How'd it go today?

Trees are, unfortunately, an after thought in most projects.

Lately, every time I talk to customers who have construction damage to their trees, I tell them to tell all their friends and family about pre-construction protection/ planning. Even it the customer is too late, their friends and families aren't too late...and can call me for a protection plan or consult.
When I got home the house was kind of hot and it had cooled down outside so I opened the doors and then promptly fell asleep on the couch. I woke up and was watching TV and then closed the doors. I could hear something in the house. Scared the crap out of me that someone was in there with me and it is some wild ass cat that I can't figure out how to get out of here. I go in there and he is going crazy trying to run through the glass door and I can't get past him to open it up.
Typical cat .Meows it wants out then stands in the doorway so you can't let it out .

Sneak out a window,get a chainsaw and chase him around the house a time or two .He'll think twice the next time .
When I got home the house was kind of hot and it had cooled down outside so I opened the doors and then promptly fell asleep on the couch. I woke up and was watching TV and then closed the doors. I could hear something in the house. Scared the crap out of me that someone was in there with me and it is some wild ass cat that I can't figure out how to get out of here. I go in there and he is going crazy trying to run through the glass door and I can't get past him to open it up.


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That would have been a pretty good picture, sorry I didn't think of it guys. You should have seen the cat though. Maybe I should just quit now, before I dig myself in further.
Last grass cut of the year I hope today. Grass and brush anyway. Left the bill and got on with our day after 2 hours. Went over to a clearing job we had done a few years back to pick up some wood the HO gave us. Now all I have to do over there is drop a tree and burn the slash from the other downed tree they took out to make room for the drive way. Split the wood on site and delivered it on the way home. Salvaged the day... Sorta... Anyway...
Tomorrow and Friday is tree work.. TG!
Just another day here. Split Ash hung up in another tree, I did the standing half while the boss went up the tree the other half was stuck in. Not my cup o'tea, so I used joysticks instead. Got that down, headed for a early day. Chipper stuck with the truck. 1.5 hrs later we rolled out.

Did some fork seals and bushing in my bike tonight, and watched a video with a couple buddies. Just got in.

Tomorrow I have the lift coming to my job to knock out some dead tops, suppose to rain at noon.
Currently .... The Windows Vista Home Premium Virus is being deleted off of my IBM Think Pad and being replaced by Ubuntu version of Linux :D Ohhh Happy day :lol:
60 gig C drive only had 3 gig left. Something HAD to be done. Speed was an issue too. :lol:
I love my XP.. Just this little bugger of a lap top takes a special version :P
So seeing the previous owner no longer had a disk and he upgraded the XP to Vista, Drastic measures had to be taken. Networking is not gonna work well. But I can roll with my office, upload to google docs and take over with my desk top in XP if I so desire. Thumb drive is a quick fix also.
Ah the good old internet .Mrs.Smith has been shopping for a Kohler sink which is not an inexpensive item .Bless her heart she latched on to just what she wanted via the internet located in Ft Wayne Indiana .About 175 bucks cheaper than locally .Actually about 275 cheaper than Lowes which is not the lowest in price surprisingly .For that kind of money I can make that round trip in less than two hours to pick it up .:D
Good and bad day today. Good, because I finished splicing all the gear I'm taking to the KY comp this Saturday and I got to hang with my friends.

Bad because we lost both of our two large jobs we were bidding on:( One bid, we put around $16k on, the hack company that won the bid put $10k on. How can we compete with that??:?