How'd it go today?

What's kind of neat about the iron powder groupings is the fact they are "drag rods " .Meaning you really don't have to hold an arc like fast freeze .Just strike it like a match and it burns itself .Years ago prior to the advent of sheided arc wire feeds these were used extensively for heavy duty high production in industry . Lawdy back in the day it wasn't uncommon for me to burn at least 50 pounds dailey of 3/16" or 7/32" .I coughed up black chit for 3 months after I joined the navy when I was 19 from that kind of abuse . Number 12 lens with a 2.5 flash google under and I still burned my eyes .---not good at all for you ---:(
Yesterday I put the formica top on the kitchen island,came out real well .

I did some figuring and the last formica I had worked with was 1969 when my hair was all one color and more of it .The methods have changed a lot since .They didn't have small routers back then for one thing .

I did more with that router in ten minutes than I could of with the old methods in half a day .
She must have a hundred pictures so far . With any kind of luck I'll have this mess done by mid December .I'll post them then .

I've got to work today then off the rest of the week as I have some vacation to burn before Dec first else I loose it .If I get some time I'll sneak a few pics in .
---:([/QUOTE]--not good at all for you ---

My son signed up for vocational welding in high school. I advised him against it. I told him it is not a job you would want to have every day-it sucks-and it is not good for you. I told him I could teach him enough about welding to get by and look the other courses over. He said nothing else interested him and he took the 2 year course. Got a job and worked a few months at it. When summer came and he was dressed in leather, snorting fumes, he found out how much it did suck. Then he did roofing for a few years. Made really good money, but I told him look at the old roofers and think about it. He is working for a general contractor now, doing remodels and new builds.
true about the welding fumes and grinding dust, but then I've only breathed chainsaw exhaust and baroil mist for the last near 40 yrs too.
I'm told one of the secrets to live a long life is avoid repeated stress so I guess being an arborist is something to avoid .
But then I look at my neighbor who is a young doctor and I see his round the clock work schedule is making him look like a cranky old man.
I have a 18 yr old son, I know what your going through Cobleskill
Well, I had to hunt today, as it was too wet to work.....I know, I can feel the sympathy pouring in. Got the first deer of the year, a doe, 170 yards with a Thompson/Center Encore 209 x .50 muzzle loader. Pics show off the unique Rutherford Deer Hanger, possibly available in your local sporting goods store soon.....


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Priceless pics.. I really love the deer hanger :lol:

Went over to an account to "fall a couple of trees and take down some brush"... Welllllllllllll The job got bigger. HO had left a note and marked trees all over the place. I guess we are thinning out the woods :lol: So we scheduled a couple more days of carnage after we made firewood out of as many as we could today. First tree was right next to their parking area with a boat next to the tree. I had done work on the tree next to that prior (just a limb removal). Boat, lv lighting wired in the ground, and a plumb tree as targets. Habitat tree.. Pecker hotel. :lol: This is a pic of it from a couple years ago.. It was full of all kids of goodies for winter storage. I had recommended it come down on the initial consult back then. Hollow at the base. Sorry no pics from today. Kind of nice to slash and burn live trees all day. :D Of course they picked the fun ones... ;)


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i rescued a cat this evening. lady called, said she had a cat in a redwood. i showed up and it was 30 ft or so up, no problem. as soon as i got close, cat climbed higher:roll:. did that until it ran out of tree at around 100' or so, then it peed on me. still couldn't reach the bastard so i snap cut (or break cut or what-have you... two opposite, offset, overlapping cuts so you can get both hands on and break under control.) the top at an inch and a half dia, and brought the cat within scruffing distance. put it in the cat carrier i brought up, and descended. 1/2 hr elapsed time, lady gave me 70 bucks, and its not even her cat. i had fun, except for the pee part.
The hundred plus tree removal finished up yesterday. I think I was starting to get carbuncles on my azz from wearing all the gear :/:.... and generally beat too, but nothing that two and a half hours at the hot spring today couldn't help fix. Generally had it to myself too, most of the time stretched out sleeping on the hot tile floor. Splashed a guy in the face using a hand shower, and when saying sorry, we both realized that we knew each other. He owns a restaurant that I sometimes drop into for a beer when riding my bike north through the next village. Nice guy, rescued from the near dead with cancer, and is now recovered and doing fine. We had a nice chat and he invited me to a new year's party at his restaurant, no charge. :rockon:
Yes, Dennis, I pretty much have the lingo down. The guys I work with...socialize, know maybe two or three words in English. I still luv em though. :)

Every now and then I meet someone who can get along in English, but it is pretty rare.
They study it for like six years in junior high and high school, but only to pass some dumb written test. The verbal education is very poor at best, and they seem to quickly forget what little they have learned.
Cut up a pretty dang good sized interior live oak that had fallen. Made fire wood rounds for some older folks that can't do for themselves as well as they used to. Then killed a leaner they wanted gone. So pretty much making fire wood all day for my day rate. Landed another TD near town. Scheduled more work this summer. More limbing/lifting horse pasture next month. Sold about 6 days in the last two. Think I am going to be taking down part of a live oak I was supposed to but got rained out on a couple weeks ago tomorrow. Should be a nice day. :)