How'd it go today?

Worked at a friends mother's house. Her mental health is declining and the house has many problems. The old inoperative dryer was hard wired into the main panel. Found it double tapped onto a 50 amp :O:O breaker. To make matters even worse the 50 amp breaker fed into an old abandoned 60 amp main panel with screw in fuses that were left blank and open.
Double:O:O:O:O. So after finally finding a double pole 30 amp breaker to fit this obsolete Bryant panel I was finally able to wire in a new dryer plug so the appliance people will install the new dryer. Then I had to replace two old supply valves to the washing machine so the new one can be installed. Then to the upstairs. Replaced a light fixture in the bathroom. Next I have to put in a few outlets in the bathroom because she is running extension cords from the living room into the bathroom. Then it is on to the kitchen. Lord knows what I will find there.
Did some volunteer work at Ashland today. After 6 days of rain, the sun was a welcome sign today. Had an awesome time!!!! We climbed a 75' Hemlock, something that I enjoyed because it's the closest I'll come in KY to climbing a Redwood. We cleaned a lot out of that tree!! I spent a good 4 hours in the saddle. We even had a lunch in the tree, another first for me. A soda and some cheese and crackers. Took some pics that I'll post after dinner.

Gearing up for tomorrows big climb. A huge Sycamore, around 75' or higher, and just as wide. Around 6' DBH from what I hear. Cleaning out some big dead and every piece will be rigged out. Can't wait!!
I need a day away, I've got the mini loaded, the saws all ready, they start and run, I may even throw in a fishing pole for SAG's but I doubt it. I'm making a wood run in the am solo, I hope like hell it's not that muddy out there!

I think you got your answer Andy!!!! Sorry I wasn't home. Hopefully you didn't break anything, and the drive home went smooth.
Yeah, today went GREAT!!:roll: Hi Dave!
I made a wood run,slept good last night, unusual, I set my alarm for 6am but didn't turn it on, I got up at 7 and was on the road at 7:30m not all bad.
I got there at 9am, found a nice stash of dead trees, a real bitch to get to but once you get in there lots of room to work around, a real "honey hole"! Yeah, it was a bit soft, but I walked this three times and found solid ground all the way, so I I took the truck in. I burried it. OK, I take the mini off and unhook the trailer and get them both out of the way. The truck is still buried! OK, I get the mini and try and pull it down hill, yeah, that was funny!! It just wanted to nose dive! I tried pulling from the front but all I did was sink the mini.
OK, new plan, I broke out the come along from hell, I found a tree that I was woried about pullling out of the ground, and hooked a chain to it a chain to the lower A-arm on the truck (it's all you have, trust me!!) and started pulling, I BROKE the come along from hell!! Yeah, the catch on the sprocket bent into a U! Now the truck is stuck between the come a long and tow chains and I got nothing! I stop and think, then I get the BRILIANT idea of using a ratchet strap to get the tension off the chains. I have a lovely scare/bruise/war wound on my left shoulder from when the hook came out of the chain and nailed me in the the back of the shoulder!
OK, I am defeated, I, just out of shear hope, call Dave, he's at work and all of his family is Arkansas, it was a long shot! He tells me if I am still there at 6:30pm he can come to get me. I tell him if I am still there by then I will have put a bullet in my head!
I start the walk, I walk a mile to the neighbors place, then walk the quarter mile down the drive. I've heard a lot about this guy, nothing good!
He meets me at the door, I explain, he wants a min. to get ready "Sir, I am on your time, take as long as you want!!
He takes his 4x4 1/2 ton and has to hit me a couple of times to get me moving, but I finally do, he gets me off the broken come a long, I unhook it, but still can't move! He pulls me out again (hella cool guy!!) and sticks with me until I at least have the truck in a "safe" spot before he leaves, he even offerd to pull the trailer out for me, I owe this guy!
I pulled the trailer out with the mini, but all but sank it trying, and offerd this mand good cash money and he was offended (I like folks like that, you have to think to pay them back, but I will!)
I came homw with nothing, but was happy to be home!
Crappy pics


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Andy that sucks. But so is the life of a wood getter. You need to put a hammock on the truck for days like that. That way after your in the clear you can relax and listen to the trees. Did that comealong grab chain instead of wire rope? Cool as hell and it looks like it has gotten it's fair share of trucks unstuck. Better luck next time.

Sorry just went back and noticed the spool of wire in the drum.
Well at least you entertained us Andy. I went and did a stump from yesterday's job and took my Dad with me. He was going to help me push the grindings back in the hole but he got dizzy. Sometimes his blood pressure medicine works too good and he is fubared. Well he fed me dinner and now I am home.
Good ideas Pete, I must say! No, that is 3/8's or 1/2" steel cable on the come along, my Grandpa got ignorant when he built it (it seems to run in the family:lol:)
I have lieterally moved housed square on their foundations with that thing! The pics d not do it justice, trust me, it's HUGE!! My rule of thimb with it was if it gets hard to pull you are probalby breaking something! I guess I loaded it one to many times! I am not sure how I am going to make it stronger than he did, but I have no choice!

