How'd it go today?

Powerwashed the chipper all nice and pretty this morning. Loaded up the xr70 a little later and went to the sand pit to putz around. Had a nice BMX double rhythm section, then a small track. My buddies have these souped up minis while I rock the stock 70, it's comical. Does everything they do though.

Just got home from NY, went to my girlfriends sisters house for dinner. Bid tomorrow morning, then meeting with a Realtor, then more mini riding probably.
Spread a couple yards of compost and mulch in the pouring rain.

Nothing like wet cow shat and chips stuck to absolutely everything.
Sinday...took it pretty easy. Made some tenons for the skirt of a table that someone ordered from me, worked on some saws a bit, and got my gear loaded up for a two crane job tomorrow. Finally looked at some firewood that needs to be moved to the rear of my shop, thought about it, but lazy got the best of me and I went home around 4:30.
Brent, congrats on the grand-daughter. I received a call Friday night that my daughter is due in July 2011. Her 2nd. My 5th grandchild. :)

Got home this morning at 03:00. Just waking up. The OU Sooners were successful in beating our in state rivals last night. Looks like we will be playing next week in the Big XII Championship game.

Well wife is sick and I have to stay home to watch the kids. I am doing to sharp and clean my saws today I guess. I hate days off!
Got my butt handed to me last night, bad beats too! Full house of King's and 4's, beat by King's and 6's. I'd make the straight, lose to the flush! Make the flush, loose to the higher flush. It was brutal!
Couldn't sleep, finally went to bed at 6am, now I feel like crap, but is sure beats dealing with wet manure!
Th 100mph wind gusts we have today put my work on hold, the neighbor had a tree branch come out, I'll go clean it up in a little while.
I had to keep telling myself:

"Hey, that's the smell of money".

Still smelled like cow shat, though.
Yeah, nothing is going to change that, nothing!

Got the branch hauled off and saw the "Griswald's" across the street are setting up for Christmas again, I'm glad I don't pay their electric bill, but it's quite the show.
Sail cat

Now this amused me .Saturday Tom stopped in from a cat rescue .Big fat dump cat was up about 70 foot in tree .Owner calls,dumb feline had been tree bound for six days .

So off he goes with the bucket truck,can't coax the cat close enough because the cat, asshole it was just kept going higher .The owner had called the humane society and they said cut the branch out from under him . Exactly what Tom did .Gravity did the rest .

The cat just spread out like a flying squirrel and landed feet first from about 70 feet .I asked how the cat made out .Tom said he hit the ground then hauled azz at about 90 miles per hour .He collected his money and down the road he went .

See now ,I had suggested that same thing but people thought it was cruel but if the SPCA says it's a grand plan evidently it's the thing to do .:)
yes cats are tough! I think that a rescue is more for the cat owners piece of mind then the cats health.
Complications from internal injuries aren't always immediately evident.

Crikey, I sound like a MD.
----- not to mention an expert in brancholigy and limb metrics .I myself have an MS in BS .

I have to Google methods of releasing said puss from a tree . Even though I find it comical it does seem a bit medevil to unlimb a cat .On the other hand Nets' method of a 12 guage is kinda tough on tabby too .
Thx all, she is going home today, maybe we should start a pool on how long it will take for the first distress call!:lol:

I will see 'em again this afternoon, I spent the morning building a new door casement for her back door. I used poplar I milled a year ago, as luck would have it I had a piece the right width. Planed it to depth, and now the fun part, routering the hinge points. Its a bit of work, but the price and quality is right!;)
Did a walkthrough with a client at a mobile home park, the want a hazard evaluation on their large pine, fir and spruce. Fun times, damn near froze my ass off...its a frigid -5c (tongue in cheek, prairie folk). So, that grampa feeling must have sunk in if your doing handyman work at your daughter's place already! First physio starts in an hour.
You get the right router with the right bit,it's snap to do .Don't be in a big rush now .

I got a dandy of a light weight Porter -Cable the other week when I did the kitchen island .I think with practice I could write my name with it .Easy to handle plus a good view of the bit .