How'd it go today?

Good day so far. Grandma called me today to say I made it in the paper again. Yesterday, there was a reporter at Ashland while we were harvesting mistletoe. I didn't hear who she was with then, so I thought nothing of it. Pretty cool. Me and Stacy(other climber in pic) are on the front page of the the City and Region Section of our paper. I'll see if I can snag a pic of it or something.
OWWWWWWWWWWWWCH! Hope your dad heals up soon RD.

Power is finally back on after going out at about midnight last night. Phone started ringing off the hook about limbs and trees down. The winds hit with like 50 mph gusts and wet snow. Snowed all day on and off. So we get busy doing clean ups tomorrow.
Kids have been busy playing in the snow and playing cards.


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Dang Butch, that looks serious.

Willie, a mini excavator he was using on a job flipped on him. Don't know the exact details, but somehow his foot got crushed under one of the roll cage bars.
Going to try too. We don't have too many climbing jobs lined up. The other stuff he can basically sit around and direct, or at least sit. If he can get some sort of cast on his foot, he'd like to try climbing some more.
I'm amazed he can lower his foot that far down w/o throbbing pain. I couldn't do that for the first six weeks.
My pine tree removal job this morning was taller than it looked. I was about 15'-20' short of the top so I called a climber who happened to be about 15 minutes away. I set him in the pine and gave him the job but hung around to watch.

I went to look at a second job (a long term personal client) about lunchtime but it was much more than I was prepared to do today. He added in a thousand dollar removal so I scheduled it for Friday when most of the cars would be out of the parking lot and my chipper guy would be available.
Took down a dead red oak today; two of the three leaders were without bark.
Of course those were over the house and deck. Took the first half an hour to remove all the nice stained glass lantern lights from around the deck to a safe distance away.
All's well that ends up on the ground well. Now suffering from the OMS (Old Man Syndrome) with a sore wrist, back and shoulder (still need to schedule that surgery).


The edge of the house is just visible to the left where the long horizontal leaders were overhanging. the deck is seen right at the base of the tree. I am back up top ready to work down the vertical sections.
Hanging tree lights today. Had a call back for a job that I thought I would not get, because the guy kept jacking me around a few MONTHS ago. He has some add ons now, and just in time beings my main guy has let me take off for the week. IMO God is looking out for our family!
No tree work again, more stinking leaves.

Not to bad, just log a lot of miles walking around. Bid a job after work, competitor bid $95 less for cash with no written estimate. Held my ground with job specs in hand, so who knows. :|: Whatever

Just ordered a shelter for my Ford for the winter, now I can putz around with it through the cold winter boredom.
Getting stuff done around the house is good. Is it not? I like it when people try to talk you down like that and you get the job anyway.
Cleared driveways and yards of downed tree limbs. One gray pine limb was 24" dia. Sticky nasty mess that was. Took home some bank and tips. Might have landed a removal of a black oak hanger (14"dia by 35 foot or so long) up in a valley oak. It is right next to a volley ball court. Tricky but do-able. Came home to some testy house bound kids that act like they are starving. Some more calls. Not a bad day considering. I guess we are getting more weather until Tues. A lot of the deciduous trees up here are late in losing the leaves. Wet snow and high winds busted up a lot of shat. Everyone is running around clearing roads and such.
Dang Brian, so you don't climb at all? Even the simple stuff, like a pine top?

Lordy. I predict an ever increasing gut girth. Something tells me your leg lift contraption is collecting dust.
Yeah 15-20 feet is out of the bucket and rock it out.

No worries. I would rather climb some of the limby pines anyway. Seems like the bucket is in way of the best drag path.
It was a spooky dead pine with no needles or bark. I'm out of practice and not hungry enough to risk my life for an extra $50-$100. Remember, I'm working without health insurance so I must weigh the physical risks against my ability to continue earning a living. The job wasn't worth the risk for me.