Dave, I doubt I will do much more than move tomorrow, the hook from the ratchet strap got me a lot worse than I thought it did. Nasty bruise and four inches of a nice gash.
Your lucky it's your shoulder/back. It could have been bad if it would have hit the back of your head. Take it easy, I am sure you will be sore for a few days.
We are doing street clearance in Howard tomorrow, so we would be around if you were headed out again....
Yeah, at first I was pissed, then I got to thinking "What if I was facing the other way? What if I got that in the back of the head!"
I got HELLA lucky and don't think I don't know that!!!

Thanks Dave, but after the chat with mama, and the pre-existing fears I've had, I really think my solo runs out there are DONE! I'l pay a "YO" just to come along and keep me company if nothing else, just so I am not 100 miles away from home and screwed alone anymore!
Today could have gone REALLY REALLY BAD!!
You ever think of getting a camera crew to follow you around Andy? Might make for a hit reality show.

Be safe out there.
Yesterday the ride home from the stumpgrinding was very interesting. I don't know what got my Dad started but he started telling me cowboy stories, pig catching stories, and one rattlesnake story about when he was a kid, before WWII.
That has an iteresting ring to it doesn't it Ryan!! Jeez, you think American Chooper is wild, "Hey ya'll, watch this!"

We put up a coat of paint today, nothing but ladder time, the knee gave out before I was done, but it is all covered. Got to go buy a bettey and make a lwan mower run now.
Got started on this yesterday afternoon to wind down, look better?


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Looks good man! I like it! I almost wanted to say I'll take it if you keep it pink. A pink trailer in asheville is as good as gold for getting noticed by a very large, and lucrative part of our local population. :lol:

Today was crazy for me. I was supposed to look at a couple jobs this morning, but instead I had to go take the BCMA exam on 30 min. notice! I had it scheduled for Weds, but I guess I signed up for today. :/:

I ended up with a 70%, so I'll have to retake it, which sucks.
Had an AWESOME day today!! We had Mike on today as a contract climber. Did a huge Sycamore and took down an 18" DBH Maple. I went up the Sycamore, but then decided it was too much for me and I'd go over my limitations. It's just freaked me out for some reason, as I'm not used to wide open trees with limbs 3 or 4 ft in diameter. Plus, winds were gusting 20 to 30 mph, something that gets to me when I haven't climbed in awhile.

I ended up removing the Maple, which was just as fun for me. Had to rope everything to avoid crushing the shrubs. Even got to rope the top out and rope some wood!!!! I took some pics I'll post up later today in the work pictures thread.
Just did the math and the $100 rope I ordered online is gonna cost me almost another $100 to bring it home. Nothing like paying for shipping twice. It'll be nice to have new rope though.
Looks good man! I like it! I almost wanted to say I'll take it if you keep it pink. A pink trailer in asheville is as good as gold for getting noticed by a very large, and lucrative part of our local population. :lol:

Today was crazy for me. I was supposed to look at a couple jobs this morning, but instead I had to go take the BCMA exam on 30 min. notice! I had it scheduled for Weds, but I guess I signed up for today. :/:

I ended up with a 70%, so I'll have to retake it, which sucks.

Andy, I though most of the UNC-A girls that live off campus would rent... :/:

Sorry to hear about the exam, but there is always next time.

I ran some errands, picked up some stamps, stopped by Wal-Mart, picked up a few odds and ends(to use with the stamps). :/:
Killed the bull pine over the cabin... Had to about lower everything I could not just cut and toss... Was on a slope that dropped to the cabin. 20-24 DBH and about 60 foot or so tall.. I am covered with pitch :P Should have worn long sleeves but it was hot today:|: Rob is about wore out from the lousy drag...
Went and did a 2nd consult on the tree I am trimming on Wed. so we could "be on the same page":roll: Well.... That is gonna cost him somewhere... ;)
Dinner time... :D
It's nice to be tired and dirty in that, 'I got a lot done today' sort of way, isn't it!!
Today was a good day. I bid the job for a day and a half and we did it in one. My guys have been bitching about work, "I hate raking twigs," or today's "Hey Darin why don't you get us more jobs like this?" We had to drag brush up a hill, a rarity here. My response was, "I'm just happy to be working and you should be too." A lot of folks are hurting and I think I could find someone more appreciative of the chance to work is what I was thinking. I hate hearing guys bitch because they want more hours and then complain about this or that part of a job. Its work, we don't really get to pick and chose that much.