How'd it go today?

LJ I was going to ask the same thing, I slept on a twin for many years and my feet hung over the end for the better part of it, I am only 6' tall, you must have slept diagonally eh? (as mentioned by Dave)
I've actually modified my bed a little. I put a rolled up sleeping bag at the head, that's what the pillow are on. It gives my an extra 6" or so. Feet still hang over the end. Someday I'll myself a king.
Pruned a good size live oak today. A compromise between how the HO wanted it done and what I thought would be best for the tree and structure near it. Then dead wooded about the lower half of the bugger. It had hangers from snow damage and mistletoe everywhere. Then removed a couple of little dead pines on the side of the house. He had a budget and we kept to it. He came home and was very pleased. We will be caring for the big oak in stages over the next year. :D Mistletoe is pretty involved in it. We will take a bit at a time to let the tree recover. About 60 foot high by 80 foot spread. 36-38 DBH... Pretty cool tree to climb :)
Now I have to figure out that cabling job estimate.:|:
Think I need to go take another look at the tree.. Any advise here is welcome..
Dynamic on three leaders of a white oak plus I figure two rods on the main two on the weak union with in foot foot up the main trunk.
Trying to decide between Cobra or Tree Guard so far..
Haha Burnham is right. I slept on my stomach and my feet hung between the foot board and the mattress.

If I make a first with each hand and put my knuckles together over my sternum, the width of my elbows is equal to a twin bed.
Two rods in the main trunk? Is it already cracked? If so, then the passive, soft cabling systems such as Cobra are not appropriate. Cobra is for making homeowners feel better about trees that haven't failed yet.
I sawed the bottom of my bed off about 12 years ago. I think it was some kind of mini-mac, looked like a kids toy, but was actually a gas saw.:lol: Now I don't have to wedge my feet at the end of the bed.
Has not failed yet Brian... HO just wants precaution... And rightly so by the looks of it.. Two leaders grown together included bark most the way down the stem. Just not cracked as of yet.. But it is starting to show signs of stress like it will crack soon.
California King is what I want, but finding sheets and what not is a real pain, but I think it would be worth it! There are nights it's nice being able to go all night withoug touching mama, and there are nights, well.

The knee has gotten much worse, my foot and ankle are now swollen up nicely. I'm taking off the rest of the week, being a bum, I'll see how it is Monday and how soon I can get in then.

I went and looked at the New Holland but he had it fixed before I got there. Damn safety override, if the hydraulic filter gets close to being clogged it shuts down the fuel supply:? Weired design to say the least!

Then sitting here eating dinner, shrimp Bertoli and my damn cap falls off my molar! I wonder ow super glue would work on that:lol:
WoW Andy, Wicked. Feel better.

I removed a 56" X 70' tall dead redwood.

and deadwooded a decent sized cypress.

Pretty fun, I havn't climbed in awhile.
It was good to remember what I enjoy about climbing.
I worked on my truck today. Took the power steering pump down to my local hycraulic guy and he said it was an Eaton pump and he couldn't fix it. I called the used truck place in Stockton and went up there and bought a new one for $350. Put it in and everything works great. Had to move the dealio with the suction pipe on it and the pulley from the old pump to the new.


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I trimmed a couple of modesto ash, one fruitless mulberry tree, and took out a leyland cypress tree. Got some sort of power steering oil leak going on. Can't see where it is coming from.
It was just another day. I started getting my address list together for some long overdue thank you notes.

I also started filling them out... no pre-made cards here, just good old fashioned hand-written cards.
Worked on my bush hacker knife, cleaned off the rust and pitch, and ground and sharpened it...oiled the handle. Regular clubhouse in my shop today, got to work about 4PM after the visitors finally vamoosed. Sharpened a few chains on the grinder. Ho hum....
Did about 6hrs in the saddle today, just making a royal mess for this dude. He was there already the day before and dropped everything he could, every square inch of this tiny yard ended up being covered in brush, logs, vine covered brushed about 3' tall.

He doesn't have a chipper, and the chipping guy is going to shit himself.
HO liked what we did and scheduled 2 more days in Nov. :D
Mistletoe removal on a regular tomorrow. Got paid and came home to a check. Been almost two weeks of just billing people and nuttin back... Working my tail off. Should be cash tomorrow also.. That will help :)
Been working in the rain for the last 2 days. Had a not so good day yesterday too. We broke a skylight on a house when removing a storm damaged lead from it. It sucks when the damages cost 3 times as much as the job you did.