How'd it go today?

Hell, I've already forgotten.


Wait.. I remembered...

You misused a contraction, and I fixed it for you...
NoBivy, glad your mistake wasn't too costly, I've had a few reminders like that. The insides of my arms are almost healed up from gaffing out last week and I have a rope burn scar in my left bicep that came from misjudging a natural crotch I was rigging with.
Sheesh! Ya'll ain't right at all!

Glad you are OK John! Sounds like the deal I could have had yesterday!

Busted out the top part of the drive, I'll have to get some pics of this mess!! It's now grown to 8 1/2 yards! The pads at the front are out, and everything along the the drive to hedge, from the garage to the street will now be concrete! It's a friggin sea of concrete:lol:
By the time I am done, what isn't covered in concrete will be covered in gravel or wood:D
a little TD (20 some foot cedar) then two REALLY little TD's ( a rhododendron and a cryptomeria). :D


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we saw a great crane today... its helping to construct a new bridge hereabouts, open date is july 1, 2013. :D


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nope, I did use a bypass cut on the cedar then when it was almost ready to go over, we both grabbed the trunk , broke it off and threw the whole tree over the fence! lookout! :D
I went and did a small job downtown today. There were too many distractions for me while getting wrapped up and I failed to put my 200T away. I left it in the bed of the bucket truck next to the access steps and at some point on the way home it fell off the truck. I'm not even going to bother going back to look. The last time this happened (3 years ago with the other truck), I saw it fall off but had to drive about 1/4 mile up the road to find a place to turn around. I was back to the spot in about 4 minutes and the saw was gone. So there's no sense in even trying to go back and find this one, I doubt it was on the ground more than a minute or two.

So with that and some other things, I am recognizing that my depression is kicking in again. I need to do something to keep from falling down in that hole, it's dark and lonely down there.
Go buy a new saw, and then send it off to get modded, that'll cheer you up. :D

Recognizing an oncoming mood swing is a good sign. That means you have the power of mind to stave it off. :)
Lordy, sorry to hear. I've done the same thing, but luckily the saw was still there. I've known two other people that lost saws that way.

Never again!
I just got back from a trip to the Washington coast with Haley. We visited Burnham, Melanie and Jasper on Friday night and had a really pleasant evening with them. Haley had a great time going for walks with Melanie and kept asking me when we were going to go back and visit them again.

Saturday, we headed out to Long Beach in Washington to meet some friends of ours who have a cabin out there. We spent two days in the fog, swimming both days as the water temperature is about the same in our rivers here. On Monday we went to Scappoose, OR to the West Coast Boot Factory and in eight weeks I should have some custom boots. Afterwards we went to the OMSI, The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and played with science experiments and got a tour of the only post WWII submarine on permanent display, the USS Blueback. It made me wonder how tall Al is and if he worked on a sub that sized or bigger. After the OMSI we toured the waterfalls in the Columbia Gorge a bit and then started the return trek, finishing the drive today.

Now I have over a thousand posts to catch up with and about six bid calls.

It was real nice to have y'all to visit, Darin. Melanie really enjoyed Haley. Afterwards, I realized I never took you for a tour around the property, bad on me, so you'll have to make that return trip.
Sorry about your saw Brian... I sooooo know what that feels like...
Good that you are aware of the depression thing... Keep it in check bro. You know what to do :)


Got an early start and the truck started to over heat up the grade.... Turned around to town to let her cool off and figure out what I needed in town before I go back up the other grade to home... BTW... grade home is 1200' in 4 miles. Looks like the water pump is causing cavitation. So I bought a new one and will try that... Could be the impeller is just worn... Replace and see what haps:dontknow: