How'd it go today?

I was thinking of the 'in the news' but the coin toss went this way, if you wanna move it Boss, don't hesitate. :)
Went to get the seal kit exchanged.
Special order parts, with ser# and model# get them open bag to fix and no longer can it be returned cost $62.40 inquire price for correct seals $104.20 go to hydaulic shop get them with instalation for $20.65 in a half hour of my time plus the twenty min drive. Knowing where to go from now on. Priceless;)
Glad you got it resolved. I remember back in the early days when I didn't know where to go for anything and often got the run around from retailers and paid through the nose for 'special order' stuff that they would buy from the guy down the street and sell to me for triple the price. These days I know a lot more of the 'guys down the street' and I'm not afraid to pick up the phone and grill my resources to find what I need. And in exchange I get a lot of guys calling me when they need help finding a place to fix something.
I would laugh in somebody's face if they gave me the wrong parts and then tried to tell me I couldn't return them. And if the laughing didn't work, I'd then get nasty about it.
Hydraulic parts are so stupid! 90% of it is in stock at the rebuilders place! Like on my Thomas when the lift cylinder blew. I tore it down, went to Carlton hyd. (the guys down the street here) bought the parts to rebuild all three cylinders for under $50!
It's just a matter of matching the O-rings, seals and backing discs to what you have, they are all the same, doesn't matter if you paid $120 or $10 for them, it's the same thing!
Glad you got if fixed.
Worth its weight for sure, he is a prentice dealer also gave him a stack of cards as he asked me if I worked in the woods. Feller for a day or to is always good for me pysicaly!
Burned 11 burn piles on some slopes today and did some tidy up on the account we burned. Customer is done for the year but will be calling for more brushing next year.. I hope he has me do the cliff behind the shop. That would rock! :D
Nice hot fires all day made the frost more tolerable :D
I would laugh in somebody's face if they gave me the wrong parts and then tried to tell me I couldn't return them. And if the laughing didn't work, I'd then get nasty about it.

I started that route but the older gent at the counter was just filling in. I'll leave that part to the pest she is good at getting results:lol:
Knocked out a cedar with many bad inclusions. It has had many significant tearouts at inclusions in the past. Got a $100 tip!!
Previous customer from a couple of years ago. I think my first customer after starting legal business. Glad to get it in for them, as we are expecting 40 MPH gusts tomorrow, if I'm lucky.
Went to the job site today and it was still a foot of snow covering everything we needed to brush out. Sooooooooooooooo
We went down to the insurance agent that gave us the job referral. Told her what was up. The HO has until Dec. 30th to comply to the standards of the insurance company for ladder fuel reduction. I asked the agent if we could get a stay of the order of compliance and surcharge due to weather or something. She never tried it before but called the company and got an extension. Whew! Called the HO and she is happy as a clam that we are proactive :D
Since we were in town, there was a gray pine that needed to come down and we made 1/2 days pay in 1 1/2 hours and went home to start shuffling the schedule... Weird but fruitful day.
Sick Bubba day, 101 fever and throwing up last night, he was fine all day, took a nap and back up to 101 after being 99 all day. So another sick Bubba day tomorrow.
Bypassed the scheduled job due to a failure to get confirmation for today and moved up a do anytime job with monster trees. It was cold. The wind started blowing before lunch. Almost called it on the last tree but the wind laid right after lunch. Got back to the job and the helper broke the gas cap on the 200T. Then the wind started blowing. 20 minutes later the 200T jumped out of the bucket and into the truck bed. Attempted suicide failed but it is currently in ICU. My eyes are full of Elm bark dust. Thats why I"m crying. Scout's honor.
Earlier this year. I finally came to grips with the fact that it IS the best climbing/bucket saw in the world.
Removed an elm via crane this morning. It was bitter cold and there was several wires in and around the tree..... yeehaw, good times!;)
Removed three oaks today. Two over houses, and fences. One over pool and fences. All the trees came down smooth as coon crap, but the clean up didn't. Good day I made over half a week working for the "BOSS" that hasn't been working for six days in about six hours. That will work for me!
I didn't have to mess around on the ground neither! Just awesome.