How'd it go today?

I just got back from a trip to the Washington coast with Haley. We visited Burnham, Melanie and Jasper on Friday night and had a really pleasant evening with them. Haley had a great time going for walks with Melanie and kept asking me when we were going to go back and visit them again.

Saturday, we headed out to Long Beach in Washington to meet some friends of ours who have a cabin out there. We spent two days in the fog, swimming both days as the water temperature is about the same in our rivers here. On Monday we went to Scappoose, OR to the West Coast Boot Factory and in eight weeks I should have some custom boots. Afterwards we went to the OMSI, The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and played with science experiments and got a tour of the only post WWII submarine on permanent display, the USS Blueback. It made me wonder how tall Al is and if he worked on a sub that sized or bigger. After the OMSI we toured the waterfalls in the Columbia Gorge a bit and then started the return trek, finishing the drive today.

Now I have over a thousand posts to catch up with and about six bid calls.
Cool trip, Darin.

Al won't talk about his submarine days much, sworn to a code of secrecy, I believe. He won't say how deep he has gone, though I have asked. :/:
Yep,sailed on a couple of WW2 era boats and stationed on one for a short period of time .USS Halfbeak,SS 352 commissioned 1946 .

I'm 6 feet tall but there were guys 6'6" .You learn how to duck or you have a head full of knots . .:) It helps to have a head about as hard as a buffalo .
Al, are those boats really as clean inside as you see in the movies? I remember in the great German movie, "Das Boot", there were hams and sausages hanging down from the pipes. That seemed more real than what Hollywood likes to portray.
got tossed.... but no stiches. live and learn

back in the saddle for a triple header crane job in the am....

sorry I missed you cookout Andrew.....went fishing instead8)
I hope it's not prison talk. :)
I pruned a sweetgum in an alley with the wires on the other side and did a little job on a city tree. Then went out to Oakdale and took out a small redwood.
Hotter than hates here, jumpin in the pool in a sec.
You hear stories about people jumping in pools when there is no water in them, sometimes from the diving board. Always check first.
If you're stupid enough to jump in a pool without looking to see if there's water in it first, then you should probably consider sterilizing yourself to prevent passing on the stupid to another generation.
Busted our buts trying to get this swamp done this AM and got a storm call about noon. had to leave the job and go get yelled at by some oriental man that couldn't communicate in english too well. Went back to swamp for afternoon but didn't get done......Damn! really wanted out of there but probably a half day tomorrow yet. Getting tired of walking through water over my knees to get to the tree I have to climb.

No-Bivy.....Hope your OK.....
loaded rope came across my lanyard....blew out spurs and sent me flyin'

I had a second tie in.....but still got ragdolled. A good flapper on my cheek was my red badge. could have been way worse. Smaller piece...or crane next time. I notched it but the rope came across wrong side...thus into my lap. doh

came down...."shakin..but not stirred". Band aid...calmed the crowd. Wraptored back up. Crane for the trunk wood in the am

crazy part. The rope bent my lanyard snap after it hit it. It would hardly open. I cut it off and replaced with a ball lock...then kept going

the only real damage is my PRIDE...been a long time since my last ragdoll. Worst part of the day, A friend called me to tell me they had an accident on the Green River...Sunshine, broken T12...FOCK:O I got off easy
Geez man, glad to hear you're ok.

Worked a grueling 13 hours day today doing crap work. Had to prep a 400sq ft area for sod, so we tore up all the existing grass/sod, rototilled it, put a layer of top soil, and then finally the sod. Everything had to be wheel-barrowed also about 200' back and forth to the trailer or chip truck.
Glad it wasn't worse John.
I was gonna call you, Darin to find out where you been!
We put in a long one today in the highest temps of the season. I'm bushed
Geez man, glad to hear you're ok.

Worked a grueling 13 hours day today doing crap work. Had to prep a 400sq ft area for sod, so we tore up all the existing grass/sod, rototilled it, put a layer of top soil, and then finally the sod. Everything had to be wheel-barrowed also about 200' back and forth to the trailer or chip truck.

If it makes money, isn't it just another day at work?

NO-Bivy, happy your still with us.