How'd it go today?

I hate plumbing

Leaky toilet. Put a new wax ring under it Sunday. Still leaked. Put another new wax ring under it Tuesday. Still Leaked. The plumber is scheduled for in the morning. Now it will be his problem. Grrr.
Had this sweet drag car warm up and back up beside us this A.M. and finished repairing the coffee shop tonight


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We hired a climber yesterday! He is a big guy, biggest climber I have seen. He is an Indian, another first for me. I am so excited, you guys are a rare breed, so nice to meet another one. You could tell by talking to him, he loves his work. I love that.
India Indian or American Indian?

I didn't know you needed a climber. Is he replacing the cut hand fella?
He is an American Indian. MB, if a real climber walks into our office, we hire him/her. Period. You guys are so rare, you gotta grab em when you can. Patrick, the fella that got cut will be back next week.
if a real climber walks into our office, we hire him/her. Period.

I hear THAT. It's always worked for me, especially if you have all your own personal gear.

I was just thinking along the lines of business being kinda slow. I guess it ain't?

American Indian, eh? Most excellent - What tribe? I bet he's gonna be the best climber you've ever seen, with any luck. Indians are known for their abilities to work at height. Turn him on to the TreeHouse! What tribe? Ask him if he has any ceremonial scaring. You might be surprised.
I wussed out today, I was going to make a wood run today, but couldn't get anyone to ride along, everybody dropped out at the last min.
I figure it's sketchy enough going out there alone, much less going out there alone busted up was just asking for trouble.
American Indian, eh? Most excellent - What tribe? I bet he's gonna be the best climber you've ever seen, with any luck. Indians are known for their abilities to work at height.

Murphy started a thread at the buzz awhile back asking how many tree guys have native american blood...I didn't know at the time that I am 1/8 Mic Maq.
From the looks of it, in your avatar, the other 7/8ths must be albino!:lol:

Get some sun man!!!:P:lol:
Worked two hours this morning.

Then drove to a new (to us) saw mill to pick up some wood for my brother. Ended up getting a little tour of the place, from the owner. It's a 7th generation business, pretty cool. They go as far as turning your limber into hard wood flooring. Absolutely gorgeous material. He was really excited about showing me, and encourages bringing in my own logs. I think I'll keep a better eye out, would be cool to go from the guy cutting down the tree, to the flooring in my house.

Came home and washed my bike, gotta head out there and wrench a bit. Leaving tomorrow around 4 a.m. for Richford NY. A yearly event where a buddy rents the track, pretty fun.
Saw this little fella at the gas station on the way home today. Morgan I believe..
There have been some classic car clubs playing up here the last couple weeks... A lot of old muscle cars, model T's & A's and such.
I thought the Morgan would be a fun ride around Yosemite with all our good weather this week8)


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The Seminole Indians were down in the Florida area. They defended runaway slaves along with their territory, and Andrew Jackson couldn't subdue them. Three wars and they were done for....forced to the reservation.