How'd it go today?

I wouldn't even know where to start on trying to estimate the number of cuts I make on a job. But I can tell you when the 200T is almost due for refueling.
My day...

Tie, cut, wait.

Tie, cut, wait.

Tie, cut, wait.

Tie, cut, wait.

Tie, cut, wait.

Tie, cut, wait.

Tie, cut, wait.

I just faxed in bids that I did over the weekend and did a couple more bids. Went swimming 3 times. I have work for tomorrow and a stump to grind on Wednesday.
Reminds me of my dad's wife who used to tell me how to mow the lawn when I was a teen. It didn't 'train' me for anything other than a strong intolerance for being told what to do by people who don't know what I'm doing. It only taught me that other people will try to boss you around for no reason other than they can, as long as you let them. I no longer tolerate all the crap that I put up with for so many years.

I hear ya Brian. I did a quote on the weekend for a big job on a nice lakefront estate here and it was a refreshing change for once. The guy told me right up front, 'I'm a orthodontist and if we were going to talk about teeth I'd expect you to listen to me. You're an arborist and we're going to talk about trees so you tell me what needs to be done'.8)
I think it's all about insecurity Brian. She needed to prove that she was smarter than a kid. Just be glad you're not like her.
I'd imagine your pump is in with black CPVC pipe Steve. Easy stuff to work with. It's flexable, hacksawable and patchable, all easily! I just pulleda 160' pump the other day. Bobcat pulled, and two guys guiding everything up. Easy Peasy! Check the wiring, make sure you have good power at the pump, then throw it away and put on a new one!
Really, $3500 around here, you are 100ft deep with casing, plumbing and a pump!

Today sucked! I wanted to do the Maple TD, but the HO was going to "run errands" instead! Whatever!
I went and bought a hank of Poison HY-VY and a Sugi "pocket-boy", I should have gone bigger! But it does work!
I HATE deadwooding!
I did a deadwood on a Maple this afternoon, I learned a LOT!
I am REALLY out of shape!
I REALLY HATE dead wooding!
I am not sure I like this climbing thing all that miuch! And I really HATE it being out of shape!!
Yeah, I have to go back and finish it! I really boned this one up, all my fault being this far out of shape!

I had a chunck of the broken rotted out limb come back at me and had nowhere to go! In shape or not! It split as it dropped and the butt came back at me. It bounced off my leg, no pain or injury, then split between the power and phone lines below! Which I told the HO I had no idea where or why it was going to go!
It sucks getting old!
We had to replace ours right after we built the house.... We added storage tanks so that the well pump only filll's the tanks(no pressure)... Then the line from the storage goes to the booster pump... We have 2... one at each house.. 1/2 and 3/4 HP. We are the higher use, bigger booster. Booster pump pressurizes the water in the bladder tank taking the pressure off the well pump.. It really makes a difference and makes the pump last.... Like protecting and lengthening the life of the hardest to service unit IYKWIM.8)
Steve your well is not that deep, but do you have a check valve between the pump and the well head? Another thing to check is the size of your bladder tank. If it is sized too small your pump will short cycle and this greatly reduces pump life. My well is 260 feet deep with the pump at 210. I pulled it out by hand myself, just needed a friend to walk the pipe back. 3500 just to replace the pump is ridiculous.
had an Dr. appointment with the boy this morning, they still can't figure out why he had the seizures. This is the third Dr. who told us he'll probably be fine. Would be nice to have a diagnosis though.

Did some pruning for an undercover operation today. We get a few of these calls every year, when undercover cops need us to open up some sight lines for them. Its kind of weird being watched and not knowing it, the detective called me exactly as I took my hard hat off to let me know we had done a great job.8)
Steve your well is not that deep, but do you have a check valve between the pump and the well head?
Generally speaking a submersable pump does not use a check valve,more commonly refered to as a foot valve . These are limited as a rule to deep or shallow well jet pumps which almost nobody uses these days .

Now in the case of a multiple house deal I would most definately install checks after the pump plus multiple pressure tanks .

In the case of an extremely long plumbing run ,point of use pressure tanks have an advantage of keeping the water pressure from dropping . Like for example somebody is taking a nice hot shower and some else flushes the toilet scalding the shower taker .:O
I was able to work between the drops today - I was sure we were gonna be rained out, but it just missed us. Excellent.
Worked till noon today. Was hot and no breeze at all, just still and hot. I bailed on my second small job and came home, I'll get it in the morning.

In addition to my big Thursday job, I booked work for Friday, Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Still looking for a few days off to get the oil leak fixed on my truck.
Slayed two tulips and two locusts, then pruned two peaches and a big twisted willow tree. :D

No Fishing though... :/:

I'm going in tomorrow after work to trade in that lame duck 192T for a real deal 200T. I'm tired of messing with that thing. :roll:
Worked out at that ranch that I lined Steve up for a TD on the ant infested Bull Pine. Going back tomorrow and two days a month as long as she will have us... She first wants all the brush gone to up her grass for the cattle. Then pretty the trees ... yada yada.... Should take me years... LOL It's either 110 0r 120 acres. Gonna bring home some firewood from the place tomorrow (about a cord) as my bonus :D
It was rather hot today so we only put in 5 hours and called it. Rob is still tuckered out from the Ocean Side drive and no sleep. Me I am tuckered from the kids and lack of sleep.... Lilly had some separation anxiety from while Katy was gone and kept me up every hour or so. Felt good to wake up to my woman though this AM. She got home about midnight last night... I feel like I am going to be as bad as Gerry if she starts staying away for a few nights:|:



