ware doctor " not so . Actually about the worse thing she could have done .I couldn't make it go away .Just one of those things .
Did a huge oak removal today. Back yard, had to take down sections of two different chain link fences to get my truck in the back yard. It was tight down the side of the house but once I got to the back yard I had more room. The tree was a huge spreading laurel oak that forked out at 18' with about a dozen trunks. It was about 75' tall and about 90' wide with a house, a fence and a couple citrus trees underneath it. There were also two other oaks on either side crowding it so I had to cut myself a hole for boom clearance on my first setup.

The trunk was big enough that I needed my 880. The trunk was about 4' across flaring to about 5' at the crown and over 6' at the root flare. The tree was actually quite healthy and there was no reason to cut it down except for arborphobia. They also didn't like the surface roots all around the base which extended out about 10' in all directions. The stump grinding is going to be $400 or better.

Everything went super smooth and we had a great day. I love killing trees. :evil:
I used the 395 in the bucket until I got it down to about 7', then used the 880 on the last 3 cuts from the ground. Both of them were running excellently today. I love getting to power through some big cuts with my big saws. 8)