Coming from Calgary I had a few laughs as I was calling around looking for work when I was going to move out. I remember a guy telling me that they lay everyone off in the winter because it 'gets to like -20c for
days and we have 4" of snow.' :roll:
That said, I certainly don't miss the winter freeze! I remember sheeting a quonset in -35c without the wind...coldest deuce I've ever dropped in my life that day! At least we were inside with heaters. But, I've done some cold assed days of treework, -25c and wind whipping like a sumbitch...we'd usually shut down if it got real bad.
I agree, shovelling the dz out to save time on the cleanup sux...but it does warm a guy up before the tree
I remember being stressed out by the late fall thinking of winter driving our trucks around. Its alright in a 1 ton 4x4 with a plow and weight in the back, but a 3 ton rear wheel with a chipper is a different animal altogether! Even though Calgary is a prairie town, there are sure a lot of nasty hills.
Hope you roll well in the winter have lots of snow? Barely a flake on the ground has stuck down here.
RD hope your padre heals up well...winter is the time to slow down though. Some guys will do anything to avoid work

(Imma in the same boat)