How'd it go today?

Kids had a great time. There are a lot of kids that come up for the Super Bowl that have never even seen a bon fire. One kid was asking one of the coaches... "it is not going to be as lame as that one we had at camp? Is it? It was only a couple feet high and a couple feet wide. More like a campfire. This is not going to be like that is it?". Then he and the coach walked up to the site and saw the stack of wood.. The kids eyes went wide with his smile :)
We had two more teams up here we did not have last year..
Today rather than hook up my leaf vacuum I blew the stuff out of the back yard with the Stihl BR 400 blower I bought this summer .It did okay,took some time but beat the hell out of a lawn rake for sure .
Did 11 burn piles on a steep one today and was ready to hit a couple more up the street from me. Came home to check on the pea soup.. Temp went wrong and it spoiled. Fugggggg! Called it a day at 1:30 and ran to the market to get more fixens and made another batch pronto.
Note: fermented pea soup smells like a cross between a really bad diaper and dog poop... Let's not let that happen again. :barf:
I forgot Katy had to go to another town over for the kids schooling assessments. She turned the double boiler off after the soup hit warm enough to grow things... :P
Been a crazy day.

On the up side.. Levi's testing went really well and he should be reading chapter type books by this time next year according to his teacher. :thumbup:
He will be 5 in Jan :D
<-- --------Proud dad :D
There is a famous old restaurant in Solvang, California, called Anderson's. Their specialty is pea soup, and they serve it with a basket of bread and crackers. There are some other things on the menu, but everyone goes there for the pea soup. It's an all you can eat for one price arrangement, but pea soup is pretty filling. The waitresses are real nice, and somehow they can handle hearing "pea soup" all day long.

Solvang is modeled after a Dutch town, if you haven't been there.
I was driving through East Boston (near the airport) today and saw a strange birds nest. I pulled over to have a closer look and saw....PARROTS, yup friggin parrots in BOSTON, in November no less. I called moss who is an avid birdwatcher who informed me the particular nest I was seeing was first reported about a year ago. Any who I thought it was cool so heres a pic and a description for y'all


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Wiki says they have been in north america since the 60's. Native to southern argentina so the climate is similar to ours. Moss informed me that they are a huge menace in Chicago because they prefer utility poles for their nesting sites.
Pretty cool Greg...

Just came home for a coffee break... It started sleeting on us while we were doing the last three fires. First two sucked BAD! We did a fire clearance on this property with two houses a few years ago. HOs never let us burn the piles. Asked me finally this year (after whittling at some firewood he wanted from it :roll: ) to chip it . They put in a stupid gate with no way a rig can turn the corner to get through it. So they figured now I can chip it for their environmental piece of mind... :roll: whateva! I took a closer look at the piles we had left 3 years ago and they were over grown with grass and dirt mingled in from gofers. FUG THAT! I kept the job on the back burner till a nice rainy day :) Took 3 hours for two fires two of us playing tug o war. Last three were cake walks .... Light and go have a coffee break.
Feels nice to be in a warm dry house... Oh well.. About another hour of clean up and the deed is done ;)
TD of a oak with the root ball pulling up, winched it back a touch and bombed it all. Man that feels good:D Another two day gig in a few weeks dead wooding over the house and a little thinning. My picture file sizes to big to post:(
TD of a oak with the root ball pulling up, winched it back a touch and bombed it all. Man that feels good:D Another two day gig in a few weeks dead wooding over the house and a little thinning. My picture file sizes to big to post:(

resized I think and hope;)


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Nope;) Right next to Devil's millhopper, and a ton of other less dramatic sinkholes part of the reason this one was going over I think. behind it is a hole 60+ ft deep