How'd it go today?

Yup, the rawhide looking plugs. The tools are top notch as well. Most reamers have barbs which cut the steel belts. This reamer is smooth spiraled to slide between the wire cords instead of cutting them.
Is that the kind that has kind of a little cap on them that you goop up and stick in the hole .Goes in but doesn't come out .If so those were the best ever made, they work .
Just got back in from buying my new TV:D8)

After years of not being allowing a TV in my room, I finally have one. Only problem is, I can't hook it up to cable, so it's going to be for DVD's, Xbox 360, and a giant computer screen for awhile. I'm just happy I finally got one. WOOHOO!!
I clicked the link Brian posted...they looked like regular type plugs. I am interested in some of the ones like y'all are talking about with the patch and plug together. Where ya get 'em?
I have heard of failures with that type when used in steel belted radials, Scott. The steel belts can cut the rubber plug with the constant flexing.
I subbed out as a climber today, just to take a little time off from logging.
Killed 6 large birch trees with the shittiest excuse for a groundie, I've yet come across.

A woman from the next street came by and asked us to look at a tree at her place.
A previously topped birch, she wanted gone.
She also wanted me to top another birch.
Being a truly professional treeworker, I said: " Sorry Mam, topping birches is a real bad idea, so we don't do that"!

Probably should have said: " Since we are wallowing in money right now, we don't do that", would have been more honest.

Anyway, she thought I was full of shit, and told me so.

I won that argument, though.
When we took her previously topped birch down, the top of it was simply a tube. The whole middle had rotted away, leaving a 4 foot section of trunk with 1" of sound sapwood, where the three new 20 foot tops were suckered on.

After cutting the tops out without following them down, I cut that whole section out in one piece and showed it to her afterwards.
That sure made her shut up:lol:

I also killed my first mistletoe today ( this is going to freak Stephen out!!!!!).
Cut a plum tree with a large mistletoe down. I tried to convince the owners to let it be ( mistletoe is extremely rare here, we are too far north) but they wanted the tree gone.

The groundie took the branch with the mistletoe home, he was going to stick it into water and hope it would keep untill x-mas.
I have heard of failures with that type when used in steel belted radials, Scott. The steel belts can cut the rubber plug with the constant flexing.

So you're saying the regular straight plugs are better than the patch/plugs? I heard the patch/plugs were far superior......All I know is that I've had a terrible time with flats lately. I got a tire on my work truck that needs airing up every day or so...plugged it twice, but it still leaks. Got one on my mini that has been plugged twice, resorted to breaking it down and gluing a patch inside it THREE TIMES....still leaking. Got a gallon of Slime the other night at Wallyworld...gonna try it out. Got one on a utility trailer that won't hold air but a couple of hours...leaking around the rim......Anybody know of a source for good, free tires? Oh, and I plugged a tire on the Xterra this morning...odd looking piece of metal protruding from it, no clue what it is or where it came from.
I used to have a lot of rim leaks. I used to buy fix a flat in 5 gal pails. It usually did the trick. Now when I mount a tire I give the bead and the edge of the rim a coat of tire grease. It prevents leaks on the bead. I think it is just lithium grease, but not really sure. Gemplers has a lot of tire fixing supplies. Fix a flat usually fixes plugs but I have had plugs that lost their rubbery coating and ended up looking like strands of manilla rope. Fix a flat wouldn't fix those.

When you put a patch on the inside of a tire you need one of the metal buffing wheel that you put in a drill. Gemplers has em.
Hauled 92 Metric tonnes of Durum today. Weird hauling grain with no snow on the ground!!!
Yeah, it has been absolutely gorgeous! Just below freezing at night, and 15C and virtualy no wind! Good thing too there is still plenty of combining to be done!
Went and cleaned up at the previous day's restaurant job...limb city. No chipper, but we do have a mini with a grappler and a place close by to dump. One relatively small Pine at the parking lot entrance was also scheduled for removal as a finality, but the lady said that her son didn't want it cut. It needed to be cut for appearances sake, so we talked her into it. Her son drove up later and didn't complain.

Before going home, she asked me and the other guy there to come in for a snack, and had quite a spread of hot food layed out. On the way out she gave me some coupons redeemable for six large bottles of beer, any brand. I guess she was happy with the work. The place did look a whole lot better.
I'll be driving past Andy's house later tonight (and again on Saturday night/Sunday morning). Leaving at midnight for Columbia, Missouri. Kickoff is Saturday night at 7:00 p.m.

I'll wave as I go by Andy!!!
Went and cleaned up at the previous day's restaurant job...limb city. No chipper, but we do have a mini with a grappler and a place close by to dump. One relatively small Pine at the parking lot entrance was also scheduled for removal as a finality, but the lady said that her son didn't want it cut. It needed to be cut for appearances sake, so we talked her into it. Her son drove up later and didn't complain.

Before going home, she asked me and the other guy there to come in for a snack, and had quite a spread of hot food layed out. On the way out she gave me some coupons redeemable for six large bottles of beer, any brand. I guess she was happy with the work. The place did look a whole lot better.

Gotta love that. Had a lady recently put out ice water and fresh fruit one afternoon, and then a dozen breakfast burritos and coffee maker in am, followed by more fruit and ice water. No beer coupons though....
I'm beat.

Just got back from NJ.

Worked until 330, left at 4. Hit traffic, got there at 7. Picked up the goods. Just got home about an hour ago. It sure sucks driving an f350 work truck with chip box on a windy day! Got about 12MPG.

Came home with a cherry, 1965 Simplicity Landlord 101. He didn't BS when he said it was original, I don't even really want to use it. Have all the manuals too, I'm happy as a pig in shit. I'll take some pics tomorrow, along with showing my old ones which I sold for money for tree equipment.
Andy's out lookin' for some diamond harrows to put out (pointy side up) to put on the highway, so you can help him out while your getting the bus tires replaced. To tell ya the truth Dennis, I don't think Andy needs any help (he's beyond that:lol:), he just wants a peek at the cargo your carryin'!:O