How'd it go today?

Bucket frigged up on me today. After reversing my booms to reach way over and down a bank, working at almost full articulation on the upper. My bucket jumped a cog on the levelling system so now I get to frig with it on the weekend. Worst part was I was planning on taking a normal weekend for the first time in like a month but now it looks like I'll be fixing the bucket tomorrow and next week is gonna start on Sunday. Yee-haw.
I've been moving so no internet yet. I'm on my cousin's computer and I'm renting a small house from him. Took me and four people 2 days and a little to move all of my stuff from inside the house and today we started on the laundry room. Good to see everyone on the treehouse.
I was just thinking of that thing bobbing up and down on our lumpy bumpy roads.. :lol:
Accurate and very visual I am sure they are.
And I doubt they break like the electric ones do.
Bucket frigged up on me today. After reversing my booms to reach way over and down a bank, working at almost full articulation on the upper. My bucket jumped a cog on the levelling system so now I get to frig with it on the weekend. Worst part was I was planning on taking a normal weekend for the first time in like a month but now it looks like I'll be fixing the bucket tomorrow and next week is gonna start on Sunday. Yee-haw.

You getting moobs too? Better climb a little more, you wont need ballast till plowing season!
Moobs? If that's some kinda gut thing, not me. I'm down in weight for myself, lean and mean. Climbed more in the last month then I have all year, and a few more good climbing jobs ahead of me. I think the reality of my new mortgage is making me a more bold climber. Lol.
Me either.

Just downing some coffee's while I'm waiting for the frost to start to thaw so I can get this bucket sorted.
Frost,now that brings up a subject .This morning the weather report listed a frost warning but it was 40 degrees .Now explain this one,the damned roof at work had ice on it .:? Evidently it's colder 22 feet in the air than on the ground or something .
Yes, solid objects such as the earth hold heat longer than air. Early morning temperatures taken close to the ground will be higher than temperatures taken out in the open, away from any heat retaining structure.

damn, looks like I'm too slow. :|:
Deadwooded 2 ash and a weeping birch this afternoon. Funny the Birch and the Siberian Elms are the only tree with leaves on 'em here! We've had lots of frost including one night where the temp dropped to -7C.
I had a guy that was going to do some repair on my brick work on the addition .Got tired of waiting on him and just finished 20 bricks on the interior stuff .Good grief I figured up it's been since 1978 since I laid any brick or block .I still got it .;) One of those things that once you learn you never forget .
Got my bucket repaired. re-levelled, everything tensioned properly. While I was at it I swamped everything, changed/cleaned filters, checked all the fluid levels, yada yada yada. All ready for work in the am.
Got the saws all sharpened up and ready, the mini is on the trailer, hooked to the truck. I'm finally ready for a wood run. Yes, my dad is going with me.
Oh, I know! Why do you think I'm skeered going solo right now?
I've got a new place to go Monday or Tuesday, they can infrared my back, I'm hopping they c an tell me WTF is going on! I was impressed, I talked to one of the Docs this am and was telling him what I did. Then said I am still having trouble in the lower muscles "It hurts to lie down, and feels like................" He interrupted me, "Like hot knives are shoved into your sides?"
"Yeah, exactly what I was going to say!" Seems they might at least have a clue? He also sure as hell, understood not wanting to pay the $600 for an MRI!
Maybe I'm gullible right now?