How'd it go today?

I can't imagine doing treework in snow. I mean, I've done it a few times, ice storms/whutnot; but every season? Wow. I'd wanna be a bucket baby, for SURE.
Same here. I've done it and will do it again, but I don't much like it. The best part of it is getting home and hitting the hot shower.
People act surprised when I tell them it snows in Japan, dunno why. Shoot, it'd be 3 or 4 feet deep up at Misawa. We had lots of fun playing in it. It was the only time in my life I owned a sleigh. Almost killed myself a couple dozen times, LOL.
Yeah, a lot of people think that the only snow is on Mt Fuji. Up in the northern regions they get it heavy like Siberia. Just forty-five minutes north of me is a well known ski area where the winter olympics was once held.
Full wrap chaps are nice for winter work.;) It is a pain to have to shovel the entire drop zone, but saves time in the cleanup.
Treework may be on hold until next spring. Working the woods here in the winter makes doing residential work look like a vacation for winter. I am getting soft though. A big climber I had last week I was ready to put off if it snowed, I chuckled thinking about how many spars I rigged throughout the winters.

Bucket's nice but it's access that becomes the issue in the winter.
Coming from Calgary I had a few laughs as I was calling around looking for work when I was going to move out. I remember a guy telling me that they lay everyone off in the winter because it 'gets to like -20c for days and we have 4" of snow.' :roll:

That said, I certainly don't miss the winter freeze! I remember sheeting a quonset in -35c without the wind...coldest deuce I've ever dropped in my life that day! At least we were inside with heaters. But, I've done some cold assed days of treework, -25c and wind whipping like a sumbitch...we'd usually shut down if it got real bad.

I agree, shovelling the dz out to save time on the cleanup sux...but it does warm a guy up before the tree :)

I remember being stressed out by the late fall thinking of winter driving our trucks around. Its alright in a 1 ton 4x4 with a plow and weight in the back, but a 3 ton rear wheel with a chipper is a different animal altogether! Even though Calgary is a prairie town, there are sure a lot of nasty hills.

Hope you roll well in the winter have lots of snow? Barely a flake on the ground has stuck down here.

RD hope your padre heals up well...winter is the time to slow down though. Some guys will do anything to avoid work :lol: (Imma in the same boat)
Had a great day so far. Went and harvested mistletoe for the Henry Clay Estate. I climbed a large Walnut with another climber, and another guy did a slightly smaller Walnut. My TIP was at least 60'. I tried out my slimmed down rope walker set up and it worked great. The Rope Wrench I got to use for the first time today, it was a blast. We couldn't figure it out at first, because it kept sliding and wouldn't provide friction. Then someone suggested I had it on backwards


So we flipped it and it worked great. Going out in a few to hang with friends. Dad took some pics, and another climber took some close ups of me using my system. I'll see if I can get a link from him with those.
Did a small job with a buddy this morning, two hours, lifted some wood for about the second time this year. That sucked.

Took the Tomos out for the last voyage before storage, froze my ass off.

Not sure where the rest of the day went, though.
Working in the cold is ok if you have a place to take a break from it, and I don't mean in your truck. Some provision for retreat needs to be made.
I spent about 6 hours installing two "can lights " in a hallway ceiling .Trying to cut the danged things in and not ruining the ceiling radient heat plus digging through about a foot of insulation about done me in .I got -er-done though .

The stupid 'puter gave me fits all day .No internet and ran slow as a snail .All at once it healed itself .Must have had one of it's "moments" or something ?????
Going to do my last weekend at Cowgirls tonite. Been pretty ragged doing that, climbing trees, and setting up a new program. Had to cut one out. Still will work the bar during home Seahawks games. I have the dubious honor of being the oldest working bouncer in Pioneer square, at the busiest bar in the area.
Took two of my daughters,wife, and little boy to Tunica Hills for a hike with the Girl Scouts today. Really fun time!
I started my day at the house we're looking after with blowing the leaves and checking the premises to find out the heat in the guest cottage had gone out. I spent time waiting on the owner to call me back. He called us back, right after we got home.

I traced the issue down to a bad circuit breaker, only to find out the freaking breaker box takes a contortionist act to get to. You have to pull a stair tread and riser out to get to the "hatch", and then drop 3 or so feet down into the hole, and then walk carefully to the box(3 feet or so from the "entrance", as the floor has termite damage. I'll call the service company out Monday, since they've got a contract with the owner, and insurance for their employees.

The next time the owner is in town, we're going to have to identify the circuits on the property, and get a plan on what needs to be brought up to code. This may take a while, since it's roughly 7500 square feet of building space between the main house, guest cottage, and outbuildings and pool mechanicals, on a decent sized 3 phase panel, circa 1950, on a house built in the 1890's. :lol:
some pics of our tunica hills trip in may.

:)my son Miles
My wife and daughters by the first waterfall
I think this is the Tree Fall
My kids are troopers. We hiked about four miles of some rough terain and they loved it.
Yes, The only thing was my sholders hurt at the end because I had Miles in a pack carrier. Reminded me of humping gear in the Marines!