How'd it go today?

I spent yesterday afternoon changing the AC/heater blower in my pickup. The old one would randomly make this really annoying and loud squalling noise. I really am not very experienced at this kind of automotive repairs, and usually manage to break something while doing the work.
1. The black one is the new one.
2. I had to remove the computer to make access. I was all paranoid that this was going to take some resetting that I didn't know how to do but everything worked fine.
3. View through the glove box.
4. All done.


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Been raining here since 7 or so in the morning.:(

Spliced the 120' Neo Pro rope were donating for the comp. I'll whip lock it and get a pic up later in the splicing thread. Going to do some homework, and go to the library for some research for a school paper.
Glad you are alright Jay, that could have been bad!

How did they go sawinredneck?

Well Damien, he went in the back of a police car:lol: I guess he was drunk, I still have yet to figure out how he got the car backwards in the ditch, but it was raining?
They finally got the whole mess cleaned up around 11pm.
Raining here, and I have a huge case of lack of motivation.. Looked at a couple of jobs, took Woody to Judo and watched "Ice Age" with him and drank a couple of brews. Havent even looked at a Wraptor all day, cannt say that very often...........
Had to cancel the finishing touches on that black oak from yesterday do to Bee-haviour :lol: Yup... What looked like a few pecker holes was a bee hive... :|: They weren't very active yesterday or today till I got near the nest with out knowing... Then out of the corner of my eye.... Almost put my foot on one of the entries. So I just quietly, slowly and gently set myself up for repel and even took the Wraptor with me.. The bees were more curious as to the goings on than mad or anything.. Just kept an eye on me till I was gone and hung around the opening. Well.. till I pulled out the rope:|: Broke a piece of dead wood off with the FS at another opening and they were a lil miffed. At least they were miffed at about 65 feet up while I was terra firma. :D8)
Looks like I will bee going back in cooler weather... 8)
Must say I have enjoyed the last few tree climbs. Nice to go from ground level to high up, with no effort.

And how about the South Carolina Gamecocks!
I spend a majority of the day replumbing my geo-thermal heat pump becaues of needed added safety devices . I installed an over heat and freeze stat moniter and cut off device on my discharge water . Too much money rapped up in that gizmo to let it get screwed up by having under rated safety devices .

Had a day laborer at work in my craw space I had spent half my summer in insulating my plumbing and replacing floor insulation I had torn down .

He got finished and I will tommorrow as I need one more switch to finish the job .Lowes is only about two miles down the road .:)
The day I live 2 miles from a Lowes, or any retail outlet for that matter, is the day I slit my wrists.

Well, maybe not, but I sure feel that way at this point, :D.
Took down a little bradford pear tree and a 36" dbh raywood ash. I think my powersteering/brake booster pump is going out in my truck.
Jesus Steve, your luck seems to suck as bad as mine!
Burn: I''d love to live in BFE, but the wife would die and I have to admit it's nice having a twenty min. run each way to get what you/I need!

I've had another bad bout with Christianity/hypocrites again this week, really don't want to get into it at this moment, but I am done with helping people out for a long while! People SUCK and my rates have doubled for future projects with these said Christians!

I need a day away, I've got the mini loaded, the saws all ready, they start and run, I may even throw in a fishing pole for SAG's but I doubt it. I'm making a wood run in the am solo, I hope like hell it's not that muddy out there!
Burnham, treemen don't slit their wrists.
They take a nosedive from a tall tree.
Much more dignified, and if done the right way, whoever is left behind may benefit from your life insurance:D
Almost got to napping & got call to go look at trees a lady wants removed. 5 trees all simple, three notch & drop, 2 already down just cut up & remove. They have seasoned ash all over the place laying there in good shape that they want out of the way. I volunteered to take it off their hands cheap as I already was doing the other trees.:) 3-4 months worth of heat laying there.
Looks like it might work into an annual job cleaning out flood zone from creek on their property.
I knocked out a stump for a landscraping friend this afternoon. I'm headed out to the shop to make a stand for the bench grinder.
Raining like a bastid all day today. Took the chain and sprockets off my mx bike for the arrival of new ones tomorrow. Did a bid, and put the new throttle on the chipper.