How'd it go today?

Public pools....and the photo doesn't show the people under water. :|:


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Tokyo. I don't think it is staged. The subways during rush hour are even worse. They get used to it. It's probably a day during the upcoming summer holiday, when everyone is off work and out of school, and it's hot. Not an independent thinking race is a factor.
Don't know if I could ever live w/o having "my space". Don't even go into the city unless I have to. Glad to be in rural area.
My best friend called today. He had a visitor in a Cobra, and since he knows I have a thing for those, he'd talked the guy into giving me a ride.
The one with the big grin is me:lol:


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A buddy of mine had a Shelby Cobra for a while. I posted a picture here a while back, but can't find it now. I guess it was before the last forum crash.

Anyway, I got the emergency job handled this morning. There were bees in the lead where it broke, so that made the job extra interesting. There were actually two separate hives, one one in the lead that came down and a second about 5' below the break. I only got stung once so it was all good.
There are only two Cobras in the whole of Denmark, so getting a ride in one of them was a lucky shot.
The "house" is Svenstrup castle, I started my logging career in their forests about 30 years ago.
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Working on Kubota maintenance. I've been having an increasing problem with cooling, and I had tried just about everything I could think of, except the t-stat. I just took the old one out and it wouldn't budge. No wonder it wouldn't cool! With the gasket, that brings my non-operator induced repairs to just over $43.:lol: (operator induced repairs are at about a grand.:roll: )
Well I got most of my lights up in the crawl space but I ran out of Romex .

Put a longer starter rope on my 200T then broke the danged fuel cap which kind of sucks with a half life .:(

Oh well,beer thirty on the patio for now .
Busy day for me with the day care gig since Katy went to Ocean Side. :P
My mom and dad stopped by also and have a TD for me to do. Probably next Sun. Two new roosters found their way to the house today also.. Fed all the critters. Kids are having growth spurts and eating like no tomorrow...
So I guess I'll clean up the house tomorrow and see if and when I will get anything else done :P:|:
I am friggen beat....
I got my pool filled up but not without some drama. I went to have lunch with my Mom yesterday because my Dad is in Idaho and when I returned we had no water in the house. I think I have traced it down to the pump. I have juice to the pump controller box and when I reset the breaker there nothing happens and then the breaker trips again in about 5 seconds. It is a 1 1/2 hp submersible and everytime we pull it out of the well it is wiped out and has to be replaced to the tune of $3,500 plus. I tied into the neighbor's water system to get us by until our pump is fixed. I ran a hose over and put a double female on a faucet at our house. I think it was in 2000 that we last replaced the pump.


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How deep is the well? I had to replace my pump once. Did it in one afternoon I think the pump was only 3 or 400 dollars.