Young man on the go
The credit report was through experian, is just the scam's front. The FICO score from matches my score from the credit union, but myfico only does TransUnion and Equifax, which is no big deal. Too bad I had the loan officer check it today, as paying off that credit card yesterday (not yet reported) should(based on myfico's simulator) bump my credit rating with the credit union from B to A which would cut my interest in half and only be a point away from their AA (highest) rating.
Sure is fun learning stuff, provided it's correct. Provided my plans for the next 6 months pan out, I should be in that ellusive AA rating before I turn 25.
Sure is fun learning stuff, provided it's correct. Provided my plans for the next 6 months pan out, I should be in that ellusive AA rating before I turn 25.