How'd it go today?

I just got through tarping down the firewood in preperation for the autum monsoons which always hit here .After that the white stuff falls .It's been a real mild fall but you just never know because Ohio weather can change hourly or so it seems .

I've got 12-14 cords under tarp and at most I'll burn 5 so I'm good to go this winter .
My tree job got scrubbed, we were having trouble connecting with the homeowner that said "I want two cedars removed". We looked in her yard and found the cedars gave her a quote. She called yesterday and made arrangements to have the payment there when we were done. Marlene made sure to have her identify the trees, wellllllll, it turns out she was talkin' about 2 50' spruce trees!!!

We quoted those and are waiting to hear back from her. I moved a push swather home that a neighbor didn't want any more, flipped the knives in the chipper, and fueled up 3 trucks. Nice day, weatherwise for Nov 12.
Scrubed, cleaned, and serviced the skid steer that is now at my disposal. Cleaned the carb on a log splitter after I towed it home split wood for the afternoon after i put it back in order and took a kawasaki zn700 I've been working on for its maiden voyage a few more kinks to work out and should turn a few dollars on it's sale.
Good deal. I'm not a great mechanic but I enjoy being able to fix my own stuff and make it right.

Today I pulled the carb off my brand new 200T (bought it a week ago). It has been running lean and is slow to throttle down when I let off the trigger. Dangerous because the chain is still spinning as I try to stick it in the scabbard in the bucket. I took a Dremel to the limiter cap so I could adjust it properly, then checked the internal screen and the inlet needle lever height. Figured it might have had crap in it from the factory maybe? But it was clean and seemed to run properly when I was done. I'll find out tomorrow.
Dropped tree after tree today.. Basically working in the fire zone... Make a fire where it seems you can hit it with the most trees using your felling tricks.. Then Brush out the tree (what has not hit the fire :lol: ) if you can call burnt cinders of branches "brush". More like take the burnt sticks that are too small for fire wood off the tree and buck the log (s). Fun Fun...
Nice day out.... Good felling practice. Most of it was hard dead oak. Some gray pine. I get to drop a good sized pondo drop and walk ninja style soon.. :/: Lady wants it down as it will eventually hit the drive way. Property owner where it is at has never been to the property that is now for sale. Tree is quite dead... Soooooooooo... She will fall up hill with coaxing :D Wedges are my friend :D


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Had a really nice interaction with the customers today. A retired couple, John the Irishman, and Allison his wife of 5 years.
I'd sold them some firewood previously, now they wanted two small trees removed. After bidding it the other day, and talking to them some, John invited me in for an Irish. Stayed for a bit, had a nice chat with them. They performed in an opera together, off-off-Broadway, thirty years ago.

Went to take down the trees, Flowering Plum and a Smoke Tree (beautiful looking wood, never cut one before). Working solo, as Ben twisted his ankle on Monday, and work up to bad swelling Tuesday.

Ends up I had two hard working brush draggers. They were so eager to work doing whatever they could to lend a hand. Hard working folks. Had two Irishs and some snacks with them after we were done. They are only a few miles down a country road from home. Oh, and Allison made me a nice sandwich after I got there, as I turned down the coffee readily offered, as I already had my thermos.

Going back to grind the stump tomorrow.
My groundie
We got 4'' of snow yesterday ,1st snow of fall. Still here today with an extra inch. -5C whatever that is in F? Winter is now here to stay. Gotta wear the wool one finger liners / leather mitts now.
I like to mingle with my customers, one of my customers that comes to mind who has a cottage down the road is former govenor of Alabama Fob James. Very interesting gentlemen. But I find customers who give me treats etc is not a good thing, it tells me I didn't charge them enough.
Brian if your week old MS200 is giving you problems then take it back to the dealer and let warranty take care of it.

I find customers who give me treats etc is not a good thing, it tells me I didn't charge them enough

With all due respects, that is one of the silliest things I have ever read.

Money is one thing, being kindly can be another. In some places, offering some refreshment to people who are busting A for you is simply good manners.
Well just depends I suppose .When I had the framing crew out here at "El Rancho cost a plenty " my wife fed them like they were thrashers .It's just the way she is .
Work today .The cheap bastages are getting off their overtime elimination kick at least for a little while .Gotta make hay when the sun shines they say .
I had three canceled days in a row this week and this morning's job still hasn't called me with an address. I've been waiting to work since Wednesday. I'll be working all weekend though, I have a small job this afternoon and I have to do a post office Sunday.
When you do get the call, be sure to tell them that you have to check your schedule....keep them on hold for a couple minutes.
With all due respects, that is one of the silliest things I have ever read.

Money is one thing, being kindly can be another. In some places, offering some refreshment to people who are busting A for you is simply good manners.

I always offer someone a cup of coffee or tea. Showing someone some courtesy is having good manners, plus its likely to have them take a bit more care, put in the extra 5% at the end, or offer some helpful advice. If they are working hard as we do, so extra calories or caffeine go a long way sometimes.

John the Irishman and Allison had Irish whiskey.
Yup yesterday I was offered coffee and cookies, homemade and really yummy. I passed on the coffee though. I TD'd a big pine for them and had to climb to about 75'. Coffee isn't what I was looking for by the time I got my bucketeering ass down. Big pine about 36" DBH, homeowner's supposed to e-mail me some pics. They were very appreciative and full of compliments. It had a lean towards their house that they weren't comfortable with, otherwise perfectly healthy still. Cut and run, my favorite.
With all due respects, that is one of the silliest things I have ever read.

Money is one thing, being kindly can be another. In some places, offering some refreshment to people who are busting A for you is simply good manners.

Don't take me the wrong way Jay, yes I do very much appreciate kindly offerings of gratitude for work well done. Half of my customers are repeat customers and I do take their offerings, if its the last job of the day I have sampled many fine homemade beers and excellent conversation along with it.
Having said that I do find in 1st time customer relations I do learn to gauge how much I can comfortably charge them.
Been busy the past week hanging with friends after school, doing school work, and having little bro's birthday.

Today we went and did some volunteer brush chipping for a church. Our neighbor asked us if we could and we said sure. Stayed there for a few hours, we got some free pizza out of the deal and we were able to empty our truck on site, since they wanted any chips we had in the truck.

Also got some goodies in today. For those that don't know, Luke over at TreeStuff is doing this thing where you send him a list of gear you would like to try out, he sends it too you free of charge, you do a video review of said item and get some in action footage, put it up on youtube and send him the link, and you are now the proud owner of some new gear, since he's letting us keep whatever he sends out. Only doing it with guys he knows and trusts. I'm doing the Petzl Right Hand Ascender and a Hitch Climber Pulley. Pretty sweet deal I think. He's not sending out anything overly large I believe, like saddles and such.