How'd it go today?

Bucket truck. My (Now top client since I am offically Licenced and Insured.) wants to use that damn thing on everything. Seems since he don't want to climb anymore I can't either. Anyway I would have loved to climbed it. I had to get out on a few limbs, but other than that I set up four times.
They call that resirection fern around here. I just dead wooded and removed inside suckers.
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Stig, when I visited Russia in 2003, I thought that it was rather simple to read Russian words as each symbol had only one sound, not like English where C can be the same as K or S. I picked up very few words in 10 days. I could pronounce them, but had no idea what most meant other than the CTOn signs.
Some people think that since I spent some years in Southern Illinois that proper English is a foreign language to me!!!
Well, have some bad news. Dad broke his foot(or at least a few toes) yesterday when a mini excavator he was using tipped. Don't know the exact details, since I wasn't there. He's been hobbling around since yesterday. Went and got the X-Ray done today. They called back and said it was broke. I don't know if he's going to get a cast or what. He still plans on climbing for the most part I believe, depending on what it is. I may end up taking a day off school next week to help out on a job. We only have school monday and tuesday, than thanksgiving break, so missing tuesday wouldn't hurt. Either way this sucks for us.

He was thinking about posing for a pic in spikes and naming it 10ft up and 30" around or something, to be like Gerry in his 150ft up and still 7ft across poster, where he has a cast on his foot(at least if I'm not mistaken, that is a cast, right?)
Ugh, today is one of those days that makes me want to just crawl back in bed. I got a call at Wesspur from this guy who wants to buy a bowline, but in case we were out of those then he'd take a girth hitch instead. I tried to explain that a bowline and a girth hitch are knots that tie with rope, and not a product you can buy, but he just got mad at me and said he would take his business elsewhere then. The next guy who called was mad because the flipline he bought wouldn't work with his rock climbing harness and accused me of taking advantage of him because he is a beginner. Then I got a call from a guy who wanted to know how to use his 2.2 mm Zing-it throw line to rappell out of a tree. If 1 more retard with a death wish calls me to complain about how big an idiot they are, I'm going to have a break down.

Hahahahahaha, wasn't me.... this time! Maybe you should put the three of them in touch to compare notes!
You should record their phone calls for quality purposes..... and so I can have a good laugh!
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The weather was BAD today.
A cross between snow and slush and lots of it.
We were felling doug firs all day, every time we hit a wedge, a shower of melted snow would hit us.
I was ever so thankful for my heated handles on the saws.

And my hottub for after work, of course:)
Was supposed to go riding today, but that didn't work out.

Looked at and booked two jobs, picked up my parts washer, cleaned it up, washed my truck, started a fire, and the day is still young.
My brother got called in early this morning for a substitute Spanish Teaching gig, so I dropped him off in case I had to meet with anyone at the house, err the estate, we're looking after. After that, I came home, showered and met ma, since she came to town. We went out and about causing chaos and havoc... I mean, we ran errands. :lol:
Weather is rolling in and it's getting a tad chilly. Pruned out a mimosa tree, a couple of peaches, toyon and a few manzanita. Gonna finish the day brushing out some of this property I am on.. Just took a short break...
Sorry about your dad, Adrian. I might be mistaken, but I seem to recall hearing somewhere that Jerry took some heat for working on that poster pic tree with a bad foot.
Beat the weather rolling in today. Got iced on pushing fire piles in. Kids are all out with Kat to go see the new Harry Potter. I have Lilly and Levi.
Feels good to be home. Going to reschedule a new client tonight with all this weather rolling in..
Spent the day with my wife! Bid a job for removing some isolated remnant Doug-firs. Rained a lot, so I didn't get to try out the Demo Wraptor that I just got yesterday! I have some tall trees lined up for its use.
Tree work is off for the next few days or so. Winter is here in full effect. Cold and snowy, I've been up since 1:30am, lol. Stressful first night of snow, making sure everything works out. Gotta do the same thing tomorrow but I'll get a couple more hours of sleep. And I sold more treework today.:|:
I might go looking for my tire chains this weekend. But probably not. Sucks when they are frozen in the mud and you really need them.:/:
Tree work is off for the next few days or so. Winter is here in full effect. Cold and snowy, I've been up since 1:30am, lol. Stressful first night of snow, making sure everything works out. Gotta do the same thing tomorrow but I'll get a couple more hours of sleep. And I sold more treework today.:|:

Nice Squishy!! I haven't had enough here for a push yet but I think I might be plowin next week if enough money falls outta the sky!;)