How'd it go today?

Took the dump trailer on her maiden voyage to pick up some sheeting. Shoulda repacked the bearings first:dur: Had to drive up on a block and cresent wrench the lug nuts off. Drove home 3 wheeled
Go buy a new saw, and then send it off to get modded, that'll cheer you up. :D

Recognizing an oncoming mood swing is a good sign. That means you have the power of mind to stave it off. :)
Pshaw port the danged thing yourself .You are not going to learn any younger .:|:

If my damned metal lathe wasn't on the blink I'd already have had a degree wheel to you my now .
The 200T doesn't need porting, I already have two others which both work fine, and I just called my Stihl dealer to order in a couple of the 14" lightweight bars so they can set up a new saw for me to pick up next week.

I just looked at another $big$ removal for next week, so I'm feeling a little better.
Sorry to hear about the saw Brian. We know how it feels to lose expensive gear here! Lost a rigging bag once. Had all our pulleys, carabiners, and some slings for rigging. Worst part was it contained a Hobbs block:whine:

Today was great compared to the last 2. It rained this morning, so we didn't start work till 12 or so. And at that, we only went and picked up the truck and trailer from the previous job. Then it was a quick run to get the chipper, and so a small job. I did two TD's. A Pin Oak and a Bradford Pear. Oak was small, 4"DBH. Bradford Pear was around 10" DBH. Felt great to notch and drop the stems. Way better than laying sod all day:D8)
Brian just needs to hang out with Amanda some more. That will make it all right!

You know Amanda right? Amanda Hugankiss?:lol::P
Sorry about the saw man! That sucks! I can say I have never done that, YET! But I have not put a chain on back wards YET, either. My day is coming! We did a job a while back and m help set my saw down under the back trailer. I ripped him!!! "NEVER, EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!! It's too easy to not see it, forget about it, leave it behind or run over it! ALWAYS put it someplace where it sticks out like a sore thumb!!" He didn't like my attitude, but understood my reasoning!
His wife broke he ankle today:cry: She came to help and I sent them to help jack a house while I leveled off a yard. No steps on the front porch, she dropped off and snapped that sucker!
It's been a maddening week!
Picked up a tractor for my bro this AM. Looked at a job, scored one I bid a week or two ago, got a welding class from Carl putting stake pockets on the back of the Ford. Rounded it off with some ice cream and Carl just set off for his voyage home.
Picked up a tractor for my bro this AM. Looked at a job, scored one I bid a week or two ago, got a welding class from Carl putting stake pockets on the back of the Ford. Rounded it off with some ice cream and Carl just set off for his voyage home.

If you need more welding advice, I'll be back up your way. the week of the 19th.
Damn Brian a saw is no biggie. Think of how you'd feel if you'd been a complete moron and left your boom up and wrecked your truck. I'm not easily depressed but that pushed my limits that one.

Today was awesome, and hot, really, really hot. Took out a birch clump and a poplar clump. Made some good coin. Sorry Brian the camera is still sitting on the kitchen counter where I had put it last night so I wouldn't forget it this morning.
Brian, sorry about your saw.

Ranger, glad for you to have had a good day today.

YEE-HAW........ I am finally out of the swamp I was working in for four days. had to climb one large cottonwood and cut a bit of brush and was done by 11AM.:boogie::boogie:
Boss gave me another job he said I wouldn't be happy about,:D but my feet are dry and I'm all good with it.:D
Skwishie, I have to say that your attitude and outlook are always inspiring. Thanks for that. :)

That's why I'm a hothead. When something pisses me off I react then and there, no storing stuff up so it finds a way out in some weird way. That I think is the root of alot of peoples problems/stress. Yet me because I call a spade a spade like when someone's being an idiot(even if it's myself :|:) I'm a hothead and have 'anger issues'. I'll show you anger issues alright. Piss me off and it's dealt with.

I dunno maybe I'm just immature still, need to slow down and take my time to let things settle in and ponder on it. Frig it life's to short for that jazz.

Like your saw, I'd be fuming and then I'd move on.

Y'all should have seen me when I crawled out of my wrecked bucket. Like a frigging tazmanian devil.:evil:

Oh yah, thanks for the compliment. Was this post uplifting enough for you. Lol.
It's good you are self aware enough to know what's coming up Brian. Need another trip to Cali?
I ground a stump this morning, an old, dead, sweet gum stump, took me about 3 hours. Lunch at the taco truck. Now I'm doing some office stuff and have to take my wife to the doctor.
Bummer about your saw, Brian. I could sure see myself doing that too.
Squishy, you need to get a handle on that thing, look at me, I only get pissed and depressed when people bring in a saw to get worked on, then remember to come and pick it up. :roll:
I went and did a small job downtown today. There were too many distractions for me while getting wrapped up and I failed to put my 200T away. I left it in the bed of the bucket truck next to the access steps and at some point on the way home it fell off the truck. I'm not even going to bother going back to look. The last time this happened (3 years ago with the other truck), I saw it fall off but had to drive about 1/4 mile up the road to find a place to turn around. I was back to the spot in about 4 minutes and the saw was gone. So there's no sense in even trying to go back and find this one, I doubt it was on the ground more than a minute or two.

So with that and some other things, I am recognizing that my depression is kicking in again. I need to do something to keep from falling down in that hole, it's dark and lonely down there.

go fishing,.....I lost a a couple saws that way
started in the rain.....maple, 2hrs.....sycamore, 2.5hrs......the Oak we preped yesterday, 3hrs. One bid, 6 phone calls.............took the kids fishing. Grilled chicken.....ready for the rest of the routine:|